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Featured image for Anime Like Nina the Starry BrideBackground image for Anime Like Nina the Starry Bride

Anime Like Nina the Starry Bride

Nina is an orphan girl that lives on the streets of the castle town in Fortna Kingdom. Sold out by one of her only friends, Nina becomes the…

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Featured image for Anime Like Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical ToolsBackground image for Anime Like Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools
Featured image for Anime Feminist’s Recommendation Backlog: Girls in Strange WorldsBackground image for Anime Feminist’s Recommendation Backlog: Girls in Strange Worlds

Anime Feminist’s Recommendation Backlog: Girls in Strange Worlds

Let's take a trip back into the 2010s and highlight some of our favorite fantastic(al) speculative fiction with lady leads.

Anime Feminist

Featured image for Anime Like Unnamed MemoryBackground image for Anime Like Unnamed Memory

Anime Like Unnamed Memory

As a boy, the young prince Oscar was cursed by the Witch of Silence, rendering it impossible for him to sire an heir to the kingdom he will…

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Captain Bal

The Young Animator Training Project , variously known as Anime Mirai, Anime Tamago, and now, Anime no Tane, is an annual project sponsored b...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for 12 Medical Anime About Doctors Treating PatientsBackground image for 12 Medical Anime About Doctors Treating Patients

12 Medical Anime About Doctors Treating Patients

There are plenty of anime documenting the struggles of characters hanging on the precipice between life and death, but there are actually only a small few

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Featured image for Anime Like Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the LampBackground image for Anime Like Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp

Anime Like Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp

After being executed in her past life for her evil deeds, Elise was reincarnated into our modern world as an orphan where she dedicated her life to becoming…

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Featured image for Anime Like 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!Background image for Anime Like 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!
Featured image for My Top Ten Anime, a Decade in the MakingBackground image for My Top Ten Anime, a Decade in the Making

My Top Ten Anime, a Decade in the Making

Over a Christmas break in 2013, I binged Attack on Titan and became an anime fan. This often surprises the friends that I’ve made since then because, what…

Sakura Sunrise

Featured image for The 2023 Shoujosei of the Year Awards (Full Show)Background image for The 2023 Shoujosei of the Year Awards (Full Show)

The 2023 Shoujosei of the Year Awards (Full Show)

This year was the 2nd annual Shoujosei of the Year Awards! What is posted here is the full show but if you would like to watch the live…

Colleen's Manga Recs

Featured image for Anime Like The Apothecary DiariesBackground image for Anime Like The Apothecary Diaries

Anime Like The Apothecary Diaries

Learning to be an apothecary from her father, Maomao honed her skills in the brothels of her town. However, one day she is kidnapped and forced to work…

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Featured image for Anime Like ArteBackground image for Anime Like Arte

Anime Like Arte

16th century Florence is awash with cultural and creative contributions during the Renaissance. Arte is a young lady from an aristocratic family who wants to

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Featured image for Anime So Nice I Had to Try it Twice!Background image for Anime So Nice I Had to Try it Twice!

Anime So Nice I Had to Try it Twice!

Many people have called me stubborn, mulish, and a lump. I like to believe that I’m just determined! When I set my mind to do something, I try…

Anime Hanabi

Featured image for 8 Romance Anime Inspired By Fairy TalesBackground image for 8 Romance Anime Inspired By Fairy Tales

8 Romance Anime Inspired By Fairy Tales

A good number of romance anime use fairy tale motifs to quickly establish characters – a dashing prince, a beautiful princess, an evil queen. Sometimes they

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Featured image for Anime Like Sacrificial Princess and the King of BeastsBackground image for Anime Like Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts

Anime Like Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts

After hundreds of years of war between the kingdom of beasts and the neighboring human kingdom, a peace treaty was signed. The conditions of this treaty say

Recommend Me Anime

Featured image for How Studio Ghibli Inspires THIS MangaBackground image for How Studio Ghibli Inspires THIS Manga

How Studio Ghibli Inspires THIS Manga

Studio Ghibli is one of the most renowned animation studios that has inspired many works across different fields. One series in particular that was influenced by this studio…

Colleen's Manga Recs

Featured image for Anime Like Yona of the DawnBackground image for Anime Like Yona of the Dawn

Anime Like Yona of the Dawn

After having her luxurious life shattered by the betrayal of her cousin, Princess Yona is forced to escape with her childhood friend and bodyguard, Son Hak.

