Why do some people feel themselves entitled to ask insensitive questions at emotionally delicate moments? Kazuha (Midori Sangoumi) may have a point when she calls her oblivious uncle a bully when a…
Feb 21, 2025 • Subscribe
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Director Spotlight #1: “99% Cloudy... Always”
SANAGOUMI Midori is an actor and voice actor who began studying filmmaking in 2020. Her short film Under the Bridge won the newly introduced Special Jury Award at…

Will I Be Single Forever? (ずっと独身でいるつもり?, Momoko Fukuda, 2021)
A series of young women find themselves contemplating the meaning of a modern marriage in Momoko Fukuda’s empathetic social drama

歩いても 歩いても OST - GONTITI
Still Walking [Aruitemo Aruitemo] Directed by: Hirokazu Koreeda 2008 Download

Eternally Younger Than Those Idiots (君は永遠にそいつらより若い, Ryuhei Yoshino, 2021)
An insecure young woman struggles to assume her place in the world while preparing to leave the aimless security of college life for an uncertain adulthood in Ryuhei…
Haru to Midori, Volume 3 (春とみどり)
Haru is a lonely woman. She’s never really moved on with her life, even as she has lived it. There was once a girl who had meant something…

Fire Festival (火まつり, Mitsuo Yanagimachi, 1985)
A proud mountain man goes to great lengths to hold back the tides of modernity in Mitsuo Yanagimachi’s poetic fable
Haru to Midori Manga, Volume 2 (春とみどり)
In Haru to Midori, Volume 2 (春とみどり) having committed to being a foster parent for her late childhood friend’s daughter, Midori struggles daily to separate her feelings for…

The Night Before, Ami wa Obake, 99% Cloudy… Always, Kokoro no Ari ka, Starting Over, Good Luck My Road Japanese Film Trailers
The Night Before, Ami wa Obake, 99% Cloudy… Always, Kokoro no Ari ka, Starting Over, Good Luck My Road, Japanese Film Trailers
![Featured image for Alone Again in Fukushima ナオト、いまもひとりっきり Dir: Mayu Nakamura (2021) [Yamagata International Film Festival 2021]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211018/1634536955.23457.49872.jpg)
![Background image for Alone Again in Fukushima ナオト、いまもひとりっきり Dir: Mayu Nakamura (2021) [Yamagata International Film Festival 2021]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211018/1634536955.23457.49872.jpg)
Alone Again in Fukushima ナオト、いまもひとりっきり Dir: Mayu Nakamura (2021) [Yamagata International Film Festival 2021]
Alone Again in Fukushima sees director Mayu Nakamura visit an interesting samaritan who remained behind to look after abandoned animals. Alone Again in Fukushima ナオト、いまもひとりっきり Dir: Mayu Nakamura…

Belonging (とりつくしま, Kahori Higashi, 2024)
The recently deceased watch over their loved ones from the vantage point of a familiar object in Kahori Higashi’s wistful drama.

A young woman named Kiyose was recently promoted to the position of manager at an independent café. She devotes her love and attention to the business, but all…

Itsuki Tsuchigami【土上いつき】Sakuga MAD
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwrI-DkXiWQ Itsuki Tsuchigami (alternatively miso) is a favorite animator of mine, and I've planned to make a MAD with his work for a long time. Now that FGO…

Switch Back / 今はもうない
The S&M series has always had a lot of character work and philosophical tangents, and while they sometimes felt a bit overbearing, they nev...
いろいろ December 2023
I ran out of space over at the newsletter this month, so I thought I’d share the いろいろ section on the blog instead. Podcast link at the bottom!…

Ora, Ora Be Goin’ Alone (おらおらでひとりいぐも, Shuichi Okita, 2020)
An older woman living alone is plagued by three strange sprites forcing her to confront the reality of her life in Shuichi Okita’s surreal meditation on loneliness and…
A Story from Echigo / 越後つついし親不知 / Echigo Tsutsuishi Oyashirazu (1964)
Obscure Japanese Film #107 Rentaro Mikuni and Yoshiko Sakuma In 1930s Japan, Gonsuke (Rentaro Mikuni) is working at a sake brewery in Fushim...
Midori no Hibi
Title: Midori no HibiGenre: Comedy, Drama, RomanceRating: 8.6/10 Summary: High school delinquent Seiji Sawamura is desperate to have a girlfriend, especially after being rejected by 20 girls as of late. He’s afraid…
Hana Monogatari, Volume 2 (はなものがたり)
In Volume 1, we met Hanayo, a woman whose husband has passed away, leaving her both free to do whatever she wants and confused as to what that…
Hana Monogatari, Volume 3 (はなものがたり)
In Volume 1 we met Hanayo, an older woman, newly widowed and Yoshiko, a woman of similar age who opens Hanayo’s eyes to many things, including the pleasure…
Hana Monogatari, Volume 1 (はなものがたり)
Hana Monogatari, Volume 1 (はなものがたり) by shwinn, is one of my new favorite series ever. Hanayo’s husband has been dead for 49 days, so her mourning period is…

Inch Forward (走れない人の走り方, Su Yu-Chun, 2023)
An indie filmmaker experiences various setbacks while trying to complete her latest film in Su Yu-Chun’s cheerful dramedy.

