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48 results

Featured image for COMIC ZIN Weekly Manga Sales Ranking via Natalie: January 27 – February 2, 2025Background image for COMIC ZIN Weekly Manga Sales Ranking via Natalie: January 27 – February 2, 2025

COMIC ZIN Weekly Manga Sales Ranking via Natalie: January 27 – February 2, 2025

There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. It is thanks to the amazing…


Featured image for TSUTAYA Weekly Manga Sales Ranking: January 27 – February 2, 2025Background image for TSUTAYA Weekly Manga Sales Ranking: January 27 – February 2, 2025

TSUTAYA Weekly Manga Sales Ranking: January 27 – February 2, 2025

There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. All of the data you find…


Featured image for Tokyo for the VTuber Set: What to Do When in Town for Hololive’s Super ExpoBackground image for Tokyo for the VTuber Set: What to Do When in Town for Hololive’s Super Expo

Tokyo for the VTuber Set: What to Do When in Town for Hololive’s Super Expo

What better destination could there be for Vtuber fans than Tokyo? Here's some great places to check out when in town for the Hololive Super Expo.

Unseen Japan

Featured image for Back To That Day (幕が下りたら会いましょう, Seira Maeda, 2021)Background image for Back To That Day (幕が下りたら会いましょう, Seira Maeda, 2021)

Back To That Day (幕が下りたら会いましょう, Seira Maeda, 2021)

A young woman facing a life crisis is forced to reevaluate her relationships with art, friends, and family after learning that her estranged younger sister has suddenly passed…

Windows on Worlds

Bakumatsu Joshikousei – Oni to Yoake, Volume 1 (幕末女子高生 鬼と夜明け 一)

Back a the beginning of the year, I reviewed the second volume of a sequel to this series, Oni to Yoake Yuzikiyo (鬼と夜明け 夕月夜). Given that I knew…


Featured image for Anime OP-ED (September 2024)Background image for Anime OP-ED (September 2024)

Anime OP-ED (September 2024)

At last, number six in this set of themed posts – turns out that the last one was WAY back in July of 2021 XD This time around,…

The Review Heap

Megami no Café Terrace - Episode 14 - Valentina Azuma

Valentina Azuma dresses like Akane but is the fiery babe type instead of the coolish beauty. Megami no Café Terrace - Episode 14

Joeschmo's Gears and Grounds

New to Sunday Mako Hatamachi's "Hello Work Monsters."

Greetings! It's the third of the new serialization write-ups with Mako Hatamichi's Hello Work Monsters, a unique take on the shonen fantasy ...

Weekly Shounen Sunday Edition

Firechick's Game Reviews: Atri: My Dear Moments

Rating : 73/100 On December 19th, 2019, the anime and music production company, Aniplex, announced that they were launching a brand made for the purpose of creating and…


Featured image for Anime OVAs You Missed - Makurena! Makendo (Kendo Rage) 1995Background image for Anime OVAs You Missed - Makurena! Makendo (Kendo Rage) 1995

Anime OVAs You Missed - Makurena! Makendo (Kendo Rage) 1995

Makeruna! Makendo It’s very random at times, and I kinda couldn’t follow it, but Makurena! Makendo also known as Don't Lose, Makendo! is a 1995 OVA from Studio OLM…


Featured image for The Beauty Of Anime BackgroundsBackground image for The Beauty Of Anime Backgrounds

The Beauty Of Anime Backgrounds Instagram: Twitter: Shoutout @inakyu for the collab shoutout to for the decades of the backgrounds pixel art map! A very short analysis deep dive into anime background art and…

Internet Pitstop

Rurouni Kenshin 2023 – 21

「明治剣客浪漫譚 第零幕 後編」 (Meiji Kenkaku Roman Tan Dai Rei-maku Kouhen) "Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story: Act Zero – Part Two" Apparently Western imports through Yokohama didn't include the Hippocratic Oath.

Random Curiosity

Rurouni Kenshin 2023 – 20

「明治剣客浪漫譚 第零幕 前」 (Meiji Kenkaku Roman Tan Dai Rei-maku Zenpen) "Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story: Act Zero – Part One" Yes, it’s canon.

Random Curiosity

Featured image for Chiisai Senpai 11, Nanatsu 12, Level 1 dakedo finaleBackground image for Chiisai Senpai 11, Nanatsu 12, Level 1 dakedo finale

Chiisai Senpai 11, Nanatsu 12, Level 1 dakedo finale

Such a cute challenge. Chiisai Senpai, an episode behind, continues with the “best new hire” arc, where two teams struggle to win and either gain or lose Chihiro,…

Too Old for Anime

Featured image for Yumemiru Danshi finale, Chiisai Senpai, Nanatsu no Makuen, and Level 1 Dakedo 11s.Background image for Yumemiru Danshi finale, Chiisai Senpai, Nanatsu no Makuen, and Level 1 Dakedo 11s.

Yumemiru Danshi finale, Chiisai Senpai, Nanatsu no Makuen, and Level 1 Dakedo 11s.

