Shouldn't that cloak cover the non-sword arm?
Aug 27, 2024 • Subscribe
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Bye Bye, Earth – Episode 1
One good scene and pretty visuals can't make up for clunky fantasy racism and buckets of exposition.

First Impression: Bye Bye, Earth
A monstrous sea flower is growing in the lake and it has the animal villagers all in a tizzy. At this rate, it will turn the water salty!…

First Impressions – Bye Bye, Earth
Bye Bye, Earth for all the world reminds me of a throwaway show from I.G. (who specialize in them) or even Bones.

Anime Like Bye Bye, Earth
In a world of anthropomorphic animals, Belle Lablac feels isolated as the only human. With no fur or fangs, she decides to become a nomad in order to…
The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash, Bye Bye, Earth, Flip Flappers, Humanity Has Declined, ISHURA
Bye Bye Earth #04 — Arboreal Abominations
What the hell even are those things? Impressions: I continue to not be able to follow any of this whatsoever. Apparently saving her parents from a random…
Bye Bye Earth #01 — My Deer Kraken
Told you. Invasive species. Not slow this morning for any particular reason. Just distracted. Though I did glance at 2.5D Seduction's second episode. His spurned childhood friend…

Bye Bye, Earth Anime Review – 66/100
One of the main reasons I prefer novel adaptations to manga or light novels is that, usually, it’s harder for a novel to get picked up for one.…

Series Review: Bye Bye, Earth part 1
This adaptation of an early novel by the creator of Mardock Scramble can be a captivating fantasy story but sometimes tries too hard to be different.

Bye Bye, Earth Season 1 Anime Series Review
On the surface, Bye Bye, Earth depicts a vibrant and colorful fantasy world – unfortunately, its story is plain baffling.

Summer 2024 Impressions: I Parry Everything, Bye Bye, Earth, Atri: My Dear Moments
I Parry Everything Short Synopsis: Noor has wanted to be a hero since he was a child, but he was never good enough at anything to do so.…

"Bye-Bye, Bye-Bye My Youth"
My Journey with Wienners’ Music, Part 1: 'Best New Retakes'
Bye-bye, all of EVANGELION.
Since Neon Genesis Evangelion dropped back in 1995, a heft of the commentary around the series has been centered around the personal feelings of its key creative lead, Anno Hideaki,…

Bye Bye, Mr. Zetsubou Guy
Now this is a story all about how my neck got cracked, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, I'll tell…

Bye Bye, All of Monogatari
More than three years along, and twenty separate blu-ray/DVD sets down, in June 2022 I finally reviewed Zoku Owarimonogatari, the…

Bye bye Blogger . . . I'm Moving to WordPress!
Or did you think I was quitting blogging definitively? :) Nope. I shall continue to have fun blogging, just, somewhere else. For a summari...

Advanced Update: Bye Bye For A While
I’ll be back soon! This going to seem sudden but important update. Before you start reading Lita is not leaving the blog world okay.

Pick of the Week: Bye, Bye, Bookworm
SEAN: Apologies to Ai Yazawa, and I'm sure someone will pick her later on. But this is the final volume of Ascendance of a Bookworm, and I have…
Princess Connect! Re:Dive – 06 – Bye-Bye Loneliness
After Karyl returns “30% better” (and a certain additional % traumatized) the Gourmet Guild departs from the big city for their first real quest. They’re headed to a…

Bye-Bye Atashi no Oniichan: Takeuchi Sachiko
One of the great pleasures of an inveterate book nerd like myself is discovering a new book by an author you love that you had no idea existed…
Guess What. Still Neat in 2020. | Real Neat Blog Award
Wait, what? What do you mean I got this in late December? Fake news! All right, let’s break in the new site overhaul with a brand new tag,…

eBay Says Bye-Bye to Hentai and More
eBay's updated their Adult only section for sellers, and hentai and yaoi is on that list! Krystallina reviews this in this week's column.
Kaiju Transmissions podcast: Bye Bye Jupiter and Gunhed
Another guest spot on Kaiju Transmissions! This time I try to defend two very unpopular 1980s Koichi Kawakita special effects films from Toho, so it could be controversial!…

One of those Times When Earth Has Something Aliens Find Useful
Dan Da Dan Ep 10 Review The last few episodes of Dan Da Dan have been chaotic for our group of teens. First, Aira’s misguided attempts to seduce…

Real Neat Blog Award
I was nominated for the Real Neat Blog Award by Krystallina of Daiyamanga! I am SO grateful! It makes me so happy that anyone reads my ramblings at…
Real Neat Blog Award
Firstly, thanks to Mia over at for the nomination ? I haven’t been involved in a blog-tag-chain-nom for many moons – not since I used to be…

