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Featured image for 日記Background image for 日記


A kanji update - How to Japanese - July 2024

How to Japanese

How much did Norwegian Wood weigh?

In the newsletter this month I did a check-up on my kanji study. The prognosis? DOA. I haven’t done a serious kanji repetition for over a year now.…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 聖地巡礼Background image for 聖地巡礼


Pilgrimages - How to Japanese - June 2024

How to Japanese

Holy Rollers

The June newsletter is up over at Substack. I wrote about 聖地巡礼 (seichi junrei), a word that means “pilgrimage of holy sites” which has been largely taken over…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 文壇Background image for 文壇


Exploring the literary world - How to Japanese - May 2024

How to Japanese

The State of 文芸誌

The newsletter is online, which means so is the podcast: This month I wrote about the 文壇 (bundan, literary world), which is most easily accessible in monthly literary…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 文Background image for 文

Sentence skeletons - How to Japanese - April 2024

How to Japanese

Sentence Diagramming

I just sent out the newsletter for April. This month I focused on diagramming Japanese sentences. This is something I’ve been trying to do recently to get a…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 角ハイBackground image for 角ハイ


Whiskey trends in Japan - How to Japanese - March 2024

How to Japanese


In the newsletter this month I wrote about 角ハイ (kakuhai). This is a combination of 角瓶 (kakubin), Suntory’s flagship whiskey, and ハイボール (highball), a mixed drink made from…

How to Japanese

Featured image for まとめるBackground image for まとめる


Bringing things together - How to Japanese - February 2024

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – Episode 48 – The 1,000-yen Haircut and まとめる

On the podcast this month, I continued the conversation about value in Japan, specifically looking at the 1,000-yen men’s haircut, which I think is one of the worst…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 見積もりBackground image for 見積もり


Here - How to Japanese - January 2024

How to Japanese

Thrifting, Retaining Value, and the New Translation of Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World – Podcast Episode 47

I come from a family of thrifters and hoarders. It’s not fatal—we throw out our trash regularly and occasionally sort through the pantry—but we do accumulate stuff. And…

How to Japanese

Featured image for そうこうしているうちにBackground image for そうこうしているうちに


"Meanwhile" - How to Japanese - December 2023

How to Japanese

いろいろ December 2023

I ran out of space over at the newsletter this month, so I thought I’d share the いろいろ section on the blog instead. Podcast link at the bottom!…

How to Japanese

Featured image for コロケーション (連語)Background image for コロケーション (連語)

コロケーション (連語)

Collocation - How to Japanese - November 2023

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – Episode 45 – コロケーション

I finally managed to see John Wick: Chapter 4. It only came out in Japan in September, six months after it’s initial release. In the newsletter this month,…

How to Japanese

Featured image for スミマセンBackground image for スミマセン


Visual communication - How to Japanese - October 2023

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – Episode 44 – スミマセン

In the newsletter this month, I took a look at 非外来語のカタカナ表記 (non-gairaigo katakana notation), which is a complicated way of saying “katakana used to write words that are…

How to Japanese


Year 1: Boobs, The Wind, Baseball, Lederhosen, Eels, Monkeys, and Doves Year 2: Hotel Lobby Oysters, Condoms, Spinning Around and Around, 街・町, The Town and Its Uncertain Wall, A Short Piece on the Elephant that Crushes Heineken Cans Year…

How to Japanese

Featured image for それがBackground image for それが


An interesting conjunction - How to Japanese - September 2023

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – Episode 43 – それが

Ahoy! Here’s the podcast, kanjilubbers! This month I’m talking about the message behind the message, inspired in part by my high school calculus teacher, Dr. Collins. Check out…

How to Japanese

Editing Norwegian Wood

Year 1: Boobs, The Wind, Baseball, Lederhosen, Eels, Monkeys, and Doves Year 2: Hotel Lobby Oysters, Condoms, Spinning Around and Around, 街・町, The Town and Its Uncertain Wall, A Short Piece on the Elephant that Crushes Heineken Cans Year…

How to Japanese

Old Shoes

Year 1: Boobs, The Wind, Baseball, Lederhosen, Eels, Monkeys, and Doves Year 2: Hotel Lobby Oysters, Condoms, Spinning Around and Around, 街・町, The Town and Its Uncertain Wall, A Short Piece on the Elephant that Crushes Heineken Cans Year…

