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浦沢流、手描き色塗りの方法をお見せします。How to color by hand in Urasawa style: Drawing and Coloring "PLUTO" 's Gesicht
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「PLUTO」電子版解禁を記念し、アナログ色塗りでゲジヒトを描いてみました。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. To celebrate the release of the digital version of “PLUTO“, Naoki Urasawa draws an illustration and…
決死の一発描きをお見せします。 My life risking drawing, without rough sketches!
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。今回は、連載中の漫画「あさドラ!」より、主人公・浅田アサの一発描きをほぼノーカットでお見せします。 This is the channel of a Japanese Manga artist Naoki Urasawa. He draws a picture of Asa Asada from his recent work without rough sketches this time. The…
「MASTER キートン」風なコマ割りをお見せします。How to draw a “MASTER KEATON”-esque layout
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「MASTER キートン」電子版解禁を記念して、花鳥風月を感じる"キートン風コマ割り"を描く様子をお見せします。 “Urasawa Channel” by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. To celebrate the digitalization of “MASTER KEATON”, Naoki Urasawa shows how to draw a “MASTER KEATON”-esque layout, which…
漫画で「迫力ある動き」を描く方法を解説します。How To Draw a Dynamic Movement in Manga
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「Happy!」電子版解禁に合わせて、漫画における迫力ある動きの描き方について説明しました。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. In commemoration of the digital distribution of “Happy!”, Naoki Urasawa explains how to draw a dynamic…
漫画家・浦沢直樹、YouTube始めます。Hello YouTube from Naoki Urasawa, a Japanese Manga artist
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」始めます!今回はYouTubeバナー&アイコンに使用するイラストを描いてみました。 A Japanese Manga artist Naoki Urasawa has launched his own YouTube called ”Urasawa Channel”! Now he draws some pictures for its banner and icon. Don’t miss it! #浦沢直樹 #NaokiUrasawa #あさドラ! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ◆浦沢直樹新作「あさドラ!」最新第5集購入はコチラ ◆【無料試し読み】「あさドラ!」第1話はコチラ ◆浦沢直樹公式Twitter ◆『浦沢直樹の漫勉neo』新シーズン決定!! 毎週水曜日…
漫画において重要…!脇を固める役者の描き方 Important to Manga! How to Draw Superior Side Characters
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「あさドラ!」第7集発売を記念して、脇を固める役者たちの重要性と描き方、そして年配の方を描く際のポイントについてお話ししました。 “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. In commemoration of publishing “Asadora!” Vol.7, Naoki Urasawa explains the importance of side characters, how to…
浦沢直樹より重大なお知らせ。YouTube更新が止まっていた理由… Important Notice from Naoki Urasawa
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。1981年に新人賞を受賞してから2021年でちょうど40年の節目に、〇〇を解禁します。 The year 2021 marks exactly 40 years since I won the Rookie Award in 1981, so I will be starting XX for my very first time. #浦沢直樹 #NaokiUrasawa #重大発表 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ◆浦沢直樹電子書籍特設サイト Naoki…
【Dr.テンマ登場】スクリーントーンの使い方をご紹介します How to apply screen tone : Drawing Dr.Tenma
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。「MONSTER」電子版解禁に合わせて、スクリーントーンの使い方についてお話しします。 “Urasawa Channel” by a Japanese Manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. To celebrate the digitalization of “MONSTER”, Naoki Urasawa shows how to apply screen tone. #浦沢直樹 #NaokiUrasawa #MONSTER ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ◆浦沢直樹電子書籍特設サイト 上記サイトに設置されたバナーより「見開き読み推奨マーク」のダウンロードが可能です。 マークは事前の申請などの必要はなくどなたでも自由にお使いいただけます。 ◆浦沢直樹最新作『あさドラ!』6集購入はコチラ ◆【無料試し読み】「あさドラ!」第1話はコチラ ◆浦沢直樹公式Twitter ◆『浦沢直樹の漫勉neo』新シーズン決定!! 22:00~ NHK Eテレにて 放送予定:3月2日 渡辺航氏/3月9日 青池保子氏/3月16日…
定規を使って線を引く方法をご紹介します。The most basic of basics, how to draw a line with a ruler.
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。線を引くための特訓方法や普段使用しているペン、線を綺麗に引く秘密兵器などをご紹介します。 “Urasawa Channel”, a Youtube channel by a Japanese Manga artist Naoki Urasawa. Urasawa sensei demonstrates a special training he imposes on new disciples, introduces a pen he always…
OZLAND (オズランド 笑顔の魔法おしえます。, Takafumi Hatano, 2018)
A snooty young woman from Tokyo rediscovers a sense of magic in the everyday when dispatched to a rural theme park in Takafumi Hatano’s cheerful workplace dramedy
I Go Gaga, Welcome Home Mom (ぼけますから、よろしくお願いします。~おかえりお母さん~, Naoko Nobutomo, 2022)
In a followup to her hugely popular documentary, Naoko Nobutomo follows her parents as her mother’s health continues to decline.
