You know, it sounds kinda cool to have a bunch of youkai fighting over you for your delicious blood but, as Hinako has found out, it’s not, really. Worse, it turns out that Hinako’s blo…
Dec 13, 2022 • Subscribe
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Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 6 (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし)
Shiori confides to Miko how she met Hinako…and how it has ruined Hinako’s life. At last, the pieces of the puzzle that is Hinako begin to fall into…

Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 1 (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし)
Hinako’s family died in a tragic accident. Most of what she remembers is falling into the deep, deep ocean. So when, one day, she stops to look at…
Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 4 (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし)
Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 4 (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし) was one of the skin-crawlingest creepy manga I have ever read. If you like youkai and supernatural creature-type creepies,…
Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 9 (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし)
When we left our principals in Volume 8, Miko had been maliciously outed to Hinako as a human-eating kitsune by Tsubaki. In Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi,…
Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 7 (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし)
In a moment of extraordinary timing, Yen Press has just announced that they have licensed this series as This Monster Wants To Eat Me, with Volume 1 headed…

Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 2 (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし)
Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 2 (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし) is a freakin’ brillant volume of a manga and I really hope someone (cough/Yen Press/cough) licenses it so you…
Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 8 ( 私を喰べたい、ひとでなし)
There is no way to review this volume without a few spoilers, so if you would like to skip them, please jump down to after the asterisks. Kitsune,…

Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, Volume 3 (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし)
At the end of Volume 2 of Watashi o Tabetai, Hito de Nashi, (私を喰べたい、ひとでなし) by Naekawa Sai, Hinako was forced to confront her best friend Miko’s secret –…
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 5 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
With more than two decades of reading, I am still absolutely amazed at the high quality of Yuri manga we have gotten in the last few years –…
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 3 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
In Volume 1, we met Nomoto Yuki, a contractor in an office. She finds society’s expectations for women confining and stress-cooks to relax. We then met Kasuga-san, her…
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 4 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
There are so many reasons that Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 4 (作りたい女と食べたい女) is an amazing volume of manga, that I’m hard pressed to pick one thing.…

Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 1 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
I am so excited to be able to review this particular book as my first review of 2022! Since I first read this on Comic Walker, I’ve been…

Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 2 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
Because I loved Volume 1 so very much, I ran out immediately after reviewing it, and bought Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 2 (作りたい女と食べたい女) as a digital…

Tsukurita Onna to Tabetai Onna Live-Action Drama (作りたい女と食べたい女)
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Anata to Watashi no Shuuhassuu (あなたと私の周波数)
Readers of Comic Yuri Hime monthly, might remember most of the stories in this volume, Anata to Watashi no Shuuhassuu (あなたと私の周波数) by Kuwabara Tamostsu. Each short takes a…
Itoshii Koishi, Volume 3 (いとしこいし)
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Watashi ha Ongaku de Naguritai: Band Yuri Novel (わたしは音楽で殴りたい: バンド百合小説)
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Watashi no Kobushi wo Uketomete, Volume 4 (私の拳をうけとめて!)
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Watashi no Kobushi wo Uketomete, Volume 3 ( 私の拳をうけとめて)
In Volume1 and Volume 2, we met Soramori and Takebe, former rivals in high school gangs who have met once again as adults. Soramori confesses to Takebe that…
Bury Me Deep / わたしを深く埋めて / Watashi o fukaku umete (1963)
Obscure Japanese Film #133 Jiro Tamiya Nakabe (Jiro Tamiya) is a lawyer returning to Tokyo after a long holiday in Kyushu. In his absenc...

Hold Me Back (私をくいとめて, Akiko Ohku, 2020)
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Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru, Volume 1 (君としらない夏になる)
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Dekisokonai Hime-tachi, Volume 4 (できそこないの姫君たち)
Fujishiro Nanaki, having been ostracized by her group of fashionable and popular girls, has found acceptance with the “nerd” group, Kurokawa’s friends Izumi and Iroha. Together th…

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Dekisokonai no Hime-tachi, Volume 3 (できそこないの姫君たち)
In Volume 1, otaku and class loner Kurokawa Kaede is thrown together with school princess, Fujishiro Nanaki. In time-honored fashion, Fujishiro gives a radical makeover to the girl…
Ai ni Airashi Itoshi Anata (愛に愛らし愛しいあなた)
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Struggling Man (私はいったい、何と闘っているのか, Toshio Lee, 2021)
A dejected middle-aged man experiences a crisis of masculinity when his home and work lives come under threat in Toshio Lee’s warmhearted comedy.

