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1583 results, page 1 of 32

NieR Automata v1.1a #16 — Snake Balls

  But seriously, why are we in a desert fighting this thing? Impressions: A whole episode milking tragically dying, which, again, is undercut by the already multiple stabbings…

Tenka Seiha

Bye Bye Earth #03 — Random Shambling Undead

  Do they just enforce curfew or something? Impressions: The luster's really coming off this as it piles more and more nonsense up, and there wasn't a ton…

Tenka Seiha

Pseudo Harem #04 — Wow

  Definitely the sound dogs make. Impressions: Maybe I'm out of touch with the dating culture of Japanese teenager, but if somebody brought me to their house and…

Tenka Seiha

Suicide Squad in Ivalice #07 — Clay Sword

  Oh, so Clayface isn't vulnerable to physical objects after all. Impressions: At least it's still trying with the animation, but at this point, the script is quite…

Tenka Seiha

Shy #16 — People Standing in Circles

  Shouldn't you guys be… I dunno, trying to save people? Impressions: It really exemplifies all the issues with this show at the moment that halfway through the…

Tenka Seiha

Mayonnaise Bread #03 — Creativity and the Internet

  Not things that generally go together. Impressions: Remember this show from its pre-air three weeks ago? Well, it hasn't improved much, and is already attempting to reuse…

Tenka Seiha

Wistoria #03 — Simping Ain’t Easy

  Shut up about this girl, already. I'm out of town for a few days. I'm not going far, and there's not a lot of shows Monday-Wednesday anyway…

Tenka Seiha

The Elusive Samurai #03 — Random Giant Pig

  Ah yes. The peaceful countryside with giant man eating monsters roaming free. Impressions: Weakest of the three episodes, and a bit of a change in format. This…

Tenka Seiha

Why Does Nobody Remember #02 — Sword of Convenience

  What luck it only cuts rocks and monsters. Impressions: The Saturday culling continues, and this was the better episode between it and Sakuna, but it's very much…

Tenka Seiha

NieR Automata v1.1a #15 — Special Panty Shot Mode

  Now that's what the crowd's here for. Impressions: The important part of this episode was the part where she initated her special combat mode, transformed into her…

Tenka Seiha

Bye Bye Earth #02 — Untrustworthy Lagomorphs

  Ew, rabbits. Impressions: The writing here isn't getting any better. We start out with her randomly laying in a forest of glowing rocks, announcing that she was…

Tenka Seiha

Pseudo Harem #03 — Artistic Styles

  Why not do segments in those styles? Come on, show some flair. Oh god. This new WordPress update slightly broke my editing interface. Ugh. Impressions: It's stil cute…

Tenka Seiha

Suicide Squad in Xanth #06 — Oops, All Mind Control

  How many mind control people did they put on Team A anyway? Impressions: I guess the first third wasn't too bad, and I think that I'd rather…

Tenka Seiha

My Deer Friend #03 — Screaming at an Ungulate

  Template template template template. Impressions: Oh, it's the specific clip that was memed to absolute death by the internet, but now, instead of being a surreal five…

Tenka Seiha

Shy #15 — Now Featuring Uno

  Remember when this show had antagonists in it? Impressions: God, yes. This is exactly what I hoped for in a show about superheroes fighting against a dude and…

Tenka Seiha

Wistoria #02 — Dumbledorette

  Do all teachers get a free pass to murder any student they feel like? Impressions: There's little else on Sundays, but this is still just being utterly…

Tenka Seiha

Too Many Loser Heroines #01 — Ma’am, This is a Denny’s

  Nice garnish. Impressions: Another kind of throwback light novel adaptation. This time to that era of things with titles like "My Teenage Youth Drama Is So Cliche"…

Tenka Seiha

The Elusive Samurai #02 — The Candyland Dimension

  Sure are a lot of beheadings in this show. The second episode of Sakuna managed to be even worse than the first. It's amazing how hard PA…

Tenka Seiha

Why Does Nobody Remember #01 — Carefully Hidden Giant Open Pyramid

  They've just got a glowing Excalibur in a giant pyramid right outside the front door? Impressions: Seven or eight years ago, this would have been just one…

Tenka Seiha

Nier Automata v1.1a #14 — Mass Android Penetration

  Template template template template. Impressions: Maybe I'll just accept that Fridays are high fantasy day with mediocre action shows; turn off my brain and bask in the…

Tenka Seiha

Bye Bye Earth #01 — My Deer Kraken

  Told you. Invasive species. Not slow this morning for any particular reason. Just distracted. Though I did glance at 2.5D Seduction's second episode. His spurned childhood friend…

Tenka Seiha

Pseudo Harem #02 — Holiday Season

  At least I'm not being yelled at. Impressions: My thoughts haven't changed much here. It's cute enough, and they've got more chemistry together than 99% of anime…

Tenka Seiha

Suicide Squad in The Matrix #05 — Beer Run

  We're suddenly worried about logistics now? Impressions: Well, at least the animation was solid for the episode, even if it was the epitome of filler in a…

Tenka Seiha

My Deer Friend #02 — Ungulate Reincarnation

  Please go easy on my ears. Impressions: It seems all roads in comedy these days lead to screaming. I would have greatly preferred if it had ramped…

Tenka Seiha

Love Can’t Be Divided Between Twins #01 — Addicted to Drama

  It's great that the dude hardly even realizes he's there. Impressions: At least it made me laugh. This wants to be so melodramatic, but of the three…

