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We’re Back, for the First Time! Confessions by Kanae Minato: Book vs. Movie
No, this podcast was not about Naruto, but I’m going to borrow that theme song. We’re back! Maybe not so much like Shounen Jump heroes, but more like…
![Featured image for [Collab] Cinnamon Banana Bread (BBT Challenge)](
![Background image for [Collab] Cinnamon Banana Bread (BBT Challenge)](
[Collab] Cinnamon Banana Bread (BBT Challenge)
Happy New Year, everyone! (Yes, it’s April, but my last post here was from, uh, December). I love food-related collaborations and I will never ever say no to…

OST Spotlight: “the beginning of the end” of Fate/Zero
While I liked and could recognize one or two tracks from Fate/Zero, that was about the extent of my engagement with it until I came across this interview…

LoGH OP 4 “Must be Something” (Japanese Cover)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes’s ability to pull off cheesy English openings gloriously is unrivalled. Well…the first three openings anyway. OP4 “Must be Something” is genera…

Seasonal Anime Advisory (Summer 2022)
Late to the Summer 2022 anime season? Fear not! This specially curated list features 10 titles catered towards diverse and exquisite tastes. Read on! 10. Fuuto PI Studio:…
![Featured image for [Tag] 11 Questions/Answers for the Liebster Award](
![Background image for [Tag] 11 Questions/Answers for the Liebster Award](
[Tag] 11 Questions/Answers for the Liebster Award
Another one of these things, because why not. Thanks go to Girl in Between for the tag! Rules: Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link…
![Featured image for [Tag] Super Happy Love Award](
![Background image for [Tag] Super Happy Love Award](
[Tag] Super Happy Love Award
The Super Happy Love Award… I remember being both intrigued and intimidated when I was nominated not once, but four times in the year 2020. Huh, that’s not…

5 Anime Encapsulated by Kate Bush Songs
There are people who got into Kate Bush because of Stranger Things, and there are people who got into Stranger Things because of Kate Bush. The latter will…

Ranking 12 Times Dvorak’s New World Symphony was Used in Anime
New World Symphony is a hype piece. Many people know it for the slow and pastoral Second Movement, “Goin’ Home,” but when I think of it, I think…
![Featured image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 13 (A Kind Land)](
![Background image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 13 (A Kind Land)](
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 13 (A Kind Land)
I could have sworn I published this post a month ago, what the heck… After approximately two years, we’re finally at the finish line! I did not know…
![Featured image for [Tag] Make it Anime](
![Background image for [Tag] Make it Anime](
[Tag] Make it Anime
Yes, Moya is responding to another old tag, but why shouldn’t I? In this age of half-hearted live action adaptations of animated pieces, whether there are books/movies that…

Seasonal Anime Advisory (Spring 2022)
Are you a little behind on seasonals? Or are you the type to wait until the end of a season to binge a show in one sitting, preferably…
![Featured image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 13 (A Peaceful Land)](
![Background image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 13 (A Peaceful Land)](
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 13 (A Peaceful Land)
Back again with another procrasti-post! This episode really isn’t one of the series’ strongest. It feels kind of wrong that it’s the penultimate episode in the series, when…
![Featured image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 11 (Her Journey)](
![Background image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 11 (Her Journey)](
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 11 (Her Journey)
Oh look, it’s been so long since the last time I drafted a post that Funimation and Crunchyroll have fused and Kino’s Journey has long left both of…

Moya Answers an Overdue Tag Pt. N (for Neat)
Maybe award posts have lost their meaning because everyone spams their friends with them. Maybe they’re frowned upon because they’re not particularly original. How do you feel about…
![Featured image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 10 (A Tale of Mechanical Dolls)](
![Background image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 10 (A Tale of Mechanical Dolls)](
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 10 (A Tale of Mechanical Dolls)
Kino’s Journey is back! I’d say “I’m back,” but I’m not sure I really am…yet. This episode is one that focuses on few characters instead of a country,…

Jon’s Creator Showcase: August Edition
Welcome to the August Edition of the JCS 2021! For those who are new, this showcase features content from various creators around the web, summarized up here for…

Picture This! Anime Edition: Ft. Special Guest
I’m back Internet, did you miss me? Well I have a fun little post just for you, so I hope you like games, and more importantly I hope…

Jon’s Creator Showcase: July Post Submissions Open
Hello, hello. (Recently came to the horrific realization that the Ex-Arm opening plays in my head whenever I say it, who can I blame for this!?) Been a…
![Featured image for [Tagless Tag] My Pirate Crew is 2 Years Late but Still Very Powerful](
![Background image for [Tagless Tag] My Pirate Crew is 2 Years Late but Still Very Powerful](
[Tagless Tag] My Pirate Crew is 2 Years Late but Still Very Powerful
As the title says and as you should learn to expect by now, this tag has been in my backlog forever before I randomly decided to engage with…

The Struggle of (Not) Having Thoughts on Anime
Do you ever just forget that you have a blog? That’s what happened to me…until I checked my blog email the other day and found a surprisingly recent…
![Featured image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 9 (Land of Books)](
![Background image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 9 (Land of Books)](
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 9