Real Neat Blog Award!
Introduction: I was really happy that Crow from Crow’s World of Anime has nominated this site for its second Real Neat anime award (I think). I have to apologize…

Good Bye Summer!
Summer is starting to fade away. The blistering heat of the day is tempered little by little by the clear, chilly nights. Leaves on the trees have begun…

Cool Cool Bye
When a laserdisc of the 1986 fantasy OVA Cool Cool Bye turned up in a pile of discs the team bought in Japan, I thought it would…
Phoenix, Stop!! Hibari-kun!, Maris the Chojo, White Fang, Ai no Kusabi
Ideas for 2021
After 2020, "plans" seems altogether too strong a word for Orphan Fansubs' projects in 2021. So rather than write down some impossible set of goals, or even an…
Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai!, Idea, Ambassador Magma, One Pound Gospel, Milky Passion: Dougenzaka - Ai no Shiro

Unpublished Post Ideas
I have many ideas. I post once a week. Therefore I need to pick one of these ideas to use for a post. The problem is, I am…

It’s Okay to Be Happy — Bye-Bye, All of Evangelion
Note: This article contains explicit spoilers for Evangelion 3.0+1.0 and the entire Evangelion franchise.
Real Neat Anime Blog Award
A while back, I was nominated by Keiko with the Real Neat Anime Blog Award. If you haven’t followed her already, you should, since she nominated me. I…
The Real Neat Blog Award!
anime rants blog, real neat blog award
Second Real Neat Blog Award!
Thanks for the Nomination! I was really happy that Yomu from Umai Yomu Anime Blog and Keiko from Keiko’s Anime Blog nominated this site for its second Real…

Good Bye, “Ruby” Tuesday
Life can be a complicated mess, as there is just so much going on that you are not prepared for when the worst happens, which is what goes…
Unfinished Business – Bye, America
Well, today’s my last day in the States. I couldn’t manage to get out anywhere near all the things I had in mind for this humble little blog…

This Week in Anime - Saying 'Bye Bye' to All of Evangelion
Somehow, before we knew it, Evangelion was over. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon A Time took nearly a decade to release but for fans of the series, it's almost…
Earth Liner
General Information Unit type: support vehicleLength: 44.5 metersWeight: 33.6 metric tonsMaximum speed: 650.0 km/hOriginal mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara Lineart N/A
Earth Fighter
General Information Unit type: support vehicleLength: 25.0 metersWeight: 19.2 metric tonsMaximum speed: Mach 3.5Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara Lineart Rear view
Versus Earth
A manga where humanity is battling against deadly pillars who threaten to exterminate them appear from the ground. Teenager Haruto Teragane is dragged into this battle after becoming…
100+ Cosplay Pose Ideas
1. Classic arms crossed boss pose 2. Backlit with strong silhouette 3. Intense expression ready to fight 4. Standing strong with a large sword 5. Pulling a sword…
#68 - Lupin III: Bye Bye Lady Liberty Review and Monkey Punch Tribute
This week, Austin and Bill pay tribute to Kazuhiko Katō (a.k.a. Monkey Punch), the creator of Lupin the Third, who passed away of pneumonia on April 11th, 2019.…

Lupin III: Bye Bye Lady Liberty (1989) – Strange Cults in New York
This film is such a strange Lupin film to discuss. When this one was legally on YouTube on TMS’ YouTube channel, it had an older dub. One that…

EP 54: Bye Bye Bojji & Bisco, Hello Moon Knight & Sun God Luffy
Dad Needs To Talk shares thoughts on the finale of Ranking of Kings, Sabikui Bisco, Moon Knight & Luffy new form. All this and more.
It’s a Really Neat Blog Award!
I got another award! I mean…just wow, all this positive recognition is doing wonders for my low self-esteem so thank you Ospreyshire over at IridiumEyeReviews, this means a…

VRV Says Bye to HIDIVE
HIDIVE is leaving VRV September 30, leaving Krystallina to review the future of both services in this week's Please Save My Money.
Anime Nano Podcast: Bye Week
This is really what happened. So during the weekend, Hinano and jpmeyer held hands. This made jpmeyer sick, and he’s out of commision right now. That, and we…

K-Drama: Hi Bye, Mama!
Hi Bye, Mama! is a heart wrenching tale of a mother who lost her life and watches over her young child as a ghost. Spooky, am I right?…
20 Cute Cosplay Pose Ideas
1. Classic anime cheeks puffed 2. Adjusting your glasses 3. Surprised an excited expression 4. Tongue and and peace signs 5. Flourish your skirt or curtsy 6. A…

Random Dragon Ball Super Ideas
So initially this was going to be a plot synopsis of my idea of a new Dragon Ball Super movie; the usual bad fan-fiction posing as a blog…