Back in March, Titan Comics announced that it would launching its own manga imprint, Titan Manga, with the publication of a new “director’s cut” of Takashi Okazaki’s Afro-Samurai. This week, Titan announced two more acquisitions: Kamen Rider Kuuga and Atom: The Beginning, both of which will debut in October. The deal is part of a new partnership with StoneBot Comics. In other licensing news, Seven Seas just unveiled its latest acquisitions, which include Malevolent Spirits: Monogatari, Let’s Buy the Land and Cultivate It in a Different World, Anti-Romance, and Night of the Living Cat, a horror-comedy in which “a virus transforms humans into cats.” The mode of transmission? Snuggling with an infected kitty! (Seriously, did my cats write this?!!) NEWS AND FEATURES Young Jump just published the final chapter in Satoru Noda’s bloody revenge saga...

Manga Bookshelf