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410 results, page 1 of 9

Updated Ultimate Undefeated Guessing Game (now with clues :D)
Following on from the last version of this post – I’ve just updated the gallery so that it’s only the undefeated images remaining, and have also placed a…

Ultimate Undefeated Guessing Game (24)
Okay, I’ve gone back through the previous 5 or so years and 23 previous Guessing Game posts to come up with the following stack of images for a…

Wonder Egg Priority (Repost)
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Mini Review – Twilight Q
Twilight Q (1987) This was an interesting double OVA from 1987, featuring two unconnected stories, each 30 minutes or so. Both held my interest for different reasons and…

Guessing Game (23)
Another guessing game! Time to test your knowledge against these 6 images :D Once again, I’ve tried to go for a mix of old and new stuff. (For…

Mini Review – Spriggan (2022)
The Spriggan series differs from the film in plenty of ways – expanding storylines and cast, adding fun new settings, adding humour and including a bit more depth…

Mini Review – Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (1998) The main thing that sticks in my memory with Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou are the lovely colours and contemplative pacing. On the surface, it’s about…

300th Review – Winner
Okay, the results are in! It was a close race for most of the films I had in mind, but there is a clear winner: The pressure is…

They Were Eleven (Jūichinin Iru!)
They Were Eleven (1986) This is one of my favourite anime works from a very noticeably bygone era – as in, a 1980s film adaptation of a 1970s…

Reminder – Vote for My 300th Review :D
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Mini Review – Battle of the Great Demon Beasts: Demon of Steel
Battle of the Great Demon Beasts: Demon of Steel (1987) I became aware of this OVA thanks to Scott’s review and it’s another one that lingers in my…

Neo Tokyo
Neo Tokyo (1987) I think I’ve mentioned this before – but when I see Technique sneaking out ahead of Narrative in short films, I sometimes end up a…

Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham
Alternate 1920s Batman hooked me the second I read the description – along with the Lovecraftian aspects of dread and menace. Here’s a short note on that from…

Vote for My 300th Review
I need your vote :D As of today, I’m about twenty or so reviews away from writing my 300th! While I have a fair few reviews waiting in…

Mini Review – Darkstalker’s Revenge
Darkstalkers (1997) Adaptations of fighting games are by definition light on story. Of course, they’re built that way. It’s a way to get from fight A to fight…

Bayonetta: Bloody Fate
Bayonetta: Bloody Fate (2013) This film adaptation precedes Gonzo’s bizarre decision to focus on NFTs by a few years – and despite that choice dampening my esteem for…

Guessing Game (22)
I’m creeping closing to 300 reviews! Currently sitting at 277 – and so for a bit of a pre-celebration before reaching that milestone, here’s another Guessing Game. So,…

Mini Review – Natsuyuki Rendezvous
Natsuyuki Rendezvous (2012) As I’m sure I’ve said many, many times – supernatural stories are among my favourites, and this love-triangle romance has the tweak (and hook) of…

Parasite Dolls (Parasaito Dōruzu)
I like the Bubblegum Crisis setting and so I was keen to see what this early 2000s OVA would be like – and how it might compare to…

Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft (2024) I know comparisons with Indy are inevitable and so I’ll start with one – this is a Tomb Raider story…

Mini Review – Terminator Zero
Terminator Zero (2024) I will definitely watch another season if it gets made – who knows, considering the absolute clowns in charge of Netflix. Anyway, Terminator Zero feels…

Mini Review – Trigun Stampede
My hopes were sky-high for this alternate take on Trigun – especially with Yashiro Nightow on board, and I’m relieved to say that I definitely enjoyed the mix…
![Featured image for Blue Gender [Boxing Day Review]](
![Background image for Blue Gender [Boxing Day Review]](
Blue Gender [Boxing Day Review]
If you’re familiar with the 1997 adaptation of Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, then you’ll know what to expect in terms of key aspects that appear in Blue Gender. For…

