Brave Police J-Decker is the fifth Brave series and aired exclusively in Japan from 1994-1995. Directed by Shinji Takamatsu, its other creative staff includes head writer Hiroyuki Kawasaki, mechanical designer Kunio Okawara, character designer Atsuko Ishida and composer Yasunori Iwasaki. The story focuses on Yuuta Tomonaga, a young boy who develops a friendship with the sentient police robot Deckerd and joins the Brave Police in their fight against crime. J-Decker was followed in 1995 by Golden Brave Goldran. Mecha Brave Police MechaBP-110 DeckerdBP-119 DukeBP-301 McCraneBP-302 Power JoeBP-303 DumpsonBP-304 Drill BoyBP-500X KagerouBP-501 Shadow-MaruBP-601 GunMaxBuild TigerDuke FireFire J-DeckerGunMax ArmorJ-DeckerSuper Build Tiger Vehicles […]