Thanks to Scott for leaving the nominations open and Dewbond for starting this tag. The Rules For this Post Choose up to five anime, manga or visual novel series that have a short title. Light novels that have shorter titles (Date A Live for example) are also allowed. Give these series a new title based... Continue Reading →
Feb 28, 2020 • Subscribe
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Give it A Light Novel Title Challenge!
Do you guys follow Shallow Dives in Anime? I do. I don’t know if I’ve given Dewbond a proper shout out on this blog and if not, that’s…
Give It A Light Novel Title Challenge!
Oh hey, I haven’t done one of these tag posts in a while. Ok, confession time. I don’t really do these types of post anymore. It’s partially my…
Give it a Light Novel Title challenge
Hey everyone! We’ve been tagged by ThatRandomEditor in a pretty hilarious challenge. Started by Dewbond so I’ll let them give you the details. Choose up to five anime, manga or…
Challenge Accepted! Give it A Light Novel Title Challenge!
I have to give it to Dewbond over at Shallow Dives in Anime, they really know how to come up with a fun challenge and of course thanks…
Give It A Light Novel Title! | Blog Challenge
blogger challenge
Give it a Light Novel Title
Give it a Light Novel Title: Five anime series get the Light Novel Title treatment. Another, Hundred, and three others get the treatment!
Give it Light Novel Title: LHs Titles for Anime!
Hey guys. My last attempt at a tag: ‘Put a Tune to it’ was rather successful, and I was thinking about what I’d do next. Well, as any…

A Good Light Novel With a Bad Title
Light novels are infamous for their “clickbait” titles, but honestly, any general book lover can probably tell you about a title that was single-handedly responsible for reeling them…
Put a Tune to It (Tag Post)
So, it’s time to show off my taste in music (which has shown up in awards and tag posts before, but not as much as it has in…
I'm going to be honest with you all, I've never read a light novel before. (Anime Light Novel Title Tag)
Welcome to the Anime Light Novel Title Tag Challenge Award. It’s the tag where we take an anime, and then we proceed to spoil the plot in a…
Name That Light Novel With A Dumbass Title!
My god I’m actually doing a response to a tag challenge, because my backlog makes me want to cry how much there is that I might…
Railgunfan75’s Anime Favourites Challenge (Tag Post)
Visit the post for more.
ERASED, Flip Flappers, Yotsuiro Biyori, Vandread, Xam'd: Lost Memories

A Light Novel Taxonomy
About a year ago, our own stardf29 ranked the light novels he’d read. I thought that sounded fun, but felt it would be for kind of lame to…
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles, Sword Art Online
Light Novel Club goes public! Plus, our next title, Re:Zero!
That’s right, the Light Novel Club IPO is now available for trading, at a value of 5 other-world currency coins per share! …okay, that’s obviously not what I…

Peer Pressure (Tag Post)
Thanks to Phoenix for the tag.
I must do better in writing these! They’re fun and I enjoy doing them, so thanks to anyone who has thought of me, especially over the last few…
Unpopular Opinions – Tag Post
Admittedly, ‘unpopular opinion’ posts are not exactly my wheelhouse but I’ll try because I’m keen to take on the challenge! Having said that, I suspect that if you’re…
Unpopular Opinions Tag Post (Yes, I am doing a tag post and I am shocked too!)
As you’ve noticed, I haven’t done a lot of tag post in a while. I’m sorry I don’t everyone. I either completely forget about them, I’m way too…

Winter 2022 Anime (and Light Novel) Round-Up Post
This is the last time I am keeping up with five shows in a season.
Pretty Cure, Slow Loop, Dororo, Dororo, Restaurant to Another World

Failure to Launch Tag Post
Ever wonder what would happen if your favourite hero decided not to bother answering the call to action and went and had a nap instead? Well, this tag…
Unpopular Opinions Time (Tag Post)
Thanks to Mari for the tag.
Kuroko's Basketball, Sailor Moon, School Days, Attack on Titan, Black Clover

Song Title Challenge – but with anisong!
So, a challenge popped up in my Facebook memories on Wednesday – match categories to song titles. Back then, for my not anime fan friends, it was all…
![Featured image for [Tag] Make it Anime](
![Background image for [Tag] Make it Anime](
[Tag] Make it Anime
Yes, Moya is responding to another old tag, but why shouldn’t I? In this age of half-hearted live action adaptations of animated pieces, whether there are books/movies that…
Why Are Light Novel Titles So Long: The Title of This Post About the Long Titles of Light Novels is Just Way Too Long!
Today we're looking at light novel titles and why they're often so long and absurd.
Why Are Light Novel Titles So Long: The Title of This Post About the Long Titles of Light Novels is Just Way Too Long!
Today we're looking at light novel titles and why they're often so long and absurd.

