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43 results

Tenjou Hen: Utsu no Miko

And now the other shoe drops. Orphan presents the first English-subtitled release of the movie version of Tenjou Hen: Utsu no Miko ( Prince...

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In 1985, the victory of the Hanshin Tigers in the Japan Championship, the equivalent of the US World Series, occasioned a one-shot OVA,  Tor...

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Ichigatsu ni wa Christmas

Orphan doesn't often do holiday releases and has never done a Christmas show, as best I can remember, so here's a first: the 1991 shoujo OVA...

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Gakkou no Yuurei (School Ghosts), Volume 1

Gakkou no Yuurei ( School Ghosts ) is an anthology of ghost stories, mostly set at schools. Seven volumes were released between 1995 and 19...

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Portrait of the Psychopath as a Young Man (Aoki Honoo v2)

Aoki Honoo is a one-shot OVA from 1989, based on a six-volume manga by Yanagasawa Kimio, a prolific mangaka who is almost unknown in the…

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Cat-Eyed Boy Returns! (Episodes 4-6)

Orphan brings you more 1970s thrills and chills: episodes four to six of Umezz Kazuo's 1976 horror series Youkaiden Nekome Kozou ( Spirit L...

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Ushiro no Hyakutaro

Ushiro no Hyakutaro ( Hyakutaro Behind or Hyakutaro in Back ) is a two-volume OVA from 1991. Based on a eight-volume manga by Tsunada Jir...

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Inka and Orphan are pleased to bring you Tottoi , an environmental fable (or fairy tale) from 1992. Based on a novel by Italian writer Giann...

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Princess Army

Princess Army: Wedding Combat (to give it its full title) is a two-part OVA from 1992. It's a teaser for a 12 volume manga by Kitagawa Miyu...

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Dragon Slayer Eiyuu Densetsu: Ouji no Tabidachi

Over the years, many people have asked Orphan to do Dragon Slayer Eiyuu Densetsu: Ouji no Tabidachi ( Dragon Slayer Legend of Heroes: The P...

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Koiko no Mainichi

Koiko no Mainichi ( Koiko's Days ) is a two episode OVA, released in 1989 and 1990. It is based on a 32-volume manga by George Akiyama;…

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Ore no Sora

Ore no Sora:Keiji Hen ( My Skies: Detective Chapter ) is a two-episode OVA from 1991-1992. It's based on a best-selling manga by Mitomiya H...

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Asatte Dance

Here's another ecchi OVA from Knack: 1991's Asatte Dance ( Dance till Tomorrow ), adapted from a seven volume manga by Yamamoto Naoki. It's...

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Another year, another ecchi OVA about cross-dressing from Knack. This time it's 1993's Mellow , which is based on a manga by Kasahara Rin th...

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Ai to Ken no Camelot

Some anime is great; some is awful. And some just leaves you scratching your head, not in confusion (like Genji, Part 1 ), but in bemusement...

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Okama Hakusho (Okama Report)

This one needs warning labels: Borderline hentai! Outdated stereotypes! Nudity! Sex, mostly gay, some straight, some consensual, often not! ...

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Genji Part 1

Here's another project that's been on my "to do" list for a long time: 1992's time-travel sci-fi mind-fuck OVA Genji (Part One) . The "Part ...

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Sanada 10 - The Battle of Sekigahara (Ep 1-3)

Sanada 10 - more formally, Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu Sanada Juu Yuushi ( New Legend of the Warring States Heroes: The Ten Warriors ...

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Sanada 10 Special

Once upon a time, in the ancient days of the mid-oughts, there was a TV series with the rather long title of Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densets...

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Tezuka Osamu's Tales from the Old Testament Ep25-26

With the return of the Jews (as they were now known) to Jerusalem, the historical narrative in the Old Testament basically peters out. The b...

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Doukyuusei: Climax v2

And now for something completely different. Orphan's next release is a revised version of the 1995 OVA Doukyuusei: Climax . The original rel...

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Tengai Makyou

Our 300th release, or at least that's what is says on the release page. Orphan starts out 2023 on the right note with the first English-subt...

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Star Dust

Orphan's last release for 2022. The 1992 sci-fi OVA Star Dust is the brainchild of Itano Ichirou, a well-known action director who worked o...

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Tezuka Osamu's Tales from the Old Testament Ep 16-18

Here is volume 6 of Tezuka Osamu's Tales of the Old Testament: In the Beginning , which concludes the Exodus story and starts the books abou...

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Wolf Guy v2

When Orphan released Wolf Guy back in 2016, I noted , "The laserdiscs came from two sources. The first three volumes are from Erik's collec...

