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93 results, page 1 of 2

Classic Shonen Analysis: The Complete Collection
Go to or scan the QR code and use code BONSIAPOP to get your free FÜM Topper when you order your Journey Pack today! This is the definitive…
Rurouni Kenshin, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Trigun, City Hunter, Dragon Ball

TSUTAYA Weekly Manga Sales Ranking: November 4 – November 10, 2024
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. All of the data you find…
The Dangers in My Heart, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Wistoria: Wand and Sword, Yowamushi Pedal
Saint Seiya: Saintia Sho (Manga): Even All Young Ladies Can Be Tomorrow's Braves... Ooh Yeah!
Oftentimes a series can become so big, so utterly popular & iconic, that people simply want more of it in a way that the original creators t...

B’T X: The Most Straight Forward Battle Shonen
Watching this came from two places. One coming from a very deep love of Saint Seiya which is one of my favorite shonen battle series in recent memory.…

I FINALLY Found the CANCELLED American Saint Seiya Series - Finding Starstorm (Part 3) | ToTL
I Finally Found the Canceled American Saint Seiya Pilot Episode - Finding Starstorm (Part 3) | Tales of the Lost Thank you for following me these last couple of…
Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad, Sailor Moon
Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle: "Seiya May Cry"? "Saint Gaiden"? How About "Sanctuary Musou"?
Being an iconic manga to come from Weekly Shonen Jump's "Golden Age", it's only natural that Saint Seiya has seen its fair share of video g...
Dragon Slayer Eiyuu Densetsu: Ouji no Tabidachi
Over the years, many people have asked Orphan to do Dragon Slayer Eiyuu Densetsu: Ouji no Tabidachi ( Dragon Slayer Legend of Heroes: The P...
Angelique, Bite me!, Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma, Judo Story, Techno Police
The Tezuka Star System Taken to the Extreme? Saint Seiya's Callbacks to Masami Kurumada's Prior Works
If you've read manga for a decent enough amount of time you more than likely have noticed that some mangaka have a habit of re-using certain...

TSUTAYA Weekly Manga Sales Ranking: May 6 – May 12, 2024
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. All of the data you find…
Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Yowamushi Pedal, Tawawa on Monday, The Way of the Househusband
Saint Seiya (Manga): Selling Out? More Like Bleeding Out (Especially When It's Shiryu)
When Masami Kurumada debuted his fourth serialized manga in Weekly Shonen Jump, Otoko Zaka , in mid-1984 it was with the plan for it to be t...
Okama Hakusho (Okama Report)
This one needs warning labels: Borderline hentai! Outdated stereotypes! Nudity! Sex, mostly gay, some straight, some consensual, often not! ...
Urusei Yatsura, Captain Tsubasa, Kizuna, Peter Pan & Wendy, Sazae-san

31 Anime That SCARE Str8 People
Watch This Video Uncensored & With Bonus Content: What better way to round out the Halloween season than with 31 anime recommendations that SCARE STR8 PEOPLE! Nothing terrifies…
My Tiny Senpai, BLUE LOCK, Crying Freeman, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Tokyo Ghoul
Genji Part 1
Here's another project that's been on my "to do" list for a long time: 1992's time-travel sci-fi mind-fuck OVA Genji (Part One) . The "Part ...
The Eccentric Family, Captain Tsubasa, GeGeGe no Kitaro, Izumo, Nightsong of Splendor
Death Takes a Dive
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,

Otoko Ippiki Gaki Daisho (1969) – Serial 03
So many legendary franchises have been launched by manga originally serialized in the magazine for the manliest of boys, Weekly Shonen Jump. Mazinger Z, Cobra, Kinnikuman, Dr. Slump,…
Mazinger Z, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Sakigake!! Otokojuku, City Hunter, Dr. Slump

