Welcome to episode 236 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra does a one woman show, no guests! There is some podcast news (1:03) in that the podcast will be switching to a biweekly schedule instead of coming out every week. Kendra covers ep 15/128 Tartarus (2:11), takes listener thoughts on the episode (10:58) and talks spoiler thoughts(14:08). Ad close it out by thanking the patrons (20:29) a big thank you to our patrons Trainee: KCG,Zachary, That1Welder Guy, Jenna, Kendra, The Real Jory, and Robert. Pro Heros: Yuriko and Morgan Kendra's other Podcast: The View From the Top https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/view-from-the-top/id1452919177 You can donate/shop at Aseel a charity helping the people of Afghanistan here: https://aseelapp.com/en_us/shop-category.html MHAP Patreon @MHAPOD myheropod@gmail.com
Jan 16, 2023 • Subscribe
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