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202 results, page 1 of 5

Featured image for 196: The Sickos Get Laid OffBackground image for 196: The Sickos Get Laid Off

196: The Sickos Get Laid Off

The Sickos discuss Joe's recent layoff, and how getting laid off is fine, and it's easy to get a new job, and there WILL be a future, and…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 195: A.J. Ditty Goes Guesto ModeBackground image for 195: A.J. Ditty Goes Guesto Mode

195: A.J. Ditty Goes Guesto Mode

A.J. Ditty from the Worst of All Possible Worlds podcast goes guesto mode! We learn how to act, why seeing your parents shot in the face would make…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 194: The Sickos Examine the Perfect PilotBackground image for 194: The Sickos Examine the Perfect Pilot

194: The Sickos Examine the Perfect Pilot

Sitcom pilots tend to suck ass. They have to do boring exposition and the characters haven't settled into a rhythm yet. Well what if we told you there…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 193: Best in Slot JokesBackground image for 193: Best in Slot Jokes

193: Best in Slot Jokes

Comedy is an endless playground of creativity and innovation, but some jokes are so good that nothing could ever be better in its niche. We call these "Best…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 192: Remy Siu Goes Guesto ModeBackground image for 192: Remy Siu Goes Guesto Mode

192: Remy Siu Goes Guesto Mode

Remy Siu, creative director of the excellent narrative game 1000xResist, goes guesto mode! We discuss how he & the game's writing staff put together a frankly staggering work…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 191: The Sickos Read Cog TalesBackground image for 191: The Sickos Read Cog Tales

191: The Sickos Read Cog Tales

The Sickos remembered that we have a form we shared a long time ago where people can submit horror stories from their workplaces, and we finally read some…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 190: The Sickos Shoot Da BreezeBackground image for 190: The Sickos Shoot Da Breeze

190: The Sickos Shoot Da Breeze

We've had too many high-concept episodes lately that require lots of thought and prep, so we just turned the mic on and had an hour of organic jawing.…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 189: The Sickos Complain About AIBackground image for 189: The Sickos Complain About AI

189: The Sickos Complain About AI

This AI shit sucks so bad folks. We expand on what we found so distasteful about generative AI art and how much it would suck ass to see…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 188: Oops! All Sketches 2Background image for 188: Oops! All Sketches 2

188: Oops! All Sketches 2

The Sickos come bearing eleven killer sketches that will make you hoot and laugh and go nuts. Join us as we travel through time, meet god, become Michelin…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 187: The Sickos Do A Classic Posting EpisodeBackground image for 187: The Sickos Do A Classic Posting Episode

187: The Sickos Do A Classic Posting Episode

Are you freaks happy? We come from the toilet battered and bloody bearing armfuls of insane and stupid posts that are very funny to think about. Come listen…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 186: Crawfish Comic Goes Guesto ModeBackground image for 186: Crawfish Comic Goes Guesto Mode

186: Crawfish Comic Goes Guesto Mode

Shevvy from the incredible comedy sensation Crawfish Comic goes guesto mode! We go nuts over how much we like Shevvy's work, and they explain the ethos and philosophy…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 185: Long Live Akira ToriyamaBackground image for 185: Long Live Akira Toriyama

185: Long Live Akira Toriyama

The Sickos eulogize the best cartoonist to ever live, Akira Toriyama. Rest in peace king. Your art will live forever, and future generations will understand that it's cool…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 184: Josh Boerman Goes Guesto ModeBackground image for 184: Josh Boerman Goes Guesto Mode

184: Josh Boerman Goes Guesto Mode

We welcome Josh Boerman from the Worst of All Possible Worlds podcast. We discuss immersive sims, the value of good criticism, trying to make a living off creative…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 183: The Sickos Do Two SegmentsBackground image for 183: The Sickos Do Two Segments

183: The Sickos Do Two Segments

The Sickos do a classic two-segment episode. First, we return to our tier list of Every Game Mechanic and rank a bunch of these suckers. Then, we return…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 182: The Sickos Become Literature GeniusesBackground image for 182: The Sickos Become Literature Geniuses

182: The Sickos Become Literature Geniuses

Turns out books are not homework, but instead stuff a weirdo wrote down for fun. We go nuts about Moby Dick, Don Quixote, and the works of Don…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 181: Guys Who Fell OffBackground image for 181: Guys Who Fell Off

181: Guys Who Fell Off

The Sickos moan about guys who have fallen off. Some fear to do this. We have the courage to do what they won't.

