International Yuri Manga ‘Alter Ego’ Released in EnglishToday, Tokyopop released Yuri manga Alter Ego in print. The manga was previously released digitally in English in December 2020.Alter Ego is written and illustrated by Ana C. Sánchez and is published under Tokyopop’s romance and LGBTQ+ imprint LOVE x LOVE. Born in 1990 Sánchez is a Spanish artist and her work is part of Tokyopop’s International Women of Manga collection. She became interested in drawing at a young age and is inspired by games and manga with deep character and emotional baggage.The publisher describes the manga:Noel has always been in love with her best friend Elena, but she’s never been able to find the courage to confess her feelings. Then, when her friend starts dating a boy, Noel’s world collapses as she sees her chance at love slipping away.One night, in a moment of desperation, Noel ends up confessing her feelings for Elena to a complete stranger — but as fate would have it, this stranger turns out to be a girl named June, Elena’s other best friend… and Noel’s rival in love! Worst of all, now June knows Noel’s secret. With everything suddenly going wrong, how can Noel ever win the girl of her dreams?Check out Alter Ego today in English digitally and in paperback:

The Holy Mother of Yuri