A talented young woman battles a patriarchal society in a bid for restaurant success in Haruki Kadokawa’s Meiji-era foodie drama
Feb 23, 2022 • Subscribe
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No post summary was provided.
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Onna Tomodachi to Kekkonshitemita, Volume 1 (女ともだちと結婚してみた。)
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Onna Tomodachi to Kekkonshitemita, Volume 2 (女ともだちと結婚してみた。)
People are complex systems. Relationships are complex systems made up of complex systems. Even with clear boundaries, even when sex is not an issue, relationships get messy when…
Let Me Hear It Barefoot (裸足で鳴らしてみせろ, Riho Kudo, 2021)
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