Mini Review – Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari)
Suzume (2022) Part of me worried that I wouldn’t buy a footstool as a second main character – but I quickly got used to it – and ultimately,…

Mini Review – Sabikui Bisco
Sabikui Bisco (2022) Sabikui Bisco is one reason I love anime: giant mushrooms, a panda doctor, hippo-style armed forces + giant crabs, slugs and bunny-helmet wearing enforcers –…

Mini Review – Hell’s Paradise
Hell’s Paradise (2023) Amongst the lineup from 2023, Hell’s Paradise had some key visuals that absolutely screamed out for me to pay attention. Very happy that I did!…

Mini Reviews (Forthcoming)
Time for some mini-reviews! The deal I’ve made with myself is that I have to try to use only 3 paragraphs and 6 pictures per review, so here…

Girls-with-guns – only with some fictionalised Synesthesia thrown into the mix, along with a nasty virus too. No doubt like a lot of people, I’ve had my fill…

Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit – Fight to the Death
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Guessing Game (21)
Well… I was supposed to reach a total of 30 of these posts by the end of the year – whoops XD Nevertheless, here’s 6 more images to…

From My Trip to Japan (April 2024) – Part 3 of 4
A few months back, I was lucky – very lucky – to visit Japan! This time I’m focusing on some shots / notes from Kyoto and Osaka. It’s…

From My Trip to Japan (April 2024) – Part 2 of 4
A few months back, I was lucky – very lucky – to visit Japan! Up first, a little more focus on Mt Fuji and the surrounds. Many of…

From My Trip to Japan (April 2024) – Part 1 of 4
A few months back, I was lucky – very lucky – to visit Japan! It took twelve years to reach a point where I was able to travel…

Megalobox (2018) I’m not much of a fan of boxing precisely, especially as my knowledge of it is just far too shallow, but I liked the story and…

Vampire in the Garden (Vanpaia in za Gāden)
Another quick repost, one of my favs from 2022 – new stuff is hopefully not too far away :D

Perfect Blue (Pāfekuto Burū) 1997
I’m so, so, so, so, so, so far behind on everything that I’m today resorting to re-posting some of my older reviews – this one that I’m still…

Anime OP-ED (September 2024)
At last, number six in this set of themed posts – turns out that the last one was WAY back in July of 2021 XD This time around,…

Soul Eater – The Black Blood Resonance Battle!
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Kaiju No. 8 (Kaijuu 8-gou)
Is it different to a lot of supernatural/sci-fi/action shounen? No. Is it better than a dozen other recent shounen anime? Yes. For me, at least. Maybe it’s because…

Ergo Proxy Series Review – Coming Soon..ish
Ergo Proxy (2006) Big thanks to Crow for the suggestion :) Similar to what I did a long while ago with Nadia here and Trigun here, I’m going…

Guessing Game (20)
Okay, I’ve now reached 20 of these short posts! I’ll try to get to 30 by the end of the year :) In the meantime, here’s 6 more…

Nadia: Secret of Blue Water – Electra the Traitor
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Halfway through 2024 – Some Numbers
In general, blogging has changed since I started out about 15 years ago – of course, it has, right? That’s a long time. It’s also changed in the…

Gibiate was fascinating – incredibly uneven stuff. Or maybe what was most interesting, was that I watched on after the opening episode. That is rare when I’m not…

Gundress – Collaboration (Part 1)
Collaboration time! For this post, Scott from Mechanical Anime and I are chatting about an OVA/film by the name of Gundress. It’s a Studio Junio production from 1999…

Occult Academy – MAYA’s Prophecy
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Guessing Game (19)
You know the drill :D 5 more images below to guess – as ever, it’s a mix of old, not so old and new:

Joran: The Princess of Snow and Blood
A Meiji-era supernatural anime means that I was always going to at least watch episode one, and I’m glad I did. Joran Princess of Snow and Blood hit…

Witch Hunter Robin – Separate Lives
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