Not a confession, but … To start off we finish off Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha, ending a little unexpectedly, but I suppose it was the right time to…

Too Old for Anime

Featured image for Chiisai Senpai 9, Yumemiru 11, Nanatsu and Level 1 Dakedo 10Background image for Chiisai Senpai 9, Yumemiru 11, Nanatsu and Level 1 Dakedo 10

Chiisai Senpai 9, Yumemiru 11, Nanatsu and Level 1 Dakedo 10

Shiori and Takuma witness an office romance. Not theirs. Chiisai Senpai 9 decided that the material they had wasn’t enough for a full episode, so they tacked on…

Too Old for Anime

Featured image for Chiisai Senpai, Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Level 1 Dakedo, all 9s except for one 10Background image for Chiisai Senpai, Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Level 1 Dakedo, all 9s except for one 10

Chiisai Senpai, Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Level 1 Dakedo, all 9s except for one 10

Caught! (Actually, it’s quite innocent) Even though Chiisai Senpai has just had the holidays episodes, the gang decides to take a day off and visit a hot springs,…

Too Old for Anime

Featured image for Nanatsu 7-8, Chiisai Senpai 7, Level 1 8, and Yumemiru 9Background image for Nanatsu 7-8, Chiisai Senpai 7, Level 1 8, and Yumemiru 9

Nanatsu 7-8, Chiisai Senpai 7, Level 1 8, and Yumemiru 9

Being a girl gives Pete magical powers. After the torturing and killing last week Nanatsu no Makuen etc. 7 pulls back to more mundane things, apart from the…

Too Old for Anime

Featured image for 6-8’s: Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Chiisai Senpai, Level 1 DakedoBackground image for 6-8’s: Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Chiisai Senpai, Level 1 Dakedo

6-8’s: Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Chiisai Senpai, Level 1 Dakedo

It’s okay–she’s still in middle school. I continue to like the way Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha does things. We start with Sajo and the cute Sasaki he met…

Too Old for Anime

Featured image for Fives and a six: Chiisai Senpai, Jitsu wa ore, Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Level 1, Zom100Background image for Fives and a six: Chiisai Senpai, Jitsu wa ore, Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Level 1, Zom100

Fives and a six: Chiisai Senpai, Jitsu wa ore, Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Level 1, Zom100

I still feel a bit of disappointment that Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai’s main relationship isn’t going to advance beyond innocent flirting and blushing, but I’m enjoying…

Too Old for Anime

Featured image for 4’s: Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Level1, Zom100Background image for 4’s: Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Level1, Zom100

4’s: Yumemiru, Nanatsu, Level1, Zom100

A long nervous pause. There seems to be a story going on in Yumemiru Danshi, but everything is so low-key that it’s hard to figure out what it…

Too Old for Anime

Featured image for 2-3s, Chiisai Senpai, Saikyou deshita, Yumemiru Danshi, Nanatsu, Dekiru NekoBackground image for 2-3s, Chiisai Senpai, Saikyou deshita, Yumemiru Danshi, Nanatsu, Dekiru Neko

2-3s, Chiisai Senpai, Saikyou deshita, Yumemiru Danshi, Nanatsu, Dekiru Neko

First meeting. I doubt if Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai senpai is going to change from the routine. In episode 2 we go through a lot of scenes…

Too Old for Anime

Featured image for POP YOURS crafts their own hype song for their upcoming live event in Makuhari.Background image for POP YOURS crafts their own hype song for their upcoming live event in Makuhari.

POP YOURS crafts their own hype song for their upcoming live event in Makuhari.

I don’t know that I’ve ever seen such a thing. POP YOURS, an upcoming hip hop music festival being held on May 27 and 28 at the Makuhari…


Missing a Body?

detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,


Featured image for The Newest Figures from Wonder Festival 2023 [Winter] - Shibuya Scramble Figure, Amiami, and S-FireBackground image for The Newest Figures from Wonder Festival 2023 [Winter] - Shibuya Scramble Figure, Amiami, and S-Fire

The Newest Figures from Wonder Festival 2023 [Winter] - Shibuya Scramble Figure, Amiami, and S-Fire

On a sunny and warm Saturday, this writer traveled down to the Makuhari Messe to attend Wonder Festival 2023 [Winter]. Little did I know I was 24 hours...

Anime News Network - Views

Featured image for New Moomin 43/52 - Arion's Lyre (アリオンのたて琴) (1972) (English subtitles)Background image for New Moomin 43/52 - Arion's Lyre (アリオンのたて琴) (1972) (English subtitles)

New Moomin 43/52 - Arion's Lyre (アリオンのたて琴) (1972) (English subtitles)

Pappa waxes lyrical about the stars, and tells Moomin the tale of Arion and his lyre to convey to him the power of beautiful poetry. The next day,…


Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei – 06

「九校戦、開幕です」 (Kyuukousen, Kaimaku Desu) "The Nine Schools Competition Begins" Honoka is going to do her best, one way or another.

