A trio of teens begin to find new direction in their lives after coming together to organise a fireworks festival in Emiko Hiramatsu warmhearted local drama.
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![Background image for The Tales of Kurashiki 蔵のある街 (2025) Director: Emiko Hiramatsu [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2025]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20250314/1741965957.99712.142712.jpg)
The Tales of Kurashiki 蔵のある街 (2025) Director: Emiko Hiramatsu [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2025]
The Tales of Kurashiki 蔵のある街 (2025) is a celebration of the beautiful historic city by director Emiko Hiramatsu who sets a youth story in her hometown and delivers…

いる vs ある #learnjapanese
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GinTama - The hot-pot is a microcosm of life Episode 25

The Angry Street (怒りの街, Mikio Naruse, 1950)
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A lawyer finds himself questioning his own identity while searching for that of a man who’d been living under an assumed name in Kei Ishikawa’s existential mystery.

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持つ vs ある to Mean "Have" #learnjapanese
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The Big Boss (暗黒街の顔役, Kihachi Okamoto, 1959)
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The Last Gunfight (暗黒街の対決, Kihachi Okamoto, 1960)
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Domains 王国 (あるいはその家について) (2019) Dir: Natsuka Kusano
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Street of Love and Hope (愛と希望の街, Nagisa Oshima, 1959)
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Can You Say このぬいぐるみいる? #learnjapanese
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Over the Town 街の上で Dir: Rikiya Imaizumi [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2021]
A charming cringe comedy that takes place in Tokyo’s Shimokitazawa. Over the Town 街の上で Dir: Rikiya Imaizumi [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2021]

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Basic Japanese Sentence Structure No.6 ある to be, to exist
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A Bullet Hole Underground (地下街の弾痕, Kazuo Mori, 1949)
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Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Tales Of Eternia
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Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Those Who Cast a Curse Like the Headless / 首無の如き祟るもの
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Touching the Skin of Eeriness 不気味なものの肌に触れる (2014) Dir: Ryusuke Hamaguchi
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『戦国魔神ゴーショーグン 時の異邦人(エトランゼ)』のあとがき

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Woman of Design (その場所に女ありて, Hideo Suzuki, 1962)
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JRPG Review: Tales of the Abyss
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Tales of Symphonia the Animation (OAV)
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Tales of Vesperia: The Ambitious Edge
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The Endings of Japanese Folk Tales
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The Real Thing 本気のしるし Dir: Koji Fukada (2020)
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"Should You Say あなたの物ですか?" #learnjapanese
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A Girl Named Ann (あんのこと, Yu Irie, 2024)
A young woman’s attempts to turn her life around are frustrated by compromised authority figures and an indifferent society in Yu Irie’s hard-hitting drama.

Tales of Wedding Rings: The Lord of the Rizz
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Tales of ChoHakkai Released!
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Tales of Arise DLC?!?
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Your Japanese is Good If You Get This No.3 てもらう・てくれる・てあげる
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The Time-Bending Tales of Makoto Ueda
By Tom Wilmot. Writers tend to have a motif, an idea or theme that persists throughout their work, distinguishing their projects and allowing them to form an artistic…
Holiday Review #13: TALES OF THE KINGDOM
Mostly I'm just glad that this year brought us yet another beautiful and subtly queer manga from Asumiko Nakamura. TALES OF THE KINGDOM ( O...