In this episode of The Spiraken Manga Review, Xan reviews 7 Seeds. ----more---- Xan's allergies are acting up again, so he sounds very throaty. Also I would like to say my thanks to Aaron of WARP Anime Podcast for the many years of a great podcast and i hope that things work out for you. Remember, we are still looking for the voice of THE WHEEL OF MANGA. Send an mp3 or a voice mail of you saying Wheel of Manga and see if you can become the wheel of manga voice. Contest ends June 1st Music For Episode: Intro Music-Ima Soko ni Iru Boku by Toshio Masuda(Now and Then, Here and There OST),Ending Music -Komoriuta... by Iwasaki Taku(Now and Then, Here and There OST) Our Website, Our Forum Our Email My Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-426-6665 (monk)
Mar 4, 2009 • Subscribe
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