How to Japanese

Booze Bus

Year 1: Boobs, The Wind, Baseball, Lederhosen, Eels, Monkeys, and Doves Year 2: Hotel Lobby Oysters, Condoms, Spinning Around and Around, 街・町, The Town and Its Uncertain Wall, A Short Piece on the Elephant that Crushes Heineken Cans Year…

How to Japanese

The Closet Massacre

Welcome to Year 16 of Murakami Fest! This year, as hinted in last month’s newsletter and podcast, I’ll be continuing my look at 遠い太鼓 (Distant Drums), Murakami’s travel…

How to Japanese

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A subtle but important tip for written Japanese - How to Japanese - August 2023

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – Episode 42 – のだ

I remember vividly learning how to use んだ in Japanese. My third year teacher did a section on storytelling/explaining, and she had us tell different stories over and…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 漢字Background image for 漢字


Kanji strategies for rookies and veterans - How to Japanese - July 2023

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – Episode 41 – Kanji

I have such good memories of the Fourth of July 2021. It was a perfect day in Chicago. Clear and warm but not hot, and when the sun…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 倒置Background image for 倒置


Inversion - How to Japanese - June 2023

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E10 – Review of The City and Its Uncertain Walls

It took me two months, but I finally got through my review of The City and Its Uncertain Walls. Here are my thoughts. The review itself is online…

How to Japanese

The Stakes in “Tears of the Kingdom”

This year has been a bit of a wash so far in terms of my own productivity. I caught COVID in early January, fell into a Murakami hole…

How to Japanese

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Thesauri in Japanese - How to Japanese - May 2023

How to Japanese

Featured image for 村上Background image for 村上


Immediate Reactions to Murakami's New Novel - How to Japanese - April 2023

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E09 – Immediate Reactions to Murakami’s New Novel

Good God, that’s Murakami Haruki’s music! 街とその不確かな壁 (The City and Its Uncertain Walls/The Town and Its Uncertain Wall) launched today in Japan, and holy moly, it’s a wild…

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E08 – Predictions for Murakami’s New Novel

It’s the final podcast before publication of the new Murakami novel! I go over some Murakami vocabulary, predictions I have for the novel, and some comments about potential…

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E07 – Murakami Bibliography – 2006-2023

This week is the third part of my look at Murakami’s complete bibliography. See my Google Sheet version of all this information and follow along with the podcast…

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E06 – Murakami Bibliography – 1988-2005

This week is the second part of my look at Murakami’s complete bibliography. See my Google Sheet version of all this information and follow along with the podcast…

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E05 – Murakami Bibliography – 1979-1987

This week on the podcast I’m taking a close look at Murakami’s complete bibliography for the first eight years of his career. See my Google Sheet version of…

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E04 – Murakami Novel Power Rankings

It’s finally time – here are my Murakami Novel Power Rankings! I spent the last two months re-reading Murakami’s novels, and I feel prepared to put them in…

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E03 – Murakami’s Origin Story

This week, I take a look at Murakami’s famous origin story with the help of writer and translator Matt Schley. We looked at ten different accounts of the…

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E02 – The Murakami Season

Well, I’ve had a week to mull over the title announcement for the new Murakami novel, and I’m still just as stunned as I was last week. Here’s…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 街Background image for 街

The Town, and Murakami's New Novel - How to Japanese - March 2023

How to Japanese

How to Japanese Podcast – S03E01 – Emergency Murakami Podcast

We have the title for the new Murakami novel due out on April 13! It’s the same title as a 1980 novella that Murakami disavowed as a “failed…

How to Japanese

SWET Event – Blogging, Podcasts, and Translation

Last minute notice, but I’ll be participating in an event for SWET (Society of Writers, Editors, and Translators) this Saturday Japan time (Friday evening U.S. time). Really excited…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 美術館Background image for 美術館


A very short message this month about museums - How to Japanese - February 2023

How to Japanese


A bit late, but 新年おめでとうございます! The newsletter went out a couple weeks back, and I wrote a little about 甘える (amaeru), a word that is extremely difficult to…

How to Japanese

Featured image for 甘えるBackground image for 甘える


Brute forcing difficult words - How to Japanese - January 2023

How to Japanese