Immortality Isn’t What I Thought It Would Be – A Free Light Novel
I wrote Immortality Isn’t What I Thought It Would Be for fun several years ago. It languished on my file server, destined to never see a reader along…

Torture Princess: A Light Novel Masterpiece
The Torture Princess: Fremd Torturchen light novels by Keishi Ayasato finished their English run last month, and I’m here to tell you why you need to check them…
Finding God in a Light Novel!?
Gods tend to come off badly in fiction. Really, really badly. No, wait, “badly” isn’t strong enough. Worsely? Worstly? Anyway… There are stories with evil gods. There are…
Light Novel Recommendations
While we’ve never been a review site, visitors and supporters still naturally ask for our take on anime and related properties. While you’ll find our thoughts scattered throughout…

A Writer’s Reflections: On Light Novel Inserts
A Writer’s Reflections Originally Posted: March 15, 2021 “With springtime coming ever nearer, a certain budding writer hopes to blossom into new opportunities. Success rides upon her ha…
Super Happy Love Award Time! (tag post)
Thanks to Keiko for this. I’ve been watching this tag make the rounds, ever since I discovered Pinkie made it, because one of its conditions is that everyone…

It’s Getting Hot in Here… (Tag Post)
Taking on Shoujo’s open invitation, but I’m also going to leave this open for anyone else to take up.
Yotsuiro Biyori, Bungo Stray Dogs, Bungo Stray Dogs WAN!, Fate/Zero
Hello Out There, Blogger Friendos! (Tag Post)
Thanks to Megan for the post which led to this one.

Kotatsu Corner #3 - IDK, Post-Holiday Title.
Almost a year to the date we released our last Kotatsu Corner episode, but here's another one! Kotatsu Corner is our side-show where we talk about non-anime related crap…

Kotatsu Corner #3 – IDK, Post-Holiday Title
Almost a year to the date we released our last Kotatsu Corner episode, but here’s another one! Kotatsu Corner is our side-show where we talk about non-anime related…

Crowd Sourcing Ideas: I Wrote a Light Novel. What can I do with it?
Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I know this is a bit outside of my anime blogging, but I like to write stories on the side. I have a…

Light Novel Collection Development
Light novels or ライトノベル (raito noberu) are a type of young adult novel from Japan that primarily target middle and high school students. In contrast to manga, which…

Give It All Anime Film Review
Within its sports narrative, Give It All is a fantastically realistic depiction of how mental hang-ups stay with a person.

A Guide to “Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi!”
Ever wanted to predict what the next big anime hit will be? You need look no further than this guide to Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi!
25 Light Novel Club Sessions!
Later this month, volume two of Tearmoon Empire will be the subject of our 25th BtT Light Novel Club Meeting. Can you believe we’ve conducted that many sessions?…
Light Novel First Impressions: Slayers
Note: These light novel first impressions come courtesy of J-Novel Club‘s membership program, which allows members to read weekly parts of light novels as they are translated, before their…
Light Novel Club Plans for 2020! Plus, Our Next Light Novel Club Selections!
As the Light Novel Club enters 2020, we have a bit of a conundrum. On the one hand, we have read many wonderful light novel series so far,…
Tag you’re it!!! Shhhhh–Mystery Blogger Award
Rules Display the award logo on your blog.Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.Mention Okoto Enigma, the creator of the award.Tell your readers 3 thin…

Tag, I’m It! The Liebster Award Edition
So it seems I got nominated for a Liebster Award! Yay! Since one of my goals is to blog more about myself, I believe this is a great…
Light Novel First Impression: A Wild Last Boss Appeared!
Note: These light novel first impressions come courtesy of J-Novel Club‘s membership program, which allows members to read weekly parts of light novels as they are translated, before…

What’s your favorite light novel with a female protagonist?
What’s your overall fave? Is there one you would recommend particularly for feminist-minded readers? LGBTQ+ recs?

School Rumble “Give It Away” (Mixer Trap)
AstroNerdBoy reviews the extra School Rumble chapters from Kobayashi-sensei that have never been put into tankoubon format.
Light Novel Kindling: The Shoujo Light Novels are Omnipresent
Welcome back to Light Novel Kindling! Here, I will take a look at our next Light Novel Club selection and give my thoughts on something related to it.…

AX 22 Post-Thoughts #2 – If You Like Boobs a Lot, Tag Along
In years past, one of the harder panels to get into were all those 18+, FAKKU, hentai fun shows. Even if they put them in ever larger and…

Twelve Days of Anime 2015 Part 7: “Is It Wrong To Start The Title of A Post About Danmachi With The Words “Is It Wrong?”?”
Yes! Yes, I am, actually. And, no, you’re not bothering me Supporter-chan. Not in the least. I’m just trying to figure out how I can explain to these…