During Tokyopop's prime, they struggled to get their hands on big-name shonen manga titles. They really only managed to do so twice. One o...
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During Tokyopop's prime, they struggled to get their hands on big-name shonen manga titles. They really only managed to do so twice. One o...
Rave Master
A manga about a boy who embarks on a quest to find the 4 Rave stones and defeat the Dark Bring to save the world. Continue reading →
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 118: Mazinger Z & Rave Master (or Mazin Go!!!)
In this action packed episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Deke review the vastly popular Shonen Series, Groove Adventure Rave/Rave Master by Hiro Mashima, while Xan proves his…
Rave Master, Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Mazinger Z, Mazinkaiser

#chainsawman #chainsawmanedit #pochita #makima #denji #chainsawmananime #anime #animeedit #animeshorts #music #animemusic #fyp #crunchyroll #dragonball #goku #naruto #luffy #ichigo #onepiece #shorts #dragonball #dbz #dbs #goku #anime #shorts…

Let's wrap up this year's Old School Month with an old-school adventure from one of manga's most notable creators. MASTER KEATON ( Masuta Ki...

Air Master - Review
Given the seemingly never ending stream of uninspired , shitty , pedophilic anime that I am continuously subjected to, it seems wondrous ...

Manhwa Review | Master of Master by Shida
Euncheol has led a lonely life. To stave away the loneliness, he frequently jumps from bedmate to bedmate and from relationship to relationship, hoping to one day feel…

The Ultimate Anime Rave Experience in Gauteng
Get ready for the Ultimate Anime Rave Experience in Gauteng! This event will blend anime fandom and rave culture for a night of high-energy beats, cosplay, and exclusive…
The Do-Over Damsel #01 — “Dragon God Rave”
Now that sounds like a party. Unfortunately, it's rah-veh, so it's not a party at all. Impressions: I'd do the whole "Stop me if you've heard this…

Teasing Master Takagi-san Review
Now that the manga is over, AstroNerdBoy reviews the junior high school romcom manga series, Teasing Master Takagi-san.

A Master Review of Angel
Hi friends! I hope you’re all doing well! Today I wanted to talk about basically the continuation of my Buffy review, which you can find here, and talk…
Anime Review: He is My Master
Year: 2005 Length: 12 Episodes Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Slice of Life Studio: Gaimax / Shaft Synopsis: Izumi Sawatari and her younger sister, Mitsuki Sawatari, have run away from…

Izumi Sawatari doesn’t exactly have it maid in the shade; she really needs aid in “He Is My Master”!

A review of Teasing Master Takagi-san
Since I’ve had a look at the anime adaptation of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! and the original Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro manga, it’s only right…
Teasing Master Takagi-san Live Action Review
Drama: Teasing Master Takagi-sanRomaji: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-sanJapanese: からかい上手の高木さんScreenwriter: Imaizumi RikiyaNetwork: NetflixActors: Tsukishima Rui, Kurokawa SouyaI know there is an anime and it is very popular but I…

Teasing Master (Former) Takagi-san Manga Review
AstroNerdBoy reviews the Teasing Master (Former) Takagi-san manga series, the spinoff-sequel to Teasing Master Takagi-san.

Bride of the Barrier Master Volume 1 Review
Bride of the Barrier Master is too focused on reminding readers of Hana's power instead of crafting a story revolving around her personality.

A review of Teasing Master Takagi-san (S3)
I had to clean my brain out after watching Pupa, and maybe you have to clean your brain out after reading what I wrote about it yesterday. So…

The Ultimate Buffy the Vampire Slayer Master Review
Hi friends! I hope you’re all doing well! Today I wanted to talk about a show that I just recently finished, but I have been on a mission…

Kenda Master Ken
HOLY SH*T!! WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS???!!! Just when I thought I have seen the best of the worst, then came this absolute piece of garbage sh*t! In…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Beast Master (series)
Author & Artist Kyousuke MotomiReleased November 2009 & February 2010 by VIZ Media imprint Shojo BeatTranslation JN ProductionsEditor Amy YuGenre: Romance, Drama

The Yetee Adds ‘Forbidden One’s Master,’ ‘Dragon’s Master’ Sweatshirts
The first new Yu-Gi-Oh! apparel of 2025 is here, and it comes from the custom pop culture merchandise retailer The Yetee. Check out “Forbidden One’s Master” and “Dragon̵…

Master of the Underworld – Ousama Ranking Ep 10 Review
As Bojji finishes his Underworld training, conspiracy blossoms in his kingdom. This is a review and discussion for Ousama Ranking Episode 10.

