I miss the attempted stabbing. Impressions: With Momentary Lily actually putting out a good episode, it makes the holding pattern that this show continues to be in all the worse. Granted, it's not quite back down to the levels of like episodes 1-4, but we definitely lost something by going from a stab-happy lunatic […]
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![Featured image for Wonder Egg Priority – 07 [After School at 14]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210226/1614343060.4913.27356.png)
![Background image for Wonder Egg Priority – 07 [After School at 14]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210226/1614343060.4913.27356.png)
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Episode 160 - GARP: Aquarion OVA/Movie
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Episode 159 - GARP: Aquarion 24-26
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