More like Street Fighter: The Legend of CRAP-Li HUR HUR HUR A coworker asked me over this past week: “So what happened to the Survivor Horror in Resident Evil 5?” I told him: “It’s now called sitting through Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li.” I know this, because I have sat through this movie. This episode is pretty much just a PSA to the world that no one ever should go see Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li.EVER. But you all probably knew that. We went to go make sure, because sometimes you have to stand, even when it’s hard to stand. And now our horrors have been shared and brought to you. Please do not go see this film. Do not rent this film. This isn’t a bad-good. This is just poor. Do not say that we did not warn you. Also, we have a forum now. Please go post in it!

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