A review of Teasing Master Takagi-san: The Movie
Oh, my heart. How it’s still functioning properly I can’t say, not after watching last year’s Teasing Master Takagi-san film, simply subtitled The Movie (aka Eiga Karakai Jouzu…
Teasing Master Takagi-san: The Movie, Teasing Master Takagi-san
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 391:Teasing Master Takagi-San
In this episode, Xan discusses a romantic comedy that involves the age old courtship tactic known as Teasing on the one you love. Is it a good manga?…

The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy Review — D-
Magical school harem of the demon king.
![Featured image for Yin Yang Master Zero (2024) review [Nippon Connection 2024]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20240608/1717829129.85401.124845.jpg)
![Background image for Yin Yang Master Zero (2024) review [Nippon Connection 2024]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20240608/1717829129.85401.124845.jpg)
Yin Yang Master Zero (2024) review [Nippon Connection 2024]
A fantastical visual experience like no other.
Dororo Bon Master Post
Dororo Bon Master Post Dōke Daisuke …
Master Keaton and Claudine
The White Sox have a winning record in August and have taken the season series against the Red Sox. Baseball is good. This episode, we’re talking about Hokusei…
Odds & Ends Master Post
th, td { padding: 5px; text-align: center; } table td { width: 30%; …
Yatagarasu Series - Master Post
Yatagarasu Series Volume 1: Ravens Shouldn't Wear Kimono Author: Chisato Abe MASTER POST VOLUME 1 …

There's No Master Plan
Six months with an animation newsletter.
Pixel Master On Sale?!
Oh damn! The Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters are on sale on Play-Asia for about $50! I really want to buy it, but I dont get paid until this…
Dororo Translations - Master Post
.neon { color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 5px #fff, 0 0 10px #fff, …
Master Keaton and Claudine
The White Sox have a winning record in August and have taken the season series against the...
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 107: Air Master & Sanctuary (or Air Master Strives To Be Youngest Japanese Prime Minister)
In this insanely late episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan and Kal Talk about The political intrigue thriller manga, Sanctuary by Sho Fumimura and the Martial Arts…

My Master Has No Tail Volumes 1 and 2 Review
Mameda, a young tanuki or “mame-danuki”, is ready to leave behind her boring old village and enjoy the big city, Osaka! But unfortunately for Mameda this is no…

Master Detective Archives: Rain Code Visual Novel Review (Spoiler‑Free)
In a city where it's always raining, a detective-in-training must put his life on the line to solve mysteries before they are covered up for good. Spoiler-free review…
Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time Review
Shorts are things I don’t typically watch. There have been a few exceptions for some that were really good, like Wakako-zake. So when The OASG overlords gave me…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 12: Hoshi wa Uta & Love Master A (or The Love Master and her Starry Wishes)
Episode 12 is here and hope you enjoy while May-san and Xan review, Love Master A and Hoshi wa Utau. ----more---- Listen as Xan sounds like he didn't…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 106: Eureka 7 & Master Keaton (or Master Keaton Investigates Trepher Waves, LFOs, Compact Drives, And Rifting)
In this insanely late episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan and Kal rant and review about two Manga. The Sci Fi, adventure manga, Eureka 7 by Kazuma…

Happy 13th Bread Master Lee.
When this post publishes I’m probably sitting in a queue for the FFXIV Endwalker expansion waiting to finally turn my husband into a male viera. But for the…
Fire Hunter Series - Master Post
Fire Hunter Series Author: Hinata Rieko Illustrator: Akihiro Yamada Master Post

OtakuGeneration (Show #381) Master Keaton
Shownotes :: (show 381) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Master Keaton, recorded live September 23rd, 2012. This week we watched Master Keaton. Plus segments and…

Master Roshi Needs our Help
The following is an emergency announcement from the D&A Anime Blog concerning an important member of the Dragon Ball community. Less than a year ago, the world of…
Search and Destroy Master Post
Search and Destroy Master Post Kaneko Atsushi If you can read Japanese, please support Kaneko Atsushi, the mangaka! I completely…
Japanese Short Stories - Master Post
This post contains the master list of all of translations for Japanese short stories. .myButton { …
Manga Musings: Onani Master Kurosawa
Myriad manga are set in the school environment and granted, a lot that I've come into contact with focus on cute high school girls. Onani Master Kurosawa however,…