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Featured image for 25 Fantasy Romance Anime With Whimsical SettingsBackground image for 25 Fantasy Romance Anime With Whimsical Settings

25 Fantasy Romance Anime With Whimsical Settings

A fantasy romance anime could be having a love affair with a ghost ala Dusk Maiden Amnesia. A fantasy romance could be falling in love with a girl…

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Featured image for Anime Like The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at The Duke’s MansionBackground image for Anime Like The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at The Duke’s Mansion
Featured image for Anime Like Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess LieselotteBackground image for Anime Like Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte
Featured image for Anime Like Sugar Apple Fairy TaleBackground image for Anime Like Sugar Apple Fairy Tale

Anime Like Sugar Apple Fairy Tale

Fairies once lived free alongside humanity until humans discovered that stripping a wing from a fairy means literally holding their life in your hands. Now,

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Featured image for 15 Royal Romance Anime About Royalty in LoveBackground image for 15 Royal Romance Anime About Royalty in Love

15 Royal Romance Anime About Royalty in Love

Even if our appreciation for monarchies in reality has waned significantly, royalty will always be the beloved stuff of fairy tales and a royal romance anime

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Featured image for Doki Doki Days 3: Best KissBackground image for Doki Doki Days 3: Best Kiss

Doki Doki Days 3: Best Kiss

It’s the 3rd day of Doki Doki Days! I’ll be talking about the best kiss? Honestly, this is a hard thing to judge. In fact, I’m not even…

Nerdy Bloggers | Y0uC4n7kn0w | Star & Luna

Featured image for 5 Reasons To Watch: Snow White with the Red HairBackground image for 5 Reasons To Watch: Snow White with the Red Hair

5 Reasons To Watch: Snow White with the Red Hair

A classic fairytale in anime format? Not quite! Snow White with the Red Hair mixes traditional fairytale tropes with an all-original story

Reasons to Anime

Manga the Week of 12/7/22

SEAN: It’s the most wonderful time of the year! What manga is giving us good cheer? We start with Viz Media. Rainbow Days (Nijiiro Days) is a new…

Manga Bookshelf

Featured image for Anime Series Like Bibliophile PrincessBackground image for Anime Series Like Bibliophile Princess

Anime Series Like Bibliophile Princess

Ever since she was a child, Elianna Bernstein has preferred the company of books to people. As such, when she is proposed to by Crown Prince Christopher,

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Featured image for My Top 15 MangaBackground image for My Top 15 Manga

My Top 15 Manga

Thank you so much my hoejos for 15 THOUSAND subscribers!!! It is absolutely wild that I have hit this milestone and I can't thank you all enough for…

Colleen's Manga Recs

Featured image for It's STILL Impossible to Live as a Crunchyroll Translator | The Canipa EffectBackground image for It's STILL Impossible to Live as a Crunchyroll Translator | The Canipa Effect

It's STILL Impossible to Live as a Crunchyroll Translator | The Canipa Effect

Following on from his 2020 video, Canipa revisits the topic of low pay for translators and how the one billion dollar Funimation buyout makes that even more ridiculous. It's…

The Canipa Effect

Featured image for What Would Be Offered On Anime Rental Market?Background image for What Would Be Offered On Anime Rental Market?

What Would Be Offered On Anime Rental Market?

90s style houses I love them This is definitley a post that is going to peek all the curoisty, have no idea how I come up with this…

Featured image for How Can the Church Do Better? Lessons from Snow White with the Red HairBackground image for How Can the Church Do Better? Lessons from Snow White with the Red Hair

How Can the Church Do Better? Lessons from Snow White with the Red Hair

She went into her most secret room—no one else was allowed inside—and she made a poisoned, poisoned apple. From the outside it was beautiful, white with red cheeks,…

Beneath the Tangles

Pick of the Week: Spies, Assassins and Skip Beat!

MICHELLE: There is soooo much good stuff coming out this week and there’s really only one thing that beats Yona of the Dawn with such ease, and that…

Manga Bookshelf

Featured image for Anime to Celebrate Spring!Background image for Anime to Celebrate Spring!

Anime to Celebrate Spring!

At last Spring has come to grace the Northern world with all its lush green beauty! The dark green leaves of daffodils and hyacinth have sprouted along every…

Anime Hanabi

Featured image for Manga of the Month: Snow White with the Red HairBackground image for Manga of the Month: Snow White with the Red Hair

Manga of the Month: Snow White with the Red Hair

Snow White with the Red Hair by Sorata Akiduki Over the last year or so, I’ve been rediscovering my passion for Snow White with the Red Hair. Some…

Reverse Thieves

Featured image for Anime Series Like Banished From The Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the CountrysideBackground image for Anime Series Like Banished From The Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside

Anime Series Like Banished From The Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside

Red was once the member of a hero’s party that sought to destroy the Demon Lord Taraxon. However, while Red was powerful at first, his companions soon eclipsed…

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Featured image for Anime Series Like Ranking of KingsBackground image for Anime Series Like Ranking of Kings

Anime Series Like Ranking of Kings

In this world, kings are ranked based on their power, skill, and how they treat their subjects. Bojji is the first son and heir of powerful 7th ranking…

Recommend Me Anime

Pick of the Week: Picks New and Old

SEAN: There’s a few debuts that interest me, but I admit by eyes keep getting drawn back to My Hero Academia, in the middle of its most brutal…

Manga Bookshelf

Featured image for Anime Series Like The Saint’s Magic Power is OmnipotentBackground image for Anime Series Like The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent

Anime Series Like The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent

Sei, a young office worker, is summoned to a new world. However, the people who summoned her to banish dark magic from the world only meant to summon…

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Featured image for The (Almost) Definitive Fall 2020-Spring 2021 English Shogakukan Manga Guide!Background image for The (Almost) Definitive Fall 2020-Spring 2021 English Shogakukan Manga Guide!

The (Almost) Definitive Fall 2020-Spring 2021 English Shogakukan Manga Guide!

  Hello readers! Marion here, reporting back in after an extremely busy seven months. It's still busy where I am, since I work at a local mo...

Weekly Shounen Sunday Edition

Featured image for 6 Years and I give you my Top Ten favourite anime. . . what????Background image for 6 Years and I give you my Top Ten favourite anime. . . what????

6 Years and I give you my Top Ten favourite anime. . . what????

I’m sorry what?!?  Wait. . . this is a post most bloggers would avoid writing. . . about favourites ?? I’m sure you’re confused.

Featured image for Watching Anime As A FeministBackground image for Watching Anime As A Feminist

Watching Anime As A Feminist

It’s Women’s History Month and since yesterday at the time of posting was International Women’s Day, I figured I’d write a little something for the occasion that’s bee…

Sakura Sunrise

Featured image for You Don’t Have to Kick Ass to Be Kickass: Shoujo fantasy and the value of the noncombatant heroBackground image for You Don’t Have to Kick Ass to Be Kickass: Shoujo fantasy and the value of the noncombatant hero

You Don’t Have to Kick Ass to Be Kickass: Shoujo fantasy and the value of the noncombatant hero

Over the years, the number of lady action heroes has slowly but significantly risen. And this is a good thing... for the most part. But the ability to…

Anime Feminist

Anime Review: Akagami no Shirayuki-Hime

akagami no shirayukihime review, snow white with the red hair anime review

Anime Rants

Looking back – Summer 2015

Once again it’s time to look back at past seasons, pondering on what I thought then – and what I think now.  How many shows have aged like…

Apprentice Mages Lounge.

Snow White with the Red Hair Volume 8 Review

The future setup is a little lacking, but Obi's moments in Snow White with the Red Hair Volume 8 more than make up what else others in this…


Masahiro Ando’s Shakespearean Epic; A Review of Blast of Tempest

Here comes Matthew again, leaping to review another anime by Bones. I suppose that’s all I’m good for, isn’t it? And it’s directed by Masahiro Ando, no less……

Sakura Sunrise

//What’s On Manga Docket//

  Say hello to the new segment I guess? Manga is last thing on my suffering list for the blog so this comprise will fix that. 


Snow White with the Red Hair Volume 7 Review

Snow White with the Red Hair has too many good characters to be treated as lackadaisically as they are in volume 7 of this shojo manga series.


Pick of the Week: Possibly Our Idol?

MICHELLE: There is a lot of terrific stuff coming out this week. Shortcake Cake, Snow White with the Red Hair, and Haikyu!! continue to be among my favorite…

Manga Bookshelf

My Favorite Women of Anime

International Women’s Day was this past Sunday and ever since my hiatus I have been excited to take the opportunity to praise some of my favorite female characters.…

Sakura Sunrise

Featured image for Anime Recommendation #6: If you like The Ancient Magus' Bride you might like...Background image for Anime Recommendation #6: If you like The Ancient Magus' Bride you might like...