In this cheerful episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan takes it easy as he reviews a heartwarming slice of life manga about family, food and friendship. So sit back and relax as he reviews Amaama to Inazuma/ Sweetness & Lightning by Gido Amagakure   While discussing the more unique aspects of the story, Xan also discusses where this series will go, which of the recipes he has tried making and what is the craziest thing he has seen a tiny human do. Either way  Hope you enjoy ----more---- Music For Episode: Intro Music - Bright and Cheerful Fanfare by MimimemeMIMI (Sweetness & Lightning OST),  Ending Music -Maybe  by Brian the Sun (Sweetness & Lightning OST )  Our Website Our Forum Our Email Xan's Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Amazon Store Random Question of the Week: Which recipe would you like to try?

Spiraken Review Podcast