Dororo Adventure Novel: Choose Your Own AdventureDororo created by Tezuka OsamuText written by Toriumi Jinzō & Suzuki YoshitakeTranslated by Ainikki the Archivist Scene 104    Hyakkimaru heard armor rattling, not with his senses but with his psychokinesis. He knew that his pursuers were soldiers fleeing the battlefield.     "Hey, kid! Hand over all your money!"    "I don't have any money."    "Hmph. Fine. Then give us that fancy sword you're carrying instead."    Hyakkimaru removed the sword from his hip, still in its sheath, and threw it to the ground.    The moment one of the fallen warriors approached the fallen sword, Hyakkimaru's right arm suddenly rose in threat. The sword blade embedded in his right arm cut straight through the soldier's throat and came out the back of his neck.Check A. See your Adventure Card.Go to Scene 187.

Translations by Ainikki