Dororo Adventure Novel: Choose Your Own AdventureDororo created by Tezuka OsamuText written by Toriumi Jinzō & Suzuki YoshitakeTranslated by Ainikki the Archivist Scene 7    The pain in Hyakkimaru's right arm was excruciating. He knelt down, cradling his arm and biting back the pain. Sweat stood out on his forehead. He curled in on himself like a shrimp as the pain intensified.    "Aniki? Are you okay?" Dororo asked.    Dororo's voice in his ear helped to ground Hyakkimaru, distracting him from the pain. Dororo sounded tired, he thought.     Then his right arm prosthetic fell off with a dull thud, bringing the sword embedded in the shoulder joint along with it.     Dororo's eyes went wide. "Your arm... you grew an arm?" Dororo asked.    "I did." Hyakkimaru smiled as he flexed new fingers. "I did."    Dororo leaned in closer, then poked his right hand. "It's real!"    "It is. Forty-eight demons stole pieces of my body. By defeating Bandai, I got my right arm back." He touched his right arm with his artificial left hand, savoring this victory. Reduce Hyakkimaru's psychokinetic power by 30 points.Increase Hyakkimaru's experience points by 30 points.Go to Scene 127.

Translations by Ainikki