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Detective Chinatown 1900 (唐探1900, Chen Sicheng & Dai Mo, 2025)
The Detective Chinatown team head back to turn of the contrary San Francisco in the latest instalment of the mega hit franchise

The Village (ヴィレッジ, Michihito Fujii, 2023)
The toxicity of life in small-town Japan is manifested in a giant recycling plant in Michihito Fujii’s poetic drama

Bloody Shuriken (赤い手裏剣, Tokuzo Tanaka, 1965)
A cynical ronin spots a business opportunity when he rides into a town beset by gangsters in Tokuzo Tanaka’s samurai western.

Troll Factory (댓글부대, Ahn Gooc-jin, 2024)
An earnest journalist’s conviction that a major corporation is paying people to start flame wars blossoms into a dark obsession in Ahn Gooc-jin’s journalistic thriller.

Albino (アルビノ, Toru Kamei, 2016)
Two women struggle to free themselves from the abuses of a patriarchal and conservative society in Toru Kamei’s tragic lesbian romance

Eleven Samurai (十一人の侍, Eiichi Kudo, 1967)
Faced with dissolution, a wronged clan plots revenge against a selfish and entitled young lord in Eiichi Kudo’s nihilistic jidaigeki.

Blue Ribbon Awards Announces Winners for 67th Edition
Unexpected indie hit A Samurai in Time picks up both Best Film and Best Actor while Yu Irie’s A Girl Named Ann takes Director and Actress.

Japan Academy Film Prize Announces Nominees for 48th Edition
This year’s frontrunner is Michihito’s Fujii’s Netflix movie Faceless which is nominated for 13 awards in 12 categories.

Alone No More (得寵先生, Daniel Ho & Thomas Lee Chi-wai, 2024)
A little dog literally and more figuratively saves the life of a grumpy old man in Daniel Ho & Thomas Lee Chi-wai’s warmhearted drama.

Labyrinth Romanesque (花園の迷宮, Shunya Ito, 1988)
Echoes of violence reverberate through a haunted hotel in Shunya Ito’s romantic ghost story.

The Greatest Challenge of All (喜劇 一発勝負, Yoji Yamada, 1967)
A prodigal son rocks the social order in Yoji Yamada’s anarchic nonsense comedy, The Greatest Challenge of All.

Nang Nak (นางนาก, Nonzee Nimibutr, 1999)
A love that extends beyond death threatens the social order in Nonzee Nimibutr’s dramatisation of the classic folktale.

Four Hours of Terror (高度7000米 恐怖の四時間, Tsuneo Kobayashi, 1959)
A fugitive on the run for a murder hijacks a passenger plane in an attempt to get away in Tsuneo Kobayashi’s airborne thriller.

The Colors Within (きみの色, Naoko Yamada, 2024)
“If I could see my own colour, what kind of colour would it be?” the heroine of Naoko Yamada’s The Colors Within (きみの色, Kimi no Iro) asks herself.…

Born to Fly (长空之王, Liu Xiaoshi, 2023)
Elite test pilots set out to reclaim Chinese “dignity and security” through the development of a next generation stealth fighter in Liu Xiaoshi’s action drama

Castle of Owls (忍者秘帖 梟の城, Eiichi Kudo, 1963)
A surviving member of the Iga clan swears vengeance on Toyotomi Hideyoshi only to slowly come to the realisation that the best revenge is living well in Eiichi…

Leaving on the 15th Spring (旅立ちの島唄~十五の春~, Yasuhiro Yoshida, 2013)
“How many of them will come back?” a man on the shore ominously asks as he watches the young people of his island ship out to pursue their…

The Swimmers (ฝากไว้..ในกายเธอ, Sophon Sakdaphisit, 2014)
Fragile masculinity and male failure bring about tragic consequences in Sophon Sakdaphisit’s possibly ironically named psychological horror

A Brother and His Younger Sister (兄とその妹, Yasujiro Shimazu, 1939)
A young man’s love of go ends up getting him into hot water at work in Yasujiro Shimazu’s surprisingly progressive shomingeki.

Nanayo (七夜待, Naomi Kawase, 2008)
A young woman travels to Thailand in search of herself but discovers the traumatic legacies of colonialism and the inefficiency of language as a tool for communication in…

Sister Sister 2 (Chị Chị Em Em 2, Vũ Ngọc Đãng, 2023)
An ambitious young woman determined to escape the world of sex work resorts to a series of schemes to get close to the number one beauty in 1930s…

Genocide (昆虫大戦争, Kazui Nihonmatsu, 1968)
The insects have had enough in Kazui Nihonmatsu’s wasp-themed disaster film.

Drawing Closer (余命一年の僕が、余命半年の君と出会った話。, Takahiro Miki, 2024)
A young man with a year to live finds new purpose after meeting a girl who is also dying of a terminal illness in Takahiro Miki’s teen junai…

A Legend (传说, Stanley Tong, 2024)
The funny thing about the strangely generic title of Stanley Tong’s latest Jackie Chan vehicle A Legend (传说, chuánshuō) is that it’s at least partly in reference to…

Octopus with Broken Arms (误杀3, Jacky Gan Jianyu, 2024)
It’s quite surprising, somehow, that Octopus with Broken Arms (误杀3, wùshā 3) gets away with as much as it does simply being another recent mainstream movie set in…

Lumberjack the Monster (怪物の木こり, Takashi Miike, 2023)
Could being a psychopath actually be better? It might be an attractive thought for some, the absolute freedom of living without emotional or moral constraint. Emotion is after…

Passing Fancy (出来ごころ, Yasujiro Ozu, 1933)
A feckless widowed father faces twin crises when he falls for a young woman and his falls ill in Yasujiro Ozu’s depression-era drama.

