Brave Express Might Gaine is the fourth Brave series and aired exclusively in Japan from 1993-1994. Directed by Shinji Takamatsu, its other creative staff includes writer Takao Koyama, mechanical designer Kunio Okawara, character designers Akira Oguro and Atsuko Ishida, and composer Takashi Kudoh. The story focuses on Maito Senpuji, a billionaire teenager who uses transforming robots to fight organized crime in Neo Tokyo City. Might Gaine was followed in 1994 by Brave Police J-Decker. Mecha Brave Express Team MechaBattle BomberBird BomberDino BomberDrill DiverFire DiverGaineGreat Might GaineGuard DiverHorn BomberJet DiverLio BomberMight GaineMight GunnerMight KaiserPolice DiverTry Bomber Vehicles and Support UnitsLocomorizerMight Wing