In this episode of the Spiraken Manga Review Podcast, Xan reviews a Clamp knock- off series, the angelic fantasy romance manga, Angel Sanctuary by Kaori Yuki ----more---- Xan explains a little about his like for the artwork and distaste of the story. He also announces a new contest with a prize of being on the show itself. Listen to find out more Music For Episode: Intro Music -Messiah by Juri, Black Lily Sisters, & Yayoi Yula (Angel Sanctuary OST),Ending Music -Knife of Romance by Phi (Angel Sanctuary OST) Our Website Our Forum Our Email My Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xbox live Gamer tag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-426-6665 (monk) Random Question of the Week:What ability does Setsuna first display?

Spiraken Review Podcast