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My Blood & Bones in a Flowing Galaxy (砕け散るところを見せてあげる, SABU, 2020)
A young man’s attempt to protect a bullied schoolmate leads him into infinite darkness but eventually also to the light in SABU’s poetic teen drama
決死の一発描きをお見せします。 My life risking drawing, without rough sketches!
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。今回は、連載中の漫画「あさドラ!」より、主人公・浅田アサの一発描きをほぼノーカットでお見せします。 This is the channel of a Japanese Manga artist Naoki Urasawa. He draws a picture of Asa Asada from his recent work without rough sketches this time. The…
スタジオダブの裏話: サンライズの名作アニメを作った人々 – 西村誠芳ロングインタビュー
The post スタジオダブの裏話: サンライズの名作アニメを作った人々 – 西村誠芳ロングインタビュー appeared first on
Princess Mononoke (もののけ姫, Hayao Miyazaki, 1997)
A young man from an exiled clan tries to make peace between the natural world and the industrial in Hayao Miyazaki’s landmark 1997 animation
あの作品の裏話もー。漫画家の星野泰視さんにお越しいただきました。A Talk with Urasawa’s old assistant, Yasushi Hoshino.
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。今回は漫画家で元浦沢アシスタントの星野泰視さんにお越しいただき、アシスタント時代の思い出やデジタル作画、漫画制作の裏話などを語っていただきました。 [ゲスト] 星野泰視 Yasushi Hoshino 漫画家。山形県出身。『哲也~雀聖と呼ばれた男~』(原案/さい ふうめい)で第24回講談社漫画賞受賞。著作に『江川と西本』(原作/森高夕次)、『ABC殺人事件』(原作/アガサ・クリスティー)など。現在『日本を創った男~渋沢栄一 青き日々~』を「ヤングチャンピオン」にて連載中。 “Urasawa Channel”, a YouTube channel by a Japanese manga artist Naoki Urasawa. This time, he invites a manga artist and his former assistant,…
Funuke Show Some Love, You Losers! (腑抜けども、悲しみの愛を見せろ, Daihachi Yoshida, 2007)
The petty resentments of a dysfunctional family quickly escalate when a failed actress returns home in Daihachi Yoshida’s dark farce
漫画において重要…!脇を固める役者の描き方 Important to Manga! How to Draw Superior Side Characters
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「あさドラ!」第7集発売を記念して、脇を固める役者たちの重要性と描き方、そして年配の方を描く際のポイントについてお話ししました。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. In commemoration of publishing “Asadora!” Vol.7, Naoki Urasawa explains the importance of side characters, how to…
Episode #72 (S10E1) – Princess Mononoke [ もののけ姫] (1997)
We kick off Season 10 with one of the most internationally renowned animated films of all time. Derick McDuff of the Underrated network returns to discuss Studio Ghibli’s…
【背景迷子必見】浦沢流、海の描き方をお見せします。How To Draw an Ocean by Naoki Urasawa: Tips for Realistic Background
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「あさドラ!」第9集発売に合わせ、背景の描き方・海を描くコツを紹介します。 主人公・浅田アサが劇中で口ずさんでいる楽曲「It's Because I Love You」のMVもあわせてお楽しみください! Urasawa Channel is presented by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. In this episode, he demonstrates how to draw the background especially sea in…
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese (窮鼠はチーズの夢を見る, Isao Yukisada, 2020)
An office worker struggles to accept his sexuality after reuniting with a college friend in Isao Yukisada’s dark romantic drama.
Lonely Glory わたしの見ている世界が全て Director: Keitaro Sakon
Lonely Glory わたしの見ている世界が全て, directed by Keitaro Sakon, plays as part of the Japan Film Festival + 2023 season.
Beast Alley (けものみち, Eizo Sugawa, 1965)
A hotel maid is dragged into conspiracy after murdering her bedridden husband in Eizo Sugawa’s incredibly dark post-war noir.
