Foreword: This past month, Palestine and its people have suffered and lost so much. Their struggle has existed for decades, yet lots of the world continues to watch quietly as it has done before. Palestine is profoundly important to me and has been in my heart ever since I was old enough to understand the ties that have forever bound me to its people and land. I relentlessly contemplated whether it was right to post about music while they suffer amidst the world’s silence, because the last thing I’d ever want to do is create any distraction from their plight. I shared this concern with Layla, and they graciously, whole-heartedly supported my wish to dedicate this foreword to Palestine. For this, and all the kindness they have shown me, I thank both Aria and Miura profusely, and will never forget their support during this time. My gratitude to them exists in my heart next to my unwavering love and support for Palestine.

An Extension of Musty: From Myself to Those I Hold Dear