翻訳を使っていない人間がそれについて言及するのはおこがましいと思ってちょっと好きな作品の翻訳をAIに任せたのだけど、出てきたのがぜんぜん使えなかった。意味が違う、面白みがないのは仕方ないとして、文章としては自然で整っているから返って危険なんですよ。正しいって人を騙しやすいから。 ここでいう正しいとは「文章が自然体で正しい文章に見える」のことです。中身は歪曲されていたら、欠落あったり、明らかな…

Aisarete mo Iindayo, Volume 1 ( 愛されてもいいんだよ)
In Amano Shuninta’s Aisarete mo Iindayo, Volume 1 ( 愛されてもいいんだよ) we meet Kimura Rin, an office worker who is being sexually harassed by a superior at work. She has…
Review: Cloudy Mountain (2021)
Cloudy Mountain 峰爆 China, 2021, colour, 2.35:1, 113 mins. Director: Li Jun 李骏. Rating: 6/10. By-the-book disaster movie starts gangbusters but then becomes more cartoony and unbelievable. STORY…

Manga Kodomo Bunko (まんがこども文庫) July ED (7月の歌) - Lullaby of the Zoo (どうぶつえんのこもりうた)
Sung by (歌): Kumiko Kaori (かおりくみこ) Lyrics (作詞): Tomoko Koike (小池知子) Composition and Arrangement (作曲・編曲): Nobuyoshi Koshibe (越部信義) Very special thanks to PopKorn Kat for transferring and scanning this record!

Kaiba, Kyousougiga, Kyousougiga, Jinsei - Life Consulting, The Idol Master
Tistou Midori no Oyayubi
Tistou Midori no Oyayubi ( Tistou of the Green Thumbs ) is a 1990 movie, based on a beloved French children's novel by Maurice Druon. It te...
What's Michael?, Zenki, Dog of Flanders, Hashire!, Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo

Domains 王国 (あるいはその家について) (2019) Dir: Natsuka Kusano
Domains is a thoroughly absorbing drama thanks to excellent performances and its unique structure. Domains 王国 (あるいはその家について) (2019) Dir: Natsuka Kusano
![Featured image for Episode #96 (S12E06) – Nobody Knows [誰も知らない] (2004)](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20250212/1739348157.98162.140832.jpg)
![Background image for Episode #96 (S12E06) – Nobody Knows [誰も知らない] (2004)](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20250212/1739348157.98162.140832.jpg)
Episode #96 (S12E06) – Nobody Knows [誰も知らない] (2004)
Japanese film scholar Lindsay Nelson is back on the show to discuss Hirokazu Kore-eda’s heartbreaking drama, Nobody Knows. Based on a true story about a family of children…

Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 7 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな)
When I reviewed Volume 6 I said of that volume that it was like a fever finally breaking. “You don’t feel “good,” per se, but you feel better,…
Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 9 ( 付き合ってあげてもいいかな)
When we first met Miwa, she was unsure of herself. And when we met Saeko she seemed very confident. As we’ve got to know them, we’ve come to…
Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 4 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな)
In Tamifull’s Yuri drama Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 4 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな), we are confronted with something we don’t see very often at all in Yuri…two people who may just…
Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 12 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな)
Yesterday I said that I was reviewing two series this week that focused on complicated relationships. The first was Volume 9 of Otona ni Nattemo, by Shimura Takako…
Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 11 ( 付き合ってあげてもいいかな)
In my review of Volume 10, I said, “I’m ready for something to lighten up.” Welp, Volume 11 of Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana ( 付き合ってあげてもいいかな) by Tamifull is not…
Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 8 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな)
“The characters and the art have grown, Tamifull’s narrative skills are excellent here. We’ve been with them through a lot…and we’re still here as they enter the next…

Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 6 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな)
You know how you feel after you’ve had a fever, when the fever breaks and you’re soaked in sweat? You don’t feel “good,” per se, but you feel…

Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 5 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな)
As a reviewer, I understand that spoilers are sometimes unavoidable in order to make a review make sense. As a reader, I don’t particularly mind spoilers…until I do.…
Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 10 ( 付き合ってあげてもいいかな)
Life is complex – humans are complex systems and relationships are complex systems made up of other complex systems interacting. Things are always complicated in Tamifull’s Tsukiatte Ag…

Always Watch More Anime. Always…
Only once you’ve watched ten-thousand shows can you truly become a god.

"Would it Be これがいりますか?" #learnjapanese
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2

You’re Not Normal, Either! (まともじゃないのは君も一緒, Koji Maeda, 2021)
A nerdy maths teacher turns to his student for advice on how to seem more “normal” little knowing she has an ulterior motive in Maeda’s charming rom-com

Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 1 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
I am so excited to be able to review this particular book as my first review of 2022! Since I first read this on Comic Walker, I’ve been…
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 5 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
With more than two decades of reading, I am still absolutely amazed at the high quality of Yuri manga we have gotten in the last few years –…
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 4 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
There are so many reasons that Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 4 (作りたい女と食べたい女) is an amazing volume of manga, that I’m hard pressed to pick one thing.…
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 3 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
In Volume 1, we met Nomoto Yuki, a contractor in an office. She finds society’s expectations for women confining and stress-cooks to relax. We then met Kasuga-san, her…

Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 2 (作りたい女と食べたい女)
Because I loved Volume 1 so very much, I ran out immediately after reviewing it, and bought Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 2 (作りたい女と食べたい女) as a digital…

【基本のキ】読みやすい&リズムの良い漫画の"つくり"を解説 Composition of A Good Manga Easy to Read & with A Nice Tempo
漫画家・浦沢直樹の「浦沢チャンネル」。読みやすい漫画を描く基本や、漫画においてよく使われる"嘘"などについて説明しました。浦沢直樹短編集「初期のURASAWA」電子版は2023年5月30日解禁です! “Urasawa Channel“, a Youtube channel by a Japanese manga artist, Naoki Urasawa. Urasawa explains the basic tips and some "lies" that manga artists often use in order to…

Issue 18, 2023 - Always a Tokyo Demon Bridesmaid
Never a Tokyo Demon Bride