You sure about that? - How to Japanese - September 2024
Touching the Skin of Eeriness 不気味なものの肌に触れる (2014) Dir: Ryusuke Hamaguchi
“Touching the Skin of Eeriness” turns from coming-of-age drama to supernatural mystery and is packed full of absorbing physical performances. 不気味なものの肌に触れる (2014) Dir: Ryusuke Hamaguchi…
Touching the Skin of Eeriness 不気味なものの肌に触れる (2014) Dir: Ryusuke Hamaguchi
“Touching the Skin of Eeriness” turns from coming-of-age drama to supernatural mystery and is packed full of absorbing physical performances. 不気味なものの肌に触れる (2014) Dir: Ryusuke Hamaguchi…
Kaiba, Kyousougiga, Kyousougiga, Jinsei - Life Consulting, The Idol Master
Remembering Every Night/全ての夜を思い出す
In 2017, director Kiyohara Yui released her first feature film, Our House (私たちの家), and established herself as a talent to watch. Though that film at times felt a…
The Green Music Box (緑はるかに, Umetsugu Inoue, 1955)
A lonely little girl finds herself dragged into conspiracy when her father is kidnapped by spies in Umetsugu Inoue’s bizarre musical adventure.
漫画で「迫力ある動き」を描く方法を解説します。How To Draw a Dynamic Movement in Manga
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「Happy!」電子版解禁に合わせて、漫画における迫力ある動きの描き方について説明しました。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. In commemoration of the digital distribution of “Happy!”, Naoki Urasawa explains how to draw a dynamic…
浦沢流、手描き色塗りの方法をお見せします。How to color by hand in Urasawa style: Drawing and Coloring "PLUTO" 's Gesicht
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「PLUTO」電子版解禁を記念し、アナログ色塗りでゲジヒトを描いてみました。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. To celebrate the release of the digital version of “PLUTO“, Naoki Urasawa draws an illustration and…
Follow the Light (光を追いかけて, Yoichi Narita, 2021) [Fantasia 2021]
An alienated young man resentful of his forced relocation to the countryside bonds with an intense classmate in Yoichi Narita’s gentle coming of age drama
Domains 王国 (あるいはその家について) (2019) Dir: Natsuka Kusano
Domains is a thoroughly absorbing drama thanks to excellent performances and its unique structure. Domains 王国 (あるいはその家について) (2019) Dir: Natsuka Kusano
Kimi no tame ni Sekai ha Aru (きみのために世界はある)
As you may remember, I’m a huge fan of Usui Shio’s series Kaketa Tsuki to Donuts. So when a collection of Usui-sensei’s work came out from Ichijinsha, I…
Nobody Can Pass Judgment on Me / 誰も僕を裁けない
I’m fairly certain the title of the book is meant to be a defense against reading erotica in public… Anyway, Nobody Can Pass Judgment on Me...
Ghost Cat Anzu (化け猫あんずちゃん, Yoko Kuno & Nobuhiro Yamashita, 2024)
A young woman begins to make peace with past and future after befriending a ghost cat in Yoko Kuno & Nobuhiro Yamashita’s charming rotoscoped animation.
NovelAI Stable Diffusion Midjourney 画像:2022年10月の段階で三つの作画AIに「女の子、キツネ耳、白耳、白尻尾、ぴっちりボディスーツ、だぼだぼジャケット、秋葉原、夜の街、雨、路面に反射」などと入力した出力した結果。絵柄は指定しておらずそれぞれの作画AIのデフォルトスタイルである。 ■今回の騒動の背景を少々…… 作画AIが及ぼす影響について日本のクリエー…
The Light of Spring (ひかりのどけき, Fumito Fujikawa, 2022)
Pushed to breaking point by the pressures of the contemporary society amid the coronavirus pandemic, an ordinary family undergoes a trial separation in Fumito Fumikawa’s neorealist drama
Those Who Cast a Curse Like the Headless / 首無の如き祟るもの
And so we arrive at the third book in the Genya Toujou series . The previous two books provided a wonderful blend of J-horror, murder myster...
A Madder Red (茜色に焼かれる, Yuya Ishii, 2021)
A single mother and her son face the myriad injustices of the modern society with dignity and grace in Yuya Ishii’s quietly seething pandemic-era social drama.
