Dororo Adventure Novel: Choose Your Own AdventureDororo created by Tezuka OsamuText written by Toriumi Jinzō & Suzuki YoshitakeTranslated by Ainikki the Archivist Scene 1    The misty evening smelled of blood. Warriors lay strewn in pieces across a battle-scarred meadow, every corpse shredded by spears and swords. The battlefield was nearly silent, save for the night calls of insects.    How horrible, Hyakkimaru thought. He often felt great pity for the unfortunate people he met.     Loud footsteps disturbed the grassy meadow behind Hyakkimaru.     "Hey, you!"Don't wait to be attacked. Strike first! Go to Scene 104.You don't know these people. Walk on by. Go to Scene 33.

Translations by Ainikki