Anime Expo 2023 – Industry Panels Master Post
Source: By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting This year, I decided not to attend industry panels. Industry panels are typically reviews for release schedules of anime, manga,...
OneRoom, PLUTO, Solo Leveling, Daigo of Fire Company, I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Anime World Order Show # 219 – Stop Fighting and Give Me Your Brain
The intro ended up running long and possibly out of control since it was recorded moments after Gerald ended up being one of the only people in America…

Saint Seiya (1986) – Episode 039 (VHS HiFi rip with subtitled commercials)
Here’s an episode of the OG Saint Seiya anime, as it was originally broadcast on Japanese television complete with commercial breaks. This is near the end of the…

I Finished Reading the Saint Seiya Manga
I can finally say that I am hip to the trends of 20th-Century South American anime and manga fandom, as well as other fandoms worldwide. I have continued…

Discovering The Lost Saint Seiya Cartoon | The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya Part 2
#SaintSeiya #LostMedia #Documentary (English AND Spanish subtitles are now available!) Please enjoy my investigation into The Guardians of the Cosmos, a lost 1993 American Animated spin off to Masami Kurumada’s…

What Would a NEW HUNTER X HUNTER Anime Look Like?
Make sure to tune into CodeX's debut concert streaming live on Sunday, March 5th 2023 at 6pm EST/3pm PST! You can watch the entire concert for free at…
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest, Gon, Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Mobile Suit Gundam

Visual Kei&Anime – YOSHIKI
Welcome back to Visual Kei and Anime! After last month’s feature of legendary band, X Japan, I figured I should follow up with the backbone of the band…
Phoenix Talks Pop Culture Japan
Attack on Titan, Attack on Titan Season 3, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary, Sanctuary

103 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vol. 1
The first part of Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure (Phantom Blood) is best described as Dracula starring Jean Claude Van Damme with costume design by Jean Paul Gaultier, and you…
Tengai Makyou
Our 300th release, or at least that's what is says on the release page. Orphan starts out 2023 on the right note with the first English-subt...
Cosmic Fantasy, Crest of the Stars, Tree in the Sun, Laughing Target, Shuten Doji - The Star Hand Kid

The Video Games I Played in 2022 (Part 1)
For 2022, I finished 31 games. It’s less than 2021 but there’s some solid choices, so here’s a summary of my thoughts for each one! Part 1 covers…
Fist of the North Star, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings
Pre-2000s Anime with Multi-Channel Audio
Had this in Drafts for about a year because I lost interest. Obviously this is an incomplete list, so I may come back and update it if I…
Mononoke, Jungle Emperor Leo, Devilman, Gunsmith Cats, Jungle Emperor Leo

Knight of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya Live Action Film
Sony and Toei Animation premiered the first trailer for Tomasz Baginski's live-action Knight of The Zodiac, starring Mackenyu as the protagonist, Seiya. The film is set to be…

Guardians of the Cosmos (Official Full Intro)
Here is the full upload and watermark free version of the intro for Guardians of the Cosmos, the strange animated adaptation discovered in The Secret Stories of Saint…

The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya (Part 1) | Tales of the Lost
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days (English, Spanish AND Portuguese subtitles are now available! …

The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya Intro: FULL DOC RELEASES TOMORROW!

I Started Reading the Saint Seiya Manga
Saint Seiya is a series I’ve long known about, but one I’ve never really engaged with at its core. Sure, I loved Saint Seiya Omega. The opening theme…
Theory Musing: Why Does Saint Seiya Consistently Fail in "North of Mexico"?
Debuting at the start of 1986 (technically late 1985, but let's not split hairs here) in the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump, Saint Seiya was t...
Kimami ni Idol
Kimama ni Idol (Free-Spirited Idols) is a 1990 comedy OVA based on a manga by Kotani Kenichi. It tells the madcap tale of three teenage girl...
Fruits Basket, High Speed Jessie, Kaleido Star, Kizuna, Nozomi Witches