God Seeks in Return (神は見返りを求める, Keisuke Yoshida, 2022)
A middle-aged nice guy decides maybe he should ask for something in return after all only to get more and less than he bargained for Keisuke Yoshida’s thorny…
ka no you ni かのように - Meaning in Japanese
What ka no you ni かのように means in Japanese. Grammar and examples.
Image of a Mother (母のおもかげ, Hiroshi Shimizu, 1959)
A little boy’s difficulties in accepting his new stepmother express an anxiety about the changing nature of the family in Hiroshi Shimizu’s familial melodrama.
井上俊之による『君たちはどう生きるか』- ロングインタビュー
銀魂 - 鍋は人生の縮図である (25)
GinTama - The hot-pot is a microcosm of life Episode 25
Break Down That Wall / その壁を砕け / Sono kabe o kudake (1959)
Obscure Japanese Film #108 Izumi Ashikawa and Yuji Odaka in foreground Saburo (Yuji Odaka) is a young Tokyo garage mechanic who has been w...
You’ll Fall For Me (君は僕をスキになる, Takayoshi Watanabe, 1989)
Two mismatched friends find their relationship strained when they unwittingly end up falling for the same guy in Takayoshi Watanabe’s charmingly absurd Christmas rom-com.
Anata no Yoru ga Aketera (あなたの夜が明けたら)
Anata no Yoru ga Aketera (あなたの夜が明けたら), translated on the cover as After Sunrise, Haru Harukawa Collection is a collection of shorts by, obviously Harukawa Haru. Some of these…
Hana no Asuka-gumi! ∞Infinity, Volume 9 (花のあすか組! ∞インフィニティ)
Once again, we come to the end of the longest-running girl-gang manga series. I say “again,” because this series has ended several times before. This first time when…
Hana no Asuka-gumi Infinity, Volume 7 (花のあすか組 ∞インフィニティ)
Buckle in, folks, today’s review is going to be a lot of expository commentary for a payoff that may seems small to you, but is hella powerful to…
Hana no Asuka-gumi Infinity, Volume 8 (花のあすか組 ∞インフィニティ )
A few weeks ago, I reviewed HabuCore F, the 10-years-later epilogue to a series Hayate x Blade (はやて×ブレード), which I described as “a gonzo battle/school manga series.” I…
ユダヤ人から見た小林賢太郎氏のホロコーストコント(JPN Editon)
皆さんは情報を発信する時、誰の目に留まるのか意識しているでしょうか?日本人と繋がりの深いユダヤ人から見た小林賢太郎のホロコーストコントに関する本音をお伝えします。(JPN edition of original English post.)
Will I Be Single Forever? (ずっと独身でいるつもり?, Momoko Fukuda, 2021)
A series of young women find themselves contemplating the meaning of a modern marriage in Momoko Fukuda’s empathetic social drama
konna koto mo arou ka to こんなこともあろうかと
What konna koto mo arou ka to こんなこともあろうかと means in Japanese, with examples.
Yōko Ogawa’s 2022 collection 掌に眠る舞台 contains eight stories connected by the broad theme of “stages.” Some stories are about the world of performing arts, while others take an…
Yōko Ogawa’s 2023 collection からだの美 brings together sixteen short essays on the theme of bodies and physicality. The three primary topics are sports, performing arts, and animals. The…
Famous Kitsune Characters in Anime and Manga
Kitsune characters, the legendary fox spirits of Japanese folklore, captivate anime fans with their charm, mystery, and emotional complexity. Representing both benevolence and mischief, these fox spirits are…
Inu X Boku Secret Service, InuYasha, Kamisama Kiss, Naruto, The Helpful Fox Senko-san
Watashi no Kobushi wo Uketomete, Volume 4 (私の拳をうけとめて!)
Watashi no Kobushi wo Uketomete, Volume 4 does something wonderful. But first…. Soramori and Takebe are taking a trip. To an onsen. Overnight. Yeah, and don’t think they…
Watashi no Kobushi wo Uketomete, Volume 3 ( 私の拳をうけとめて)
In Volume1 and Volume 2, we met Soramori and Takebe, former rivals in high school gangs who have met once again as adults. Soramori confesses to Takebe that…
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