Dororo Adventure Novel: Choose Your Own AdventureDororo created by Tezuka OsamuText written by Toriumi Jinzō & Suzuki YoshitakeTranslated by Ainikki the Archivist Scene 6    The first light of the morning sun touched the dead and empty village. No farmers rose to do their chores and no villagers went on errands to the silent shops.     Hyakkimaru stood outside the farmhouse where he'd taken shelter and faced down the wild mountain dog. The dog glared at him from several paces away. The boy peeked out at them from the entrance of the farmhouse, his face pale from battle and nervousness.     The wild dog and Hyakkimaru ran at each other at the same time. The wind howled. Blood fell like rain, carried upward by the strength of the wind before falling to earth.     The mountain dog's body fell, limbless and headless, still bleeding. The limbs and head scattered, landing far away from the body.    "Wow! That was amazing!" The boy ran out of his hiding spot and gave a little cheer.    Hyakkimaru found a patch of grass and cleaned the blood off his sword arm.     They boy's eyes latched onto Hyakkimaru's sword arm like a barnacle to a rock.Go to Scene 200.

Translations by Ainikki