In case you’re wondering where Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko (Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl) would be in my Top 10 Non-Seasonal Anime I Started Watching in February list, it would be #1…
Feb 20, 2023 • Subscribe
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Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Title: Denpa Onna to Seishun OtokoGenre: Sci-FiRating: 6.5/10 Summary: The story revolves around a highschool boy named Niwa Makoto. He lives with his aunt’s family since his parents are away on business.…

Looking Back at Look Back
No matter how good you are, even if you have the style and sense of humor of a grade schooler, you possess the capacity in some form to…

Looking Back at My Manga of 2023
The idea came to me to look back on the manga I read last year. My Goodreads reading challenge reveals a rather sporadic manga reading year: I never read…

Looking Back at Building Netflix Anime
Joy and gratitude looking back at helping make anime big

Looking Back At Immortalliumblog
Before I say anything else, I think it’s important to tell you that Immortalliumblog is coming to an end. I set up this blog back in 2019 with…

Looking Back at 2020
It’s time again for my personally indulgent look back on the past year. This is a part of a double post to mark JP’s 10th birthday. Many people…

Looking back at my Plans for October 2016 #TBT
One thing I like doing is making plans, especially making plans for what anime to watch next. These were going to be my plans for what anime I…
A Decade in Anime: Looking Back at 2010
I realise that many people have already spoken about the last decade. Bloggers, AniTubers, even companies have shared their favourite anime of the last decade. I may be…
Last week I spent a lovely couple of hours re-reading back issues of PULP off my shelves (for research for my Usamaru Furuya post ). While m...

Looking Back at April 10, 2021
April 10, 2021, is a day that I will never forget. I did something that I would consider to be the best thing I did on accident, and…

Looking Back at my New Years Goals from 2017-2022
One tradition I love having on my blog is making 5 New Years’ Resolutions for myself. I felt like I wanted to go back to my previous new…

Looking back at my Top 21 Anime I Watched in Winter 2016 #TBT
Winter 2016 was such a memorable time for watching anime. While the anime season was lacking, it provided a few standout anime, especially KONOSUBA. In this article, I’ll…

Looking back at Ghost in the Shell
Memories from an internship at the company that brought it to America

Looking Back at Joshiraku in 2022 #TBT
For today’s Throwback Thursday, there’s only one article I’d like to talk about, and that’s my final thoughts on Joshiraku. When I finished watching Joshiraku, I described i…

Looking back at yourself | Only Yesterday #retroanime #animeshorts
No post summary was provided.
Happy New Year post! Looking back at 2018
Thought I'd kick off the year with a bit of reflecting as well as looking forward.

This Week in Anime - Looking Back
Steve and Lucas discuss creator Tatsuki Fujimoto and director Kiyotaka Oshiyama's Look Back film in all of its heartbreaking glory.
One Giant Step: Looking Back at the Anime “Jack and the Beanstalk”
This anime feature celebrates the 50th anniversary of its release in Japan - on July 20th, 1974.

Looking back, looking forward: Kanada’s late period
is generally held that Yoshinori Kanada went through two major shifts in the 1990’s, shifts that determined what the two last decades of his life and work would…
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, Fullmetal Alchemist, Musashi, Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy

Looking Back on 2021
I spend most of 2021 revisiting older anime. I have articles in the queue where I reexamine them. There wasn’t too many new titles that caught my attention.…
Looking back – Summer 2015
Once again it’s time to look back at past seasons, pondering on what I thought then – and what I think now. How many shows have aged like…
Looking Back At The Dragon Ball Z Budokai Series (The Best Anime Games?)
The Dragon Ball Z Budokai Series of video games (Budokai 1, Budokai 2, Budokai 3, budokai tenkaichi, budokai tenkaichi 2, budokai tenkaichi 3) were super influential to not…
Naruto, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, My Hero Academia

Back to School, and Back Again – Sakurada Reset Spoiler Review
Time Travel anime. Much like Video Game Anime (aside from the Visual Novel set) have a bad habit of coming out mediocre at best, Time Travel shows have…
JapanPowered — Looking back on 2019
The year 2019 was an interestingly normal one for me. JP has remained steady, enjoying modest growth in traffic: 511, 697 visits, up from 508,001 in 2018. I…
Looking Back on Fall 2019
Shinchou Yuusha‘s delays mean that I had to wrap this up basically on the day the new season started happening. The new season began on a Saturday for…
Looking Back at Hearthstone: An RNG Nightmare, but Still Incredible Fun
“RNG also presents an interesting challenge for the player.”