Honey Money Phony (“骗骗”喜欢你, Su Biao, 2024)
The victim of a romance scam teams up with a scammer to get revenge in Su Biao’s remake of Thai rom-com The Con-Heartist.

Hey! Our Dear Don-chan (おーい!どんちゃん, Shuichi Okita, 2022)
A trio of actors undergo a coming-of-age tale of their own when a baby is suddenly abandoned on their doorstep in Shuichi Okita’s charming slice of life dramedy

Jeans Blues: No Future (ジーンズブルース 明日なき無頼派, Sadao Nakajima, 1974)
Nihilistic lovers on the run make a break for the sea only to find their pathway blocked in Sadao Nakajima’s anarchic love tragedy.

Tales from the Occult: Body and Soul (失衡凶間之罪與殺, Frank Hui, Daniel Chan Yee-Heng, Doris Wong Chin Yan, 2022)
The second in a series of horror-themed anthologies, Tales From the Occult: Body and Soul (失衡凶間之罪與殺) takes fairytales as its theme but truth be told none of the…

The Parades (パレード, Michihito Fujii, 2024)
Living a life without regrets is easier said than done. The protagonists of Michihito Fujii’s The Parades (パレード, Parade) each have unfinished business that prevents them moving on…

Lightning (稲妻, Mikio Naruse, 1952)
An aspirant young woman envisages a different life herself than the dissatisfactory marriages of her mother and sisters in one of Mikio Naruse’s more hopeful drama.

A Little Girl’s Dream (夢は牛のお医者さん, Yoshiaki Tokita, 2014)
Yoshiaki Tokita’s documentary follows a little girl for 25 years as she achieve her dreams of becoming a vet.

The Twilight Years (恍惚の人, Shiro Toyoda, 1973)
A middle-aged woman struggles to care for her father-in-law as his dementia intensifies in Shiro Toyoda’s empathetic drama.

Ballerina (발레리나, Lee Chung-hyun, 2023)
A former bodyguard goes up against a gang of drug dealers when her friend is assaulted in Lee Chung-hyun’s pulpy action thriller.

A Muse Never Drowns (ミューズは溺れない, Nozomi Asao, 2022)
A teenage girl flounders amid a series of changes in her life while questioning her future and identity in Nozomi Asao’s empathetic coming-of-age film.

Golden Partners (黄金のパートナー, Kiyoshi Nishimura, 1979)
Two aimless best friends team up with a young woman looking for her missing father to find long lost wartime gold in Kiyoshi Nishimura’s breezy adventure.

Wonderwall: The Movie (ワンダーウォール 劇場版, Yuki Maeda, 2020)
Students rise up against an oppressive faculty when a historical dorm is threatened in Yuki Maeda’s indie drama.

Let’s Have A Dream (九ちゃんのでっかい夢, Yoji Yamada, 1967)
Fearing he has a terminal disease a young man falls into despair little knowing he is the heir to a Swiss fortune in Yoji Yamada’s nonsense comedy.

King Boxer (天下第一拳, Jeong Chang-hwa, 1972)
An earnest martial arts student squares off against a corrupt rival school in Jeong Chang-hwa’s seminal kung fu drama.

Wicked Priest 5: Breaking The Commandments (極悪坊主 飲む打つ買う, Buichi Saito, 1971)
The Wicked Priest returns for his final adventure and once again finds himself tackling the corruptions of the mid-Meiji society.

Wicked Priest 4: The Killer Priest Comes Back (極悪坊主 念仏三段斬り, Takashi Harada, 1970)
Shinkai finds himself embroiled in a local river worker dispute after returning home to hold a memorial service for his mother in the fourth instalment of the Wicked…

Wicked Priest 3: A Killer’s Pilgrimage (極悪坊主 念仏人斬り旅, Takashi Harada, 1969)
Three years on from his arrest at the end of the previous film, Shinkai returns for more lecherous adventures across Japan.

Wicked Priest 2: Ballad of Murder (極悪坊主 人斬り数え唄, Takashi Harada, 1968)
The Wicked Priest returns for a second adventure but once again finds himself confronted with imperfect paternity

Wicked Priest (極悪坊主, Kiyoshi Saeki, 1968)
A bunch of corrupt monks get a lesson in business ethics from one of their own in Kiyoshi Saeki’s aptly titled Taisho-era romp.

Young Black Jack (ヤング ブラック・ジャック, Kentaro Otani, 2011)
Young Black Jack’s life is forever changed after a traumatic event on Christmas Eve in Kentaro Otani’s origin story for the iconic manga character.

Curse of the Blood (怪談残酷物語, Kazuo Hase, 1968)
Vengeful ghosts in Japanese cinema usually originate from some kind of injustice. Generally, they’ve met a bad end through no real fault of their own while the person…

Manila by Night (Ishmael Bernal, 1980)
Contemporary youth is swallowed by the darkness of the Marcos-era capital in Ishmael Bernal’s meandering nocturnal epic.

The Mourning Forest (殯の森, Naomi Kawase, 2007)
“There are no set rules,” according to the reassuringly steadfast head of a rural nursing home in Naomi Kawase’s The Mourning Forest (殯の森, Mogari no Mori). Uttering the…