December 2021 might as well be the month where I brought the most amount of sci-fi mecha anime in one spending session. This is mainly due to most of the animes that were on the Christmas sale bein…
Apr 10, 2022 • Subscribe
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Anime Review 254 Aquarion Evol
If you guys have been following me on social media or have read my review of it you will know that I wasn’t a fan of the original…

My Hero Academia Podcast 236- Anime 128
Welcome to episode 236 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra does a one woman show, no guests! There is some podcast news (1:03) in that…

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 236
AstroNerdBoy reviews Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 236. Nasa consults his students before deciding to take Tsukasa to Tokyo Tower.

Episode 236 - Romantic Killer
This week, Shaun needs a break from the ongoing 12 Days of April Fools, so he is having Remington watch 5 episodes of Romantic Killer in order to…

OtakuGeneration (Show #236) Captain Tylor
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 236) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Captain Tylor, recorded live December 14th,…

Anime World Order Show # 236 – It’s Shark Time, Baby
Although we’re posting this on Halloween, there’s not much especially spooky about this episode since after having seen Uzumaki, Daryl has instead elected to review the theatrical film…
Finding the Right Combination – Aquarion Spoiler Review
So, when it comes to the Mecha genre, one subtype I haven’t really addressed is the combining Mecha style. It’s a very classic subgenre, going back to some…

Edens Zero – Chapters 229-236 Review (The Universe 0)
Making up for my absence with a huge review. Hooray!
Popcorn Pulse 236: One Last Venom
If you would like to picture what Sony executives are doing every time they make a superhero movie, wonder no more. We have exclusive footage, found by our…
Aquarion MOE #08 — Trash Time
Another exciting episode. Impressions: All right. Like Ubel Blatt, I know it's late, both in the season, and long past where I should have, but I'm pretty…
Aquarion MOE #03 — Bird Brains
Template template template template. Impressions: My patience with this show is rapidly wearing thin. No, I don't even want to try to make a joke about the…
Love Makes Aquarion Go Round~!
Not all mecha is Gundam, “oh why so serious” vibe that doesn’t mesh with lot of people. Mecha actually can be funny and slightly stupid? …
Episode 236, "The Mysterious Fram And His Toadgoat"
On this episode of The One Piece Podcast, Zach and Ed take us through Manga Chapter 679 (with The Dude), Anime Episode 564, Piece Together, and a “Dude…
Episode 236, "The Mysterious Fram And His Toadgoat"
On this episode of The One Piece Podcast, Zach and Ed take us through Manga Chapter 679 (with The Dude), Anime Episode 564, Piece Together, and a “Dude…

MHAP 57 - Character Drinks / Chap 236 & Shipping Wars!
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Episode 158 - GARP: Aquarion 21-23
After several episodes, we have reached a climax. We continue The Great Aquarion Rewatch Project by going over the penultimate batch of epis...
Episode 159 - GARP: Aquarion 24-26
We are back for the first episode of 2022 with the epic conclusion to the first part of The Great Aquarion Rewatch Project. We finish off th...
Episode 155 - GARP: Aquarion 12-14
We have made it halfway through Aquarion so it is probably time to start having some plot. On this episode of The Great Aquarion Rewatch Pro...
Episode 160 - GARP: Aquarion OVA/Movie
We look into an alternate timeline with this next part of the Great Aquarion Rewatch Project. On this session, we talk about the overlooked ...

