The moment I finally listened to Haru Nemuri’s first major album ‘Haru to Shura’ was in September 2018, after I’d seen its album cover repeatedly appear on my Facebook newsfeed across the span of 4 months. The second I pressed play is seared into my memory as a most joyous discovery and in the 3 years and 8 months that followed, her music has only continued to grow in personal significance. The excitement for ‘Lovetheism’ in anticipation of its release was only matched by the comfort that repeated listens brought me in early 2020, and the steady trickle of singles released throughout 2021 ensured I was always finding new meaning and reassurance in her discography. Her music played a most important role during
An Extension of Musty: From Myself to Those I Hold Dear
Jun 30, 2022 • Subscribe
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