Tenka Seiha

Our Last Crusade in Russian #13 — Mostly Fetishes

  Ah yes, '''romantic''' ''''''comedies.''''' Quasi-Impressions: My memory of the first season of this show is basically non-existent, but I had the vague impression that it was a…

Tenka Seiha

Narnia Reject #01 — Already Banned From YouTube

  Which is the bigger fetish, tree tentacle rape, or browsing status screens? Impressions: The exact moment that this went from merely irritating to truly obnoxious was when it…

Tenka Seiha

The Magic Girl and Villain #01 — Screaming at Girls

  Maybe that's why you can't get a date. Impressions: At least Bones animated the intro sequence, and then phoned it in for the rest of the episode.…

Tenka Seiha

Shy #14 — Ghosting

  Yes, yes. Very spooky. Impressions: The show's unfortunately not getting any better, with what really seems like a whole 'nother half an episode of pure filler. Or…

Tenka Seiha

Raising Children in Narnia #01 — Another Twenty Minute Tutorial

  Stop. Making. This. Episode. Impressions: And we come to our holiday/weekend marathon of new shows just like we began, with low effort cheat power RPG world garbage.…

Tenka Seiha

Beefcakes #00 — The Mega-Recap

  Riiiight. Non-Impressions: I'm not entirely sure what to say about this 'episode.' The best analogy I can probably come up with would be… let's say there's a…

Tenka Seiha

Cheer For You #01 — Manic Pixie Dream Girl High

  My favorite is the parkour one because she talks the least. Impressions: Come on, PA Works. I know you know how to animate cheerleading routines. You did…

Tenka Seiha

How a VTuber Went Viral #01 — Girl Makes Faces

  Spoiler: It's by being a normal VTuber. Impressions: I know I said this in the season rundown, but this show is baffling to me. Google virtually any VTuber's…

Tenka Seiha

Wistoria – Wand and Sword #01 — Impact Frames

  Your fun animation tidbit for the day. Impressions: There is a lot of weirdness going on in the animation here as well. Especially whenever people start walking…

Tenka Seiha

Ordinary People #01 — Let’s All Be Boring

  Fitting way to end the day. Impressions: By about minute two of this show, I was certain that unless somebody got run over or stabbed out of…

Tenka Seiha

The Elusive Samurai #01 — The Many Faces of Shounen Comedy and Tragedy

  Okay, there's only actually one. Impressions: It's unusual to actually see production issues in this day and age. Most studios just… don't animate things now. But if any…

Tenka Seiha

Chonker Elves #01 — Extended Informercial

  …Okay. Non-Impressions: Oh, this is actually a 12 minute episode, followed by 12 minutes of… well, see for yourself. I started sorting caps before I realized that,…

Tenka Seiha

Sakuna #01 — No Alcohol For Minors

  Oh, we're going to be a G rated adaptation. Impressions: It's not often a good sign when your game adaptation cuts out all the tutorials and gameplay,…

Tenka Seiha

From Nobody to Hero #01 — Spraying Your Goo All Over the Dungeon

  Holy christ, that OP suddenly yelling was painful. This is a double episode premiere, but I'm less than eager to proceed to the next episode. I may…

Tenka Seiha

Dahlia the Magic Craftsman #01 — Flame Thrower

  So anybody with like 15 minutes can turn a stove into a flamethrower in this world? Another day of six shows, one with a double length premiere,…

Tenka Seiha

This World is Too Buggy #01 — Creative Interpretations of Dragons

  …You know a debugger doesn't mean someone who finds bugs, right? Right? Impressions: What a bizarre episode, and for so many reasons. The most egregious of which…

Tenka Seiha

Dungeon People #01 — Just Like My RPGs!

  It definitely isn't Dungeon Keeper. Impressions: Deadpan is better than the alternative of screamed overreactions, but the humor here is excedingly lacking. It spends so goddamned much…

Tenka Seiha

Grendizer U #01 — Giant Horny Robots

  Unfortunately, not the Bravern kind of horny. Impressions: Ah, the 70s. Well before even I existed. I never watched the original Grendizer, so I can't say if…

Tenka Seiha

NieR Automata #13 — Stabby Time Once Again

  She's just not into you, dude. Impressions: While I did finish the first season, I wasn't the biggest fan, and the massive production issues, including a five month…

Tenka Seiha

2.5D Seduction #01 — Softcore Porn At School

  Could be worse. Could be idols. Impressions: This would be no less cringey if it was instead him sitting in a room by himself, plastered with pictures…

Tenka Seiha

She’s Trans #01 — Stalking is Good, Actually

  If you say so. Impressions: It's hard to think of too many socially appropriate times to scream out "THAT'S MY FETISH," but that's the premise that we're…

Tenka Seiha

Debuff Cheat Power Etc #01 — The Bullys of Bullyville

  At least the status screen was only shown a couple times. Impressions: I honestly prefer the post-modern "I can't believe I have cheat powers!" to this drek.…

Tenka Seiha

Red Cat Ramen #01 — “They’re Cats”

  Let's see how many times I can say that in two paragraphs. Six down, two to go, but I'm taking a short break to get the dogs…

Tenka Seiha

Pseudo Harem #01 — Theatrics

  Ouch, my lack of budget. Impressions: There's something just plain pleasant to see with characters that actually have a bit of chemistry and being generally supportive and…

Tenka Seiha

Twilight Out of Focus #01 — The Jerk Off Accords

  Definitely something that needed to be video recorded. Impressions: I will admit that the opening scene made me laugh. For a lot of reasons. What kind of…

Tenka Seiha