Okiku and the World (せかいのおきく, Junji Sakamoto, 2023)
A samurai’s daughter falls for a lowly manure man in a city on the brink of change in Junji Sakamoto’s touching dramedy.
Funuke Show Some Love, You Losers! (腑抜けども、悲しみの愛を見せろ, Daihachi Yoshida, 2007)
The petty resentments of a dysfunctional family quickly escalate when a failed actress returns home in Daihachi Yoshida’s dark farce
【完全即興】何も見ずに"あのキャラ"を描けるのか?「パイナップルARMY」裏話も!Urasawa Draws The Famous Characters Without Samples
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。浦沢直樹作品電子化プロジェクト、いよいよ完結!「パイナップルARMY」電子化記念ということで、当時の裏話をたっぷりとお届け。総勢7キャラクターを何も見ずに描くというお題にもチャレンジしました。 Urasawa Channel is an official YouTube channel run by a Japanese manga artist Naoki Urasawa. As “Pineapple Army” was digitalized, the digitalization of his past works have been…
Naoki Urasawa: Sneeze and Asadora
This episode, we’re talking about two Naoki Urasawa manga. Our older series is Sneeze, and our newer...
Mujirushi by Naoki Urasawa Review
What are dreams? To many, they are something to strive for. To others, they are forgotten relics of the past. They can keep someone motivate...
Naoki Urasawa: Sneeze and Asadora
This episode, we’re talking about two Naoki Urasawa manga. Our older series is Sneeze, and our newer...
Sneeze: Naoki Urasawa Short Stories
If there is one mangaka that I want to know about, it’s Naoki Urasawa. I am still not the largest manga reader because I haven’t sold my soul…
Asadora! (Volume 1) by Naoki Urasawa
I don’t who is convincing the Ramsey County library to buy all of Naoki Urasawa’s work, but the fist volume of Asadora! just showed up and so I…
Seeking fansubber help | 日本語のネイティブスピーカーを探しています | Mencari fansubbers | 寻找翻译帮助
We’re seeking help for a subbing project (an 80s dorama). Looking for people who are either native Japanese speakers, or proficient in the language. Most of the initial…
Ep. 99: Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka Vol. 1, by Naoki Urasawa
This week the Mangang covers Pluto: Urasawa X Tezuka, one of the most requested-books-to-cover since we started making the podcast... 99 episodes ago!?
Private ha Honnin-tachi ni Makasete Orimasu (プライベートは本人たちに任せております)
I picked up a copy of Private ha Honnin-tachi ni Makasete Orimasu (プライベートは本人たちに任せております) (translated in English on the frontispiece as Private Life Is Left To Them, Yuri Talext…
あの作品の裏話もー。漫画家の星野泰視さんにお越しいただきました。A Talk with Urasawa’s old assistant, Yasushi Hoshino.
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。今回は漫画家で元浦沢アシスタントの星野泰視さんにお越しいただき、アシスタント時代の思い出やデジタル作画、漫画制作の裏話などを語っていただきました。 [ゲスト] 星野泰視 Yasushi Hoshino 漫画家。山形県出身。『哲也~雀聖と呼ばれた男~』(原案/さい ふうめい)で第24回講談社漫画賞受賞。著作に『江川と西本』(原作/森高夕次)、『ABC殺人事件』(原作/アガサ・クリスティー)など。現在『日本を創った男~渋沢栄一 青き日々~』を「ヤングチャンピオン」にて連載中。 “Urasawa Channel”, a YouTube channel by a Japanese manga artist Naoki Urasawa. This time, he invites a manga artist and his former assistant,…
Small, Slow But Steady (ケイコ 目を澄ませて, Sho Miyake, 2022)
An aspiring boxer begins to lose the will to fight in Sho Miyake’s empathetic character study.
