Happy Birthday Spiraken Manga Review. In our anniversary episode, Xan reviews the fiery goodness that is the Shonen Series, Flame of Recca. ----more---- It is a fun episode and worry not, Spiraken is here to stay and will be on for years Check Out Xan's Article on Anime3000.com as well as his sidekickery on the Fightbait Anime & Gaming Podcast And finally, we are still looking for the voice of THE WHEEL OF MANGA. Send an mp3 or a voice mail of you saying Wheel of Manga and see if you can become the wheel of manga voice. Music For Episode: Intro Music-Nanka Shiawase (Flame of Recca OST),Background Music -Shinobu of Flame(Flame of Recca OST),Background Music -Kuu (Flame of Recca OST),Background Music -Recca, Inferirority in Numbers (Flame of Recca OST),Background Music -Memory of Dreams(Flame of Recca OST),Background Music -Enemy or Friend(Flame of Recca OST),Background Music -Fuuko Fuujin(Flame of Recca OST),Ending Music -Love Is Changing(Flame of Recca OST) Our Website http://spiraken.podbean.com Our Forum http://spiraken.rapidboards.com Our Email Spiraken@gmail.com My Email xan.spiraken@gmail.com Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-426-6665 (monk) Random Question of the Week: Where is the location of the world's first scalpel?
May 15, 2009 • Subscribe
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