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 180: Goblin Punks with Grant Howitt - An Anime Sickos AdventureBackground image for 180: Goblin Punks with Grant Howitt - An Anime Sickos Adventure

180: Goblin Punks with Grant Howitt - An Anime Sickos Adventure

Grant Howitt, a game designer who rules, joins the Sickos (plus Gwynn and Allie from Modesty City, Sicko Shock 2, and Shuffle Quest) for a one-shot game of…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 179: The Sickos Ponder Da SludgeBackground image for 179: The Sickos Ponder Da Sludge

179: The Sickos Ponder Da Sludge

Everywhere you look someone's trying to sell you da sludge, and they usually succeed! AI? That's da sludge. Layoffs? Sludge. Airplanes where the walls fall off? Sludge. Some…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 178: The Sickos Begin to Rank Every Game MechanicBackground image for 178: The Sickos Begin to Rank Every Game Mechanic

178: The Sickos Begin to Rank Every Game Mechanic

We unveil a classic new recurring segment in which the Sickos sort every single game mechanic into a tier list. This will definitely not take a long time…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 177: The Sickos are Out of Touch, and RightBackground image for 177: The Sickos are Out of Touch, and Right

177: The Sickos are Out of Touch, and Right

Folks, your Sickos are old and dumb and don't know what's hip now. When we watched the Game Awards it was like we got clockwork oranged. Music is…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 176: Joe Has a Baby NowBackground image for 176: Joe Has a Baby Now

176: Joe Has a Baby Now

We're back from our break. Joe had a baby, did you hear about that? That's part of why there was a break. Anyway, we talk about the baby…

Anime Sickos

175: The Sickos Enter the Void

Guest hosts Sara & Tom McHenry watched the big plagiarism YouTube video and now we are harrowed by the nightmarish threat of "void people," empty automatons who eerily…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 174: The Sickos Defeat DeathBackground image for 174: The Sickos Defeat Death

174: The Sickos Defeat Death

Guest host erica dreisbach fills in for Joe and reveals how to defeat aging and live forever by buying pills from the store that a disgraced charlatan told…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 173: The Sickos Design Final Fantasy 17Background image for 173: The Sickos Design Final Fantasy 17

173: The Sickos Design Final Fantasy 17

Square Enix is fucked because no one liked Final Fantasy 16. They need the next mainline entry to be a rock-solid crowdpleaser that's cheap and fast to develop.…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 172: The Sickos Rank the MonstersBackground image for 172: The Sickos Rank the Monsters

172: The Sickos Rank the Monsters

It's our spookiest episode yet as the Sickos rank the Halloween monsters in a bone-chilling tournament! This one's pretty dumb (non-derogatory)

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 171: Sean Rose Goes Guesto ModeBackground image for 171: Sean Rose Goes Guesto Mode

171: Sean Rose Goes Guesto Mode

Sean Rose goes guesto mode! We discuss Sean's comic Red Ring of Death, a parody of inescapable mid-2000s gaming webcomics, his podcast The Hornet's Nest, in which reformed…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 170: Obama is Gay With Tucker's FriendBackground image for 170: Obama is Gay With Tucker's Friend

170: Obama is Gay With Tucker's Friend

The Sickos discuss the story of the millenium: Obama is allegedly gay with Tucker's buddy. This is sure to really move the needle. Plus, numerous goofy segments and…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 169: The Sickos Create the Perfect Parenting GuideBackground image for 169: The Sickos Create the Perfect Parenting Guide

169: The Sickos Create the Perfect Parenting Guide

With Joe's baby on the way, the Sickos use their genius minds to solve the age old question of how to be a perfect parent who raises a…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 168: Dan Sheehan Goes Guesto ModeBackground image for 168: Dan Sheehan Goes Guesto Mode

168: Dan Sheehan Goes Guesto Mode

Writer and comedian Dan Sheehan goes guesto mode! We discuss how creating a massive Twitter sensation gives you zero (0) rewards, why it whips ass to write the…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 167: The Sickos Steal the Chrono Trigger - An Anime Sickos AdventureBackground image for 167: The Sickos Steal the Chrono Trigger - An Anime Sickos Adventure

167: The Sickos Steal the Chrono Trigger - An Anime Sickos Adventure

Jeff Stormer of the Party of One Podcast joins us for an Anime Sickos RPG adventure as we play TIME HEIST! The Sickos infiltrate Science Island on a…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 166: The Sickos Buy Property and Become EvilBackground image for 166: The Sickos Buy Property and Become Evil

166: The Sickos Buy Property and Become Evil

Many people want to own a house or condo, but uh oh! If you do that you touch the Trump Orb and become an evil guy! The Sickos…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 165: The Sickos Log On to X, The Everything AppBackground image for 165: The Sickos Log On to X, The Everything App

165: The Sickos Log On to X, The Everything App

The Sickos mourn the diseased and rapidly dying website Twitter, now renamed X: The Everything App by its foolish owner, a weird man who posts tongue emojis that…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 164: The Sickos Go Back to BasicsBackground image for 164: The Sickos Go Back to Basics

164: The Sickos Go Back to Basics

It's been forever since we've done a Normal one. We go back to basics, discussing Chrono Cross and doing Cog Talk. Baby, we still got it!