First Impression: Aquarion: Myth of Emotions
“Perched above the yet oceanless ocean, there was once a dreamer. The dreamer dreamed about all the things in the world.” A beautifully illustrated creation myth of sorts…
Episode 154 - GARP: Aquarion 9-11
This episode took way longer to come out than it needed to. We are blaming the fact we had to talk about Reika on this episode of The…
Aquarion MOE #02 — Live, Die, Repeat
Frankly, there need to be more robot stabbings. Impressions: This is putting too many eggs in the basket of being mysterious about its setting when it's not…
Episode 151 - GARP: Aquarion 1-2
After 12,000 years of threats, we now begin The Great Aquarion Rewatch Project here on the Ass Backwards Anime Podcast. Your hosts Doctor an...
Episode 152 - GARP: Aquarion 3-5
The Great Aquarion Rewatch Project continues as we talk about nerd characters, feet, and if magic is actually sexy as we go through episodes...
Episode 153 - GARP: Aquarion 6-8
We finally address the elephant in the room on this episode of The Great Aquarion Rewatch Project as we talk about episode 6-8 of Aquarion. ...
Episode 157 - GARP: Aquarion 18-20
A sudden tonal shift happens on this session of the Great Aquarion Rewatch Project here on the Ass Backwards Anime Podcast. We have cosplay....
Episode 156 - GARP: Aquarion 15-17
The metaphor continues with this next batch of episodes on The Great Aquarion Rewatch Project. We spend a good amount of time debating if va...

AQUARION Myth of Emotions – Episode 1
I'm a total newbie to Aquarion, which either makes me perfect for this anniversary outing or in deep trouble about two episodes from now.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 12 (End) and Series Review
My priorities for this sort of show are probably different from most viewers, but they were certainly met to a quite satisfying degree.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 09
Sincerity seems to be a key for me in whether a mecha series works or not.

A Hard Recommend – Aquarion: Myth of Emotions
This season has been generally really good. Some solid sequels, some good continuations from things that aired last season, and some good original-ness. Take that for what you…

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 07
MOE does a good job of making sure every major character gets plot service.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 08
Sci-fi anime I can't fully make sense of have been one of the reasons I love anime since my very earliest days as a fan.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 06
That hug between Sun and Sakko may be the funniest moment of the series.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 05
I really like that Aquarion MoE is weird in a totally fearless way.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 10
"Tuning mana" has a distinct air of Human Instrumentality Project to it...
Aquarion MOE #07 — Behold My Evil Egg
I miss the attempted stabbing. Impressions: With Momentary Lily actually putting out a good episode, it makes the holding pattern that this show continues to be in…

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 04
If a genre piece can be both faithful and distinct, it's managing to thread a pretty thin needle.

Third Impressions – Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions
Aquarion MoE is a bit confounding at times but in an increasingly predictable medium, that can definitely be a plus.

Second Impressions – Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions
This show has an elegance and eloquence to the writing that I rarely find in modern mecha series.

First Impressions – Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions
I'm definitely intrigued by Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions and anxious to see where it goes from here.
Aquarion – Myth of Emotions #01 — …Where’s the Big Kaboom?
In many senses. There's five premieres today, plus Momentary Lily's second episode, and since I slept in a bit, five of the six shows were up by the…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 236: Himekishi ga Classmate/ My Classmate is a Princess Knight (or Reincarnated Into A Pimp?! WTF!)
In this quick episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan reviews a manga about dying and then guess what? you guessed it, being reincarnated into a fantasy world.…
![Featured image for Road to SMP No. 100: SMP [Shokugan Modeling Project] Genesis of Aquarion](
![Background image for Road to SMP No. 100: SMP [Shokugan Modeling Project] Genesis of Aquarion](
Road to SMP No. 100: SMP [Shokugan Modeling Project] Genesis of Aquarion
In 2016, Bandai Candy’s Super Minipla line took the simple Minipla kit concept and placed it on a level on par with Bandai Spirits’ hobby products. And with…

NieA_7 — Anime Review
At times it managed to be interesting and draw me in, but there was always a distance between me and NieA_7.

Frieren — Anime Review
Every once in a while an anime comes around that takes the internet by storm. Frieren is even more pervasive than usual though.

Gantz Anime Review
Brutal, Brutal Shit I have finally found someone with brains who is willing to review anime and possibly manga for this site, Lonely Sunset. His name is Jon,…
![Featured image for [Anime Review]: Witchblade](
![Background image for [Anime Review]: Witchblade](
[Anime Review]: Witchblade
Director: Yoshimitsu Ohashi Writer: Yosuko Kobayashi Animation Studios: Gonzo Version Watched: Subbed A little while ago a friend of mine suggested I watch Witchblade, an anime inspired by…