Quick follow-up on my newsletter from last month about the particle だけ (dake). I mostly discussed the non-“only” meaning of the word, which can be replaced with くらい (kurai) or ほど (hodo), but I do want to mention an aspect … Continue reading →
Dec 14, 2022 • Subscribe
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The Tycoon / 傷だらけの山河 / Kizudarake no sanga (1964)
Obscure Japanese Film #144 Ayako Wakao and So Yamamura Having delivered a mega-hit for Daiei studios with Shinobi no mono (1962) and also...

Love at Least 生きてるだけで、愛 (2018) Director: Kosai Sekine
Love at Least offers a nuanced depiction of living with depression with three great performances from its lead cast. Love at Least 生きてるだけで、愛 (2018) Director: Kosai Sekine

A subtle but important tip for written Japanese - How to Japanese - August 2023
![Featured image for Just Remembering (ちょっと思い出しただけ, Daigo Matsui, 2021) [Fantasia 2022]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220723/1658536740.40271.70023.jpg)
![Background image for Just Remembering (ちょっと思い出しただけ, Daigo Matsui, 2021) [Fantasia 2022]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220723/1658536740.40271.70023.jpg)
Just Remembering (ちょっと思い出しただけ, Daigo Matsui, 2021) [Fantasia 2022]
Former lovers are confronted by reminders of their failed romance amid the loneliness of the coronavirus pandemic in Daigo Matsui’s melancholy drama.

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New Moomin 11/52 - Moominvalley Is Full of Holes (ムーミン谷は穴だらけ) (1972) (English subtitles)
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More Shonen On The Horizon
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More light on Turn A
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New Moomin 47/52 - Slip Out Of the Land of Ice (氷の国をぬけだせ) (1972) (English subtitles)
Winter is starting to arrive in Moominvalley, and Moomin and pals go ice-skating in the morning. However, after an accident, they find themselves in a strange icy wonderland,…

けど vs から #learnjapanese
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2

Naofumi Gets More Enemies on His List
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Douseiseikatsu 3 Watashi ha Anata dake no mono (同棲生活3 わたしは貴方だけのもの)
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Douseiseikatsu 3 Watashi ha Anata dake no mono (同棲生活3 わたしは貴方だけのもの)
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Nobody Can Pass Judgment on Me / 誰も僕を裁けない
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Yuri Manga: Ichido Dake Demo, Koukaishiteimasu., Volume 1(一度だけでも、後悔してます。) Guest Review by Mariko S.
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Don Dracula, Leo, Melmo, & more now on Viki.
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Black Jack, Blue Blink, Jungle Emperor Leo, Jungle Emperor Leo, Princess Knight

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How to Japanese Podcast – Episode 42 – のだ
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Tomodachi (ともだち, Yukihiro Sawada, 1974)
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you da ようだ - Meaning in Japanese
What you da means in Japanese.

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![Background image for [Holostars News] Roberu’s Birthday, More Info on Drama CD, Original Generation Unit Songs Plus Many More](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220927/1664270944.44322.74931.png)
[Holostars News] Roberu’s Birthday, More Info on Drama CD, Original Generation Unit Songs Plus Many More
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Cake Over Cleavage: more musings on asexuality in geek media
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Here’s more information on the planned Sailor V anime series
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More Action! More Comedy! More Dickjokes!—NUKITASHI 2 Releases
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Being able to trigger explosions behind you is a superpower, isn't it?
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But we already have an Odin this season.

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Princess Mononoke (もののけ姫, Hayao Miyazaki, 1997)
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