Random Curiosity

Featured image for Oh, What Could Have Been: Maku Musubi Final ReviewBackground image for Oh, What Could Have Been: Maku Musubi Final Review

Oh, What Could Have Been: Maku Musubi Final Review

Maku Musubi by Hotani Shin is a manga that hooked me instantly. Its story—that of a high school girl who abandoned her dreams of becoming a comic artist…


Featured image for Animecast: Anime That Need More AttentionBackground image for Animecast: Anime That Need More Attention

Animecast: Anime That Need More Attention

The hosts of the Otaku Spirit Animecast give a rundown of many titles that they believe didn’t get enough spotlight in the anime fandom. Listen in and prepare…

Otaku Spirit

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 16

「ホワイトチャペルの亡霊 第二幕」 (Howaito Chaperu no Bōrei Dainimaku) "The Phantom of Whitechapel Act 2" Still pretty silly...

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 15

「ホワイトチャペルの亡霊 第一幕」 (Howaito Chaperu no Bōrei Daiichimaku) "The Phantom of Whitechapel Act 1" Did you hear the one about Moriarty and James Bond teaming up to take on Jack the…

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 14

「大英帝国の醜聞 第三幕」 (Daiei Teikoku no Shuubun Daisanmaku) "A Scandal in the British Empire Act 3" A good episode, but hoo boy - that ending...

Random Curiosity

Mars Red – 03

「夢枕」 (Yume Makura) "His Dream" It is difficult to start a new life while encountering remnants of one's old life.

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 13

「大英帝国の醜聞 第二幕」 (Daiei Teikoku no Shūbun Dainimaku) "A Scandal in the British Empire Act 2" William and Holmes always seem to find the answer at around the same time.

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 12

「大英帝国の醜聞 第一幕」 () "A Scandal in the British Empire Act 1" This week’s return feels less like a premiere and more like the next episode after a peculiarly long break.

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 11

「二人の探偵 第二幕」 (Futari no Tantei Dainimaku) "The Two Detectives Act 2"

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 10

「 二人の探偵 第一幕」 (Futari no Tantei Daiichimaku) "The Two Detectives Act 1" The Holmes-Moriarty relationship is the boat in which this series will ultimately float or sink.

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 09

「シャーロック・ホームズの研究 第二幕」 (Shaarokku Houmuzu no Kenkyuu Dainimaku) "A Study in 'S' Act 2" Thank Goc for Sherlock Holmes.

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 08

「シャーロック・ホームズの研究 第一幕」 (Shaarokku Houmuzu no Kenkyuu Daiichimaku) "A Study in 'S' Act 1" At long last, the game is afoot.

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 06, 07

「ノアティック号事件 第一幕 / ノアティック号事件 第二幕」 (Noatikku Goujiken Daiichimaku / Noatikku Goujiken Dainimaku) "The 'Noahtic' Act 1 / The 'Noahtic' Act 2"

Random Curiosity

Yuukoku no Moriarty – 03

「緋色の瞳 第二幕」 (Hiiro no Hitomi Dainimaku) "The Scarlet Eyes, Act 2" There’s a certain irony in the fact that this all starts with an act of noblesse oblige

Random Curiosity

Manga Made for Theater: Maku Musubi

Whether it’s Glass Mask or Beastars, there’s something exciting about seeing theatrical performances in manga. Perhaps it’s because we’re viewing a medium that thrives on ingenuity in presentation…


Japanese Subtitles on Yuri Studio’s “Why Are There So Many Schoolgirls in Yuri?””

With many thanks to translator Mimmy Shen, we now can offer Japanese subtitles for our Yuri Studio video, “Why Are There So Many Schoolgirls in Yuri?” To enable,…


Featured image for 5 SONGS FROM 2019 I LOVEDBackground image for 5 SONGS FROM 2019 I LOVED


I haven’t kept up with all my intended posts this year due to a whole bunch of other work I’ve had to do. I have however listened to…

Please, no hate.

Featured image for Review: 2019 Kabuki Kaomise – the National Theatre of Japan and the Shinbashi EnbujoBackground image for Review: 2019 Kabuki Kaomise – the National Theatre of Japan and the Shinbashi Enbujo

Review: 2019 Kabuki Kaomise – the National Theatre of Japan and the Shinbashi Enbujo

PART TWO The November 2019 performance at the National Theatre of Japan was ‘Koko no Yushi Musume Kagekiyo: Hyuga-Jima’ (孤高勇士嬢景清: (四幕五場) 日向嶋. A Brave and Solitary Warrior Kagekiyo…

Diverse Japan

OtakuGeneration (Show #528) Summer Impressions

  Shownotes :: (show 528) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Summer Impressions, recorded live July 19th, 2015. This week we continued…

otakugeneration's Podcast

Spiraken Manga Review Ep 136: Btoom! & Hell Teacher Nube (or This Oni Bomb Will Go Off In 3, 2,...What Was The Next One?)

In this episode of The Spiraken Manga Review, Xan and Timbo talk about games and teaching as they review two unique titles; The Shonen Action Comedy Series Hell…

Spiraken Review Podcast