In this episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan reviews a very sad love story about a love, which should never be Koi Kaze ----more---- This episode was done in advance so no new news. Xan forgot to explain this in the episode but here is some additional information about Koi Kaze The manga which Xan reviewed is very sad. Not sad in a cry baby sad but rather in a meloncoly way. Rarely does a manga, which deals with incest, show the negative side of that kind of relationship. Koi Kaze examines this topic and shows the forbidden love between two who should not be in love The characters in this manga are in a situation which should never be even thought of. It goes against several taboos and is something that they both know to be wrong but they stick with it. The fact that Koshiro is concerned about the social taboos and the reprecussions of Nanoko and his actions shows how developed a manga this is. NOTE!!!Xan & The Spiraken Manga Review does not condone this type of relationship and while it is shown in this work of fiction to be romantic, in reality, there are serious negative implications and results to an incestuous relationship. Besides religious and social taboos, there are also several biological taboos which should never be crossed. Also remember Xan will be attending AnimeNext in New Jersey, June 12th-14th so check it out and if you see him there you get a t-shirt Check Out Xan's Article on as well as his sidekickery on the Fightbait Anime & Gaming Podcast And finally, we are still looking for the voice of THE WHEEL OF MANGA. Send an mp3 or a voice mail of you saying Wheel of Manga and see if you can become the wheel of manga voice. Music For Episode: Intro Music-Koi Kaze By éf (Koi Kaze OST),Ending Music -Futari Dakara By Masumi Ito (Koi Kaze OST) Our Website Our Forum Our Email My Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-426-6665 (monk) Random Question of the Week: What countries is Incest not considered a social taboo?

Spiraken Review Podcast