【MV】浦沢直樹「It's Because I Love You」
浦沢直樹「あさドラ!」主人公の浅田アサが口ずさんでいる"あの歌"「It's Because I Love You」のミュージックビデオがついに公開! 楽曲が収録されたニューアルバム「Love Songs」も2025年2月発売予定ですのでお楽しみに! "It's Because I Love You," the song that Asa Asada hums in "Asadora!" by Naoki Urasawa has finally been released! Additionally, the new…
Ani no Yome to Kurashiteimasu., Volume 7 (兄の嫁と暮らしています。)
Kuzushiro’s Ani no Yome to Kurashiteimasu. (兄の嫁と暮らしています。) lurches along, awkward, uncomfortable, neither a romance nor something else, and yet, I cannot look away. I last reviewed Volume 5,…
Okiku and the World せかいのおきく (2023) Director: Junji Sakamoto [New York Asian Film Festival 2023]
Okiku and the World せかいのおきく (2023), directed by Junji Sakamoto, is an absolutely heart-warming and moving story of love set during the end of the samurai period. Its beautiful…
Bread of Happiness (しあわせのパン, Yukiko Mishima, 2012)
A warmhearted couple offer gentle support to a series of lonely souls from their cosy Hokkaido cafe in Yukiko Mishima’s slice of comfort foodie cinema
Remembering Every Night (すべての夜を思いだす, Yui Kiyohara, 2022)
A series of women wander around Tama New Town each searching for something in Yui Kiyohara’s wistful drama.
Mabataki (まばたき)
Mabataki (まばたき) is a collection of short stories by Battan, creator of Run Away With Me, Girl. This is another manga I picked up while in Japan (I…
Remembering Every Night/全ての夜を思い出す
In 2017, director Kiyohara Yui released her first feature film, Our House (私たちの家), and established herself as a talent to watch. Though that film at times felt a…
Suizou Ga Kowaretara, Sukoshi Ikiyasuku Narimashita. (膵臓がこわれたら、少し生きやすくなりました。)
In her last book about her physical health, My Alcoholic Escape From Reality, Nagata Kabi-sensei explained the circumstances that landed her in the hospital with alcoholic pancreatitis. We…
Atsuhiro Yoshida’s 2018 linked short story collection おやすみ、東京 chronicles the adventures of a cast of slightly odd characters with subtle connections to one another. Each of the stories…
行こう ikou VS 行きましょう ikimashou #learnjapanese
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Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) December ED (12月の歌) - The Candy Train (お菓子の汽車)
Sung by (歌): Kyōko Ishige (石毛恭子) Lyrics (作詞): Yaso Saijō (西條八十) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Teruyuki Noda (野田暉行) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!
PODCAST - Ep. 99: Pluto vol. 1 by Naoki Urasawa
The manga you’ve been waiting for us to talk about is here! This week, we get into PLUTO volume 1, Naoki Urasawa’s epic reimagining of Osamu Tezuka’s Astro…
Kushami / Sneeze : A Short Story Collection by Urasawa Naoki
My wife was at a Friends of the Library board meeting last night, so I had some time to kick around and see what was new in the…
An Interview with Junji Sakamoto, Director of Okiku and the World せかいのおきく [New York Asian Film Festival 2023]
Okiku and the World せかいのおきく (2023), directed by Junji Sakamoto, is an absolutely heart-warming and moving story of love set during the end of the samurai period. Its beautiful…
OZの迷宮 ~ The Labyrinth of “OZ”
Being a private detective is not a job but a way of life. Being a master detective is not a way of life but destiny. One victim is…
Naoki Urasawa is on YouTube and it’s Rocking my World
Naoki Urasawa is on YouTube, did you know that? Not a random interview or anything, he has his own channel! You should subscribe!
Are です・ます Always Polite and Formal? #learnjapanese
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Break Out (行き止まりの挽歌 ブレイクアウト, Toru Murakawa, 1988)
A maverick cop realises he can only enforce the law by breaking it in Toru Murakawa’s hardboiled ’80s noir.
Umibe no Cain (海辺のカイン)
For those of us interested in Yuri, the name Kimura Minori might not be the first one of the Magnificent 49ers who comes to mind, but like so…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 401: Sneeze-The Naoki Urasawa Story Collection
In this four hundred and first episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan is joined by frequent collaborator Doug Wilder of (@nigoki on twitter) to discuss an…
Sisters Royale: Five Sisters Under Fire [シスターズロワイヤル 5姉妹に嫌がらせを受けて困っています] (PlayStation 4) Unboxing
A few days ago I received a shoot em up from Japan, and it came with some interesting goodies.
Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) October ED (10月の歌) - The Scarecrow and the Sea (案山子と海)
Sung by (歌): Yoshiko Mari (真理ヨシコ) Lyrics (作詞): Yaso Saijō (西條八十) Composition (作曲): Minao Shibata (柴田南雄) Arrangement (編曲): Akihiro Komori (小森昭宏) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this…
How to 菓子パン
I just sent out the May newsletter. I wrote about my love of 菓子パン (kashipan). The croissant above I don’t think technically counts as 菓子パン? My theory is…
Shigoto no Nochi Dakishimete (仕事の後は抱きしめて)
Aota Yui is a young woman with a dream – she wants to be a chef. To get there, she needs to be accepted by the restaurant’s Taisho.…