Dororo Adventure Novel: Choose Your Own AdventureDororo created by Tezuka OsamuText written by Toriumi Jinzō & Suzuki YoshitakeTranslated by Ainikki the Archivist Scene 8Note: This is a battle scene. The random number to use in place of a 6-sided die is 3.Dororo lobbed his stick at the enormous ape's head with a loud cry of battle.    The strike connected, but the enormous ape didn't react. It was possessed by a demon, after all. As Dororo tried to land more blows, it avoided the stick easily, seeming amused. As Dororo lunged, the enormous ape leaped to the side, and Dororo's momentum was so great that he fell to the ground. His hands went numb from the force of the impact.    Dororo got up and dusted himself off. "You've really done it this time, guy! Now I'm angry! Don't make light of me! I'm your opponent!" He attacked with his bare hands, but was soundly rebuffed. It was as if there was a protective barrier around the ape. When Dororo touched that barrier, he was propelled away, practically flying for a few moments until he came to a crashing halt against the trunk of a tall tree.    Dororo is fighting alone, so the battle calculation is as follows: (Dororo's Attack Power + Dororo's Defensive Power) x Dororo's Luck x 1d6 (a random number between 1 and 6) + Experience Points)If Dororo wins the fight (>180), go to Scene 51.If Dororo loses the fight (<180), go to Scene 230.

Translations by Ainikki