"Can I Say 何食べたい?" #learnjapanese
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"Can We Say ラーメンを食べないの? to Offer Friends to Eat?" #learnjapanese
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Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou., Volume 5 (私の推しは悪役令嬢。)
Before we start today’s review, I want to let you know that until May my reviews are going to be less regular. I have a relentless schedule for…

In Her Room (ひとりぼっちじゃない, Chihiro Ito, 2022)
A shy dentist’s sense of reality is undermined by his relationship with a mysterious woman living in an indoor forest in Chihiro Ito’s ethereal drama.
Yuri Manga: Dekisokonai no Hime-tachi, Volume 2 (できそこないの姫君たち)
Last spring I took a look at a pleasant “opposites attract” school life Yuri romance by Ajiichi. In Volume 1, we met otaku Kurokawa Kaede and fashionable Fujishiro…

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It seems very appropriate to start our happy New Year with some happy new Yuri, so today we’re going to take a look at Yuusha ni Naritai Shoujo…

Totsuzen Nantonaku Tonari no Seki no Douryou to Kiss Shitaku Narimashita.(突然何となく隣の席の同僚とキスしたくなりました。)
I am so pleased to be reviewing this book today. Miura Kozumi’s Totsuzen Nantonaku Tonari no Seki no Douryou to Kiss Shitaku Narimashita.(突然何となく隣の席の同僚とキスしたくなりました。) is the first Yuri collectio…

Basic Japanese Sentence Structure No. 7 ~ないで
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Your Japanese is Good if You Understand This No.4 なら たら と ば んだったら であれば であるなら
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Fujyourina Atashi-tachi, Volume 2 ( 不条理なあたし達)
Yamanaka is, for lack of a better term, a jerk. In Volume 1, we meet her teasing her colleague Taneda mercilessly. When Taneda invite Yamanaka to a lesbian…

Collector's Mindset - How to Japanese - February 2025

Storytellers (うたうひと, Ryusuke Hamaguchi & Ko Sakai, 2013)
Ageing residents of the Tohoku region keep the folktales of ancient Japan alive in Hamaguchi & Sakai’s strangely comforting documentary

Otona ni Nattemo, Volume 5 (おとなになっても)
Previous volumes of Shimura Takako’s adult life drama have centered on three adults whose life has been thrown into turmoil by unexpected emotions. Otona ni Nattemo, Volume 5…

People Who Talk to Plushies Are Kind (ぬいぐるみとしゃべる人はやさしい, Yurina Kaneko, 2023)
A collection of sensitive uni students pour out their worries to cuddly toys to avoid burdening others with their fears in Yurina Kaneko’s charmingly empathetic drama.

「全部磯チルドレンでいいんじゃないかと思っています」- 沓名健一インタビュー
The post 「全部磯チルドレンでいいんじゃないかと思っています」- 沓名健一インタビュー appeared first on Full Frontal.
Sempai, Oishii desuka? Volume 2 (先輩、美味しいですか?)
Huh. It was almost exactly a year ago I reviewed Volume 1 of Mikanuji’s Yuri + food manga. At the time I said, “I can definitely recommend it…

Sempai, Oishii desuka? Volume 1 (先輩、美味しいですか?)
Miho loves food. She happily eats large bowls of rice with a big smile. But, back in high school, a schoolmate told her it wasn’t really feminine to…
Futari ha Daitai Konna Kanji, Volume 2 (ふたりはだいたいこんなかんじ)
Okay, so here’s a mood. You like a creator, so when they announce a new book or series, you’re cautiously optimistic at the least. You know it might…

Futari ha Daitai Konna Kanji, Volume 4 (ふたりはだいたいこんなかんじ)
In Futari ha Daitai Konna Kanji, Volume 4 (ふたりはだいたいこんなかんじ) Ikeda Takashi brings his specific brand of wacky slice-of-life to a fantastic conclusion. In the first three volumes of…

Futari ha Daitai Konna Kanji, Volume 3 (ふたりはだいたいこんなかんじ)
One of the defining characteristics of an adult life is facing setbacks. You can work really hard, gambare with all you have and still not achieve the goal.…

Ora, Ora Be Goin’ Alone (おらおらでひとりいぐも, Shuichi Okita, 2020)
An older woman living alone is plagued by three strange sprites forcing her to confront the reality of her life in Shuichi Okita’s surreal meditation on loneliness and…
Onna Tomodachi to Kekkonshitemita, Volume 2 (女ともだちと結婚してみた。)
People are complex systems. Relationships are complex systems made up of complex systems. Even with clear boundaries, even when sex is not an issue, relationships get messy when…
Onna Tomodachi to Kekkonshitemita, Volume 1 (女ともだちと結婚してみた。)
If you are a regular reader here, you probably know how much I like Usui Shio’s recent work in Comic Yuri Hime. I’ve been really happy with Kaketa…