A young woman begins to make peace with past and future after befriending a ghost cat in Yoko Kuno & Nobuhiro Yamashita’s charming rotoscoped animation.
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Film Review: Ghost Cat Anzu
It’s a well-known fact that orange cats are…special. But temple cat Anzu-chan may just be the most special orange of all: he’s 37 years old, close to six…
Slacker Chimera: Ghost Cat Anzu
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Ghost Cat Anzu Anime Movie Review
Ghost Cat Anzu is a deeply strange but entertaining film that, although it seems to start as a silly comedy, proves to be profoundly emotionally intelligent and interesting.
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Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 08 (Tsundere Little Maid Ghost #しゃちされたい)
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Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 11 (#しゃちされたい)
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(Easy Japanese Song) 先輩、気づいてよ - Notice Me, Senpai (feat. ちーちゃん CV: @hoshigumo_suzu ) / YuTanP
Sign Up for My Japanese Lessons & Get the Lyrics PDF with Definitions and Grammar Explanations https://bit.ly/3y1SrCA 先輩、気づいてよ - Notice Me, Senpai (feat. ちーちゃん) Written and produced by YuTanP Vocal 星雲すず☆*゜https://www.youtube.com/@hoshigumo_suzu Illustrations…
Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 01 (A Healing Little Girl Ghost! #しゃちされたい)
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Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 07 (Summer Activities #しゃちされたい)
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Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 09 (Autumn Activities! #しゃちされたい)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 09. Yuurei-chan & Myaako go shopping. Tsukimi and Halloween arrive.
Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 02 (Too Adorable! #しゃちされたい)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 02. Yuurei-chan comes to Fushiharai's home. Fushihara's kohai gets freaked out.
Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 04 (Sisters of Sorts #しゃちされたい)
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Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 06 (Adorable Yet Sad #しゃちされたい)
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Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 03 (Enter the Kitten! #しゃちされたい)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 03. Fushihara and Yuurei-chan adopt an abandoned kitten, who has a humanoid form
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Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 05 (Children’s Day and Getting Lost #しゃちされたい)
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Transforming Manga to Film: Ghost Cat Anzu’s Unique Adaptation
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Hiragana Song あいうえおにいいさん (ft みーぽん CV @swimmy_music ) / YuTanP
Sign Up for My Japanese Lessons & Get the Lyrics PDF with Definitions and Grammar Explanations https://bit.ly/4aFRVb7 あいうえおにいいさん - Hiragana Song Written, Arranged, Produced by YuTanP Vocal: https://www.youtube.com/@swimmy_music Drums: Glenn Welman https://www.fiverr.com/glennwelman Guitar:…
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