2020 in Review – Looking Back on the Year at Blerdy Otome
What better way to start this post than by saying thank you. Whether you’re new here or you’ve been here since the beginning I want to thank you…

Tsukuritai Onna To Tabetai Onna: Yuzaki Sakaomi
I am not much of a food manga person, despite the fact that I have been translating one for years. I mean, I like the food manga that…

The light novel adaption is ostensibly a horror series, but is terror really at the heart of the experience?

Looking Back on 2023: Another Year of Anime Writing
Time for my usual, end-of-year indulgent reflection. So its another new year, and I’m still alive and writing, which is more than I can say about a pair…

LISTEN TO MY ANIME! Vol.9: Again by Yui
Live performances for anime songs are very often delightful, and this one is no exception.

I Need to Schedule my Anime Watching Habits, again
In 2017, I made a blog post that stated that I need to schedule my anime watching habits. My life was very busy, so I made a schedule…

My Fifth Novel is Almost Here!
My Fifth Novel is Almost Here: Here's a cover reveal for my fifth novel, Evolution's Hand Book 5: Split Infinities!

Anime That Get’s Me Back to My Roots!
On a recent, sunny weekend, I had the chance to visit a Highlands Games and Celtic festival. I hadn’t been to a Highland Games since I was a…
2010–2019 Part 2: Looking Back
Another decade of anime and manga has passed, which means it’s time to reflect on all the things that have happened in and around our favorite Japanese art…

Crunchyroll’s Anime Awards Are at It Again
Talking about 2024’s anime awards.
Looking Ahead to 2021 in Anime
Taking a look ahead at the likely state of anime in 2021- shows, movies, blu-rays coming out, industry news to watch for, etc..
“Clay”-ing by the Book: Looking Back at “The Adventures of Mark Twain”
The Claymation film, celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, was inspired by stories from one of the world’s greatest authors.
It was a Blog Before Time: Looking Back at the "AoD Proto-Blog"
No post summary was provided.
A Few Things I’ve Noticed Looking At Anime Eyes
“Looking at anime eyes” sounds kind of creepy. As if I’m sitting in a café somewhere, wearing a nondescript raincoat and looking over the edge of a newspaper…
Back to Anime Blog!
Hey everyone! I am back from an almost 2 week exam break…yay! It has been exhausting but anime kept my mood uplifted all the anime, thank you anime!…
Looking Back on the Mario & Luigi Series
Mario is one of the most well-known and beloved video game series of all time, and it always will be. Nintendo’s pride and joy won’t be going anywhere…

Looking Back and Moving Forward (Update Post)
4 years can really change a person…
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Live-Action Drama, Season 2
If you happen to catch me grinning today, it’s only because last night the second season of live-action drama of Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna wrapped up. Goodness,…

3 Reasons To Skip: Looking Up at the Half-Moon
Terrible melodrama and a lack of originality leave "Looking Up at the Half-Moon" without a leg to stand on.
Back to the Future II – What’s Old is New Again
Think of these shows as ringers. Read more

Manga Review: Talk to My Back
Title: Talk to My Back / Shin Kirari Mangaka: Yamada Murasaki US Publisher: Drawn & Quarterly Status: Complete Age Relevance: Adult How Essential Is It?: Must Have for …

Looking back at Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return! (Part Two)
Last time on Cartoon Milk, I wrote about the 2008 Dragon Ball short film Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!, as a way of celebrating its 15th…