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Even the Good Homer Nods (Don Dracula)

The Roman poet Horace noticed that in the Iliad , Homer reintroduced a character that he had previously killed off. Horace's comment was "Qu...

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Kimami ni Idol

Kimama ni Idol (Free-Spirited Idols) is a 1990 comedy OVA based on a manga by Kotani Kenichi. It tells the madcap tale of three teenage girl...

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Arisa Good Luck

Here's a true bluebird: the 1999 one-shot OVA Arisa Good Luck . Last month, Tennouji, translator and proprietor of SakuraCircle, contacted m...

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Nana Toshi Monogatari

Here's another project that BlueFixer asked Orphan to redo: the two-part sci-fi OVA Nana Toshi Monogatari: Hokkyokukai Sensen ( A Tale of S...

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Chameleon 5

We're seven months into a catastrophic 2022. War ranges unchecked in Ukraine. Inflation is at a forty-year high. Drought is killing the rive...

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Kakyuusei (1995), DVD Edition

The world doesn't need another version of Kakyuusei (1995), but here's one anyway. An Internet pen-pal who goes by the handle of ProxyMan ha...

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Featured image for To-Y Blu-rayBackground image for To-Y Blu-ray

To-Y Blu-ray

To-Y is a 1987 OVA about a Japanese indie rock band and its lead singer. It is based on a ten-volume manga by Kamijou Atsuji. To-Y …

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Featured image for Sangokushi Dai Ni Bu Choukou Moyu!Background image for Sangokushi Dai Ni Bu Choukou Moyu!

Sangokushi Dai Ni Bu Choukou Moyu!

Here, after an unconscionable delay, is the HD version of the second movie in the Sangokushi trilogy, 1993's Sangokushi Dai Ni Bu Choukou M...

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Featured image for Kageyama Tamio no Double FantasyBackground image for Kageyama Tamio no Double Fantasy

Kageyama Tamio no Double Fantasy

Kageyama Tamio was a Japanese actor and writer. He is probably best known to anime audiences for his book Coo: Tooi Umi Kara Kita Coo , whic...

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Featured image for Blue SonnetBackground image for Blue Sonnet

Blue Sonnet

Akai Kiba Blue Sonnet ( Crimson Fang Blue Sonnet ), usually known as just Blue Sonnet , is a five-episode OVA series from 1989. It is based...

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Featured image for Body Jack (Laserdisc Version)Background image for Body Jack (Laserdisc Version)

Body Jack (Laserdisc Version)

I wasn't planning on doing any more of the Pink Noise series after Call Me Tonight , but the laserdisc for the fourth and last show in…

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Featured image for Lunn Flies into the Wind v2Background image for Lunn Flies into the Wind v2

Lunn Flies into the Wind v2

One of Orphan's earliest Tezuka Osamu projects was the set of six OVAs known as the Lion Books: 1 The Green Cat 1983 2 Rain Boy 1983 3…

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Featured image for Rain Boy v2Background image for Rain Boy v2

Rain Boy v2

One of Orphan's earliest Tezuka Osamu projects was the set of six OVAs known as the Lion Books: 1 The Green Cat 1983 2 Rain Boy 1983 3…

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Featured image for Ohoshi-sama no RailBackground image for Ohoshi-sama no Rail

Ohoshi-sama no Rail

I'm not sure how I feel about the 1993 movie Ohoshi-sama no Rail ( Rail of Stars ). Based on a 1983 autobiographical novel by Kobayashi Chi...

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Featured image for Apfelland MonogatariBackground image for Apfelland Monogatari

Apfelland Monogatari

For some time, BlueFixer has been looking for a better source to redo the 1992 movie Apfelland Monogatari ( The Tale of Apfelland ). When a ...

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Featured image for Ipponbouchou MantarouBackground image for Ipponbouchou Mantarou

Ipponbouchou Mantarou

Stop me if you've heard this one before. The son of a local grub shop is goaded by his father into seeking his fortune as a chef. He…

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Featured image for Cool Cool ByeBackground image for Cool Cool Bye

Cool Cool Bye

When a laserdisc of the 1986 fantasy OVA Cool Cool Bye turned up in a pile of discs the team bought in Japan, I thought it would…

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Featured image for Sensou Douwa: Tako ni Natta OkaasanBackground image for Sensou Douwa: Tako ni Natta Okaasan

Sensou Douwa: Tako ni Natta Okaasan

Sensou Douwa ( War Tales or War Fables ) was a series of TV specials by Shin-Ei Animation that ran annually from 2002 to 2009. In…

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