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 163: The Making of Sicko Shock 2Background image for 163: The Making of Sicko Shock 2

163: The Making of Sicko Shock 2

The Sickos spent 15 months producing an audio drama miniseries and now are tired. Allow us the indulgence of reminiscing on the incredible experience of writing, casting, recording,…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 6 - Sherry and the Ganja GangBackground image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 6 - Sherry and the Ganja Gang

Sicko Shock 2: Episode 6 - Sherry and the Ganja Gang

The Anime Sickos present: Sicko Shock 2 - A Miniseries in Six Episodes. EPISODE 6: SHERRY AND THE GANJA GANG In the year 42069, humanity survives…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 5 - Tor ClientBackground image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 5 - Tor Client

Sicko Shock 2: Episode 5 - Tor Client

The Anime Sickos present: Sicko Shock 2 - A Miniseries in Six Episodes. EPISODE 5: TOR CLIENT In the year 42069, humanity survives in the last…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 4 - Dr. Fiona FirewireBackground image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 4 - Dr. Fiona Firewire

Sicko Shock 2: Episode 4 - Dr. Fiona Firewire

The Anime Sickos present: Sicko Shock 2 - A Miniseries in Six Episodes. EPISODE 4: DR. FIONA FIREWIRE In the year 42069, humanity survives in the…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 3 - Stack OverflowBackground image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 3 - Stack Overflow

Sicko Shock 2: Episode 3 - Stack Overflow

The Anime Sickos present: Sicko Shock 2 - A Miniseries in Six Episodes. EPISODE 3: STACK OVERFLOW In the year 42069, humanity survives in the last…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 2 - Sherry VaporwareBackground image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 2 - Sherry Vaporware

Sicko Shock 2: Episode 2 - Sherry Vaporware

The Anime Sickos present: Sicko Shock 2 - A Miniseries in Six Episodes. EPISODE 2: SHERRY VAPORWARE In the year 42069, humanity survives in the last…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 1 - Burt HarddriveBackground image for Sicko Shock 2: Episode 1 - Burt Harddrive

Sicko Shock 2: Episode 1 - Burt Harddrive

The Anime Sickos present: Sicko Shock 2 - A Miniseries in Six Episodes. EPISODE 1: BURT HARDDRIVE In the year 42069, humanity survives in the last…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 162: GUESTO 2 GUESTO - Rayne and Medley feat. JimbleBackground image for 162: GUESTO 2 GUESTO - Rayne and Medley feat. Jimble

162: GUESTO 2 GUESTO - Rayne and Medley feat. Jimble

The Sickos accidentally pressed the Elseworlds button in Sickos HQ and were transported to an alternate universe where Anime Sickos Podcast is 100% Guestos! Rayne Klar and James…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 161: The Sickos Watch Asteroid CityBackground image for 161: The Sickos Watch Asteroid City

161: The Sickos Watch Asteroid City

The Sickos went to da movie house to see Asteroid City, the latest from diorama enthusiast and pastel color liker Wes Anderson. Some people do not take well…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 160: The Sickos Visit the Blue Check ZooBackground image for 160: The Sickos Visit the Blue Check Zoo

160: The Sickos Visit the Blue Check Zoo

Twitter is bad, but sometimes these blue check mutants say stuff that's so stupid you have to laugh and hoot! We discuss an incredible thread where dozens of…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 159: The Sickos Manga Roundup Vol. 2Background image for 159: The Sickos Manga Roundup Vol. 2

159: The Sickos Manga Roundup Vol. 2

The Sickos read some manga (anime in holding-still form)! We go nuts over James Stokoe's newest western manga Orphan and the Five Beasts. Joe explains the goop-based economy…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 158: Great Moments in Posting History - Listener EditionBackground image for 158: Great Moments in Posting History - Listener Edition

158: Great Moments in Posting History - Listener Edition

The Anime Sickos have covered many great posts, but even we have posting blind spots. Luckily our listeners have supplied us with a new crop of some of…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 157: Isa Goes Guesto Mode AgainBackground image for 157: Isa Goes Guesto Mode Again

157: Isa Goes Guesto Mode Again

Tom's niece Isa returns to the podcast! We talk about Tears of the Kingdom, how Covid turned high school sophomores into six-foot-tall toddlers, competitive high school bass fishing,…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 156: Guy Sword: Senior Operations ManagerBackground image for 156: Guy Sword: Senior Operations Manager

156: Guy Sword: Senior Operations Manager

The Sickos pitch their own manga series about Guy Sword, an heir of thousands of years of demon-slaying martial arts, who has given up the shonen battle life…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 155: The Sickos Play Short GamesBackground image for 155: The Sickos Play Short Games

155: The Sickos Play Short Games

It's a miracle: The Sickos both played the same game, the roguelike town-upgrading game Cult of the Lamb, a fun game with a cute artstyle and unique gimmick,…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 154: There's Blood in the Toilet NowBackground image for 154: There's Blood in the Toilet Now

154: There's Blood in the Toilet Now

The Blood Machine sprung a leak and now the toilet's full of blood. Twitter has been ruined as the boosted blue checks flood all popular posts with the…

Anime Sickos

Featured image for 153: Devon Price Reads the Duchess Goldblatt BookBackground image for 153: Devon Price Reads the Duchess Goldblatt Book

153: Devon Price Reads the Duchess Goldblatt Book

Previous guesto and notable book genius Dr. Devon Price returns to the show having read Duchess Goldblatt's bestselling memoir(!!!). Listen as he recounts the truly staggering details of…

Anime Sickos