Drama: Teasing Master Takagi-sanRomaji: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-sanJapanese: からかい上手の高木さんScreenwriter: Imaizumi RikiyaNetwork: NetflixActors: Tsukishima Rui, Kurokawa SouyaI know there is an anime and it is very popular but I haven't watched it so I can't compare. I actually have no plans to watched it until I saw the director and screenwriter is Imaizumi Rikiya my new favorite slice of life director so I decided to check it out. Just like what I expect it is very slice of life. It consists of long shots but not super slow, dialogue heavy but not boring. The drama was separated by different skits in which Takagi is just teasing Nishikata. The drama has so much youth energy and innocent vibe. They did a very good job exploring youth crushes and the emotions it could bring. The contrast between the personality of Takagi and Nishikata is addicting to watch their chemistry is just that good. The banter never gets boring even sometimes it felt too long already. At times it felt like the younger version take of the classic my sassy girl formula.The acting is just okay not very good but not bad. I thought at first they overact until I realize they are just young teens real life younger teens reaction are just like that. I would say they did a good job on the casting because this time they look like real middle school students, Japanese dramas has a tendency to cast 20 something adult as students.Watch it if you want something wholesome and cute just don't expect very deep slice of life theme. This drama is just about innocent crush experience and young love.