The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya Trailer
?? Wait... What's this?? The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya COMING SOON Contact/Press: VISIT WAYS TO SUPPORT THE SHOW! Subscribe! Follow! Follow! Donate to Join our discord server!! Filmed with the Blackmagic…

Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas – An Earlier Holy War
Where Lost Canvas Exists in Saint Seiya After watching those mediocre Saint Seiya film discussions, it’s time to talk about the actual good stuff. Lost Canvas is a…
Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Nana Toshi Monogatari
Here's another project that BlueFixer asked Orphan to redo: the two-part sci-fi OVA Nana Toshi Monogatari: Hokkyokukai Sensen ( A Tale of S...
Cherry no Manma, Everlasting Heart, D4 Princess, Sore Ike! Anpanman, Black Lion

Kikuta, Ipopte seiyuu announced
Time keeps on ticking, and season 4 of Golden Kamuy is getting nearer and nearer. Bits of information have started to be released. On August 5, Horiuchi Kenyuu…

(#ShonenJumpMovieMonth) Saint Seiya: Legend of Crimson Youth
Ready for yet another angsty review on a Saint Seiya property? I’m trying my hardest not to dump on the Saint Seiya films. It’s really hard to just…
Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Saint Seiya: Legend of Crimson Youth
Delicious Party Precure Ep 22 Review: Black Pepper's Self Doubts
Hi, Everyone! This is my short review of Episode 22 of Delicious Party Precure and my thoughts on the episode. Basically, this episode focu...

(#ShonenJumpMovieMonth) Saint Seiya: Evil Goddess Eris
This feels like an insert Saint Seiya into the blog to appeal to the Saint Seiya cosmo god. But yeah, this is the first film in the Saint…
Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Saint Seiya: Evil Goddess Eris

The Almagation of Religion in Saint Seiya
Saint Seiya. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Saint Seiya? If you don’t know what it is, what is the…
Chameleon 5
We're seven months into a catastrophic 2022. War ranges unchecked in Ukraine. Inflation is at a forty-year high. Drought is killing the rive...
AWOL - Absent WithOut Leave, Candy Candy, Bite me!, High Speed Jessie, Ai no Kusabi
Five Years On; Anime Feminist Vs Japanese Pop Culture
Well, as you can see, not a great deal of writing is getting done for this blog. To be honest, I have put the blog on hold for…
The Melancholic Middle Aged Anime Fan
Case Closed, After the Rain, Horimiya, Kill la Kill, Ristorante Paradiso
Hayou no Tsurugi
Hayou no Tsurugi was a series of forty (!) light novels by Maeda Tomiko, published between 1989 and 2017. (A spinoff series, Hayou no Tsuru...
Perrine Monogatari, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Zipang, Dragon Fist, MAJOR 2nd

Adapting Saint Seiya: Volume 2
Welcome back to this series on the adaptational choices made by the Saint Seiya anime! Saint Seiya volume 2 consists of four chapters: One introducing the Cygnus Saint,…

Adapting Saint Seiya: Volume 1
Welcome to the first regular instalment of my series of articles examining the choices made in adapting the Saint Seiya manga into its anime! In the introduction I…

Saint Seiya: The Hades Chapter – Elysium
Here it is, the ending of the original Saint Seiya series with its final section of its final chapter. Elysium. It’s only six episodes in length and it’s…

Adapting Saint Seiya: Introduction
(Yeah, despite this blog’s name, I’ve watched shows that aren’t Dragon Ball.) This is the first in a series of articles I’m planning to write about an 80s…

Saint Seiya: The Hades Chapter – Inferno
I am starting this post wondering how often you see the gods of the underworld in an anime series. I’m not just talking about shonen battle series, but…

The Influence Of Anime On The Film Industry
Anime has inspired so many different types of media movies, tv shows like stranger things, cartoons like avatar the last air bender, music like Kanye west’s stronger…
Idea, Naruto, Paprika, Perfect Blue, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac