MICHELLE: There is soooo much good stuff coming out this week and there’s really only one thing that beats Yona of the Dawn with such ease, and that is the latest installment of Skip Beat!. I sometimes feel like I should pick something else for the sake of not repeating myself, but this truly vaults to the top of my to-read stack every single time. SEAN: Man. New Kaguya-sama, Queen’s Quality, Skip Beat!, Snow White with the Red Hair, Spy x Family, AND Yona of the Dawn. I am tempted to simply make my pick “Viz”. But in honor of the start of the anime this week, I will pick Spy x Family. KATE: As a certifiable Middle-Aged Person, I am 100% rooting for the protagonist of Sakamoto Days, even...
Apr 4, 2022 • Subscribe
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Pick of the Week: Turn the Skip Beat Around
SEAN: Once again, tempted to just say "Viz". We get so much good shoujo this week, with a new sequel for Kimi ni Todoke, the next Neighborhood Story,…

Pick of the Week: Assassins and Bike Shops
ASH: There are quite a few debuts that intrigue me this week but which also give me slight pause because something doesn’t seem to sit quite right with…
Pick of the Week: Dogs and Cats, Spies and Knights
SEAN: I’m getting a wide variety of stuff this week, from dark yuri light novel Roll Over and Die to cute pet manga With a Dog AND a…
Pick of the Week: Jump to the Beat
SEAN: It’s Jump/Beat week, so we have an embarrassment of titles. I’ll pick the final Anonymous Noise, which is not quite as gripping now that it’s not showing…

Manga Hanabi Review: Skip Beat!
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Pick of the Week: Transformative Pick
SEAN: It’s a relatively quiet week this week, and none of the debuts interest me (Shaman King’s been delayed anyway). As such, I’ll be picking the 2nd volume…

I'm Reading 'Skip Beat' And So Should YOU!!!
Skip Beat is an iconic and ongoing shoujo series that has been serializing since 2002 and yet SOMEHOW I haven't read it... UNTIL NOW!!! Skip Beat Steph: https://www.tiktok.com/@steph.lafayette?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc 0:00 Intro 2:39 Origins 3:29…

Pick of the Week: Samurai and Kings
KATE: There is SO MUCH GOOD MANGA coming out this week, y'all, I don't know where to begin! VIZ is unveiling two new series with grown-up appeal—Steel of…
Pick of the Week: Love and Sports
MICHELLE: There’s not much that I’m especially excited about this week. I have enjoyed what I’ve read of Farewell, My Dear Cramer, though, and we don’t get much…

Pick of the Week: Performers and Delinquents
MICHELLE: I am, of course, happy to see new volumes of Lovesick Ellie and Giant Killing, but this week I'll pick Delinquent Daddy and Tender Teacher simply because…

Pick of the Week: Friendship and Monsters
MICHELLE: Anything by the author of My Love Story!! automatically receives my endorsement, so it's The Secret of Friendship for me this week! SEAN: I'm very tempted by…

Pick of the Week: Cages and Fairies
KATE: I won't lie: I love the cover of Soloist in a Cage! Though my inner critic is whispering, "Don't judge this book by the you-know-what," my gut…
Pick of the Week: Beginnings and Endings
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Pick of the Week: Princes and Nobles
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Pick of the Week: Farmers and Witches
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Pick of the Week: Jazz and Josei
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Pick of the Week: Food and Mystery
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Pick of the Week: Yona and Others
SEAN: It’s Jump/Beat week, folks, and once again my pick is Yona of the Dawn, because it remains one of the best manga Shojo Beat is putting out.…

Pick of the Week: Historical and Horror
KATE: This week's list has several tempting titles! In particular, I'm curious about two debuts: Nude Model and Other Stories and The Blue Wolves of Mibu, both of…
Pick of the Week: Journeys and Windows
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Pick of the Week: Love and Cats
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Pick of the Week: Rainbows and Boats
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Pick of the Week: Medalists and Househusbands
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Drifting Dragons, The Way of the Househusband, Urusei Yatsura, Blue Period
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MICHELLE: There’s so much good stuff coming out this week, though most of it new installments in series in which I’m woefully behind. My heart, however, most goes…
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Pick of the Week: Cinderellas and Akitas
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Pick of the Week: Signs and Canvases
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Pick of the Week: Dances and Houses
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Pick of the Week: Sports and Wine
MICHELLE: There are several volumes of sports manga coming out this week, which delights me to no end. I will happily read all of them, but my pick…
Merry Month of Shojo Review #1: SKIP BEAT
The Manga Test Drive turns 11 this year! To celebrate this blog's entry into its pre-teens, we're once again going to enjoy an entire Merry...
Merry Month of Shojo Review #1: SKIP BEAT
The Manga Test Drive turns 11 this year! To celebrate this blog's entry into its pre-teens, we're once again going to enjoy an entire Merry...
Pick of the Week: Of Mice and Manga
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Pick of the Week: Pick of the Seven Days
MICHELLE: Confident that Melinda will choose Seven Days, I’ll instead cast my vote for the fifth volume of Farewell, My Dear Cramer. The best part about any sports…
Pick of the Week: Hana-chan and the Picks of the Week
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OSMcast: Skip Beat! 12-7-2009
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MICHELLE: I mean, it’s gotta be Boys Run the Riot. Bonus points for a new volume of What Did You Eat Yesterday, though! SEAN: First of all, an…
Pick of the Week: Brides, Princesses, and Vampires
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SEAN: Obviously my pick this week would be Short Game: Mitsuru Adachi’s Baseball Short Story Collection, except we know that Amazon date is wrong. So instead I will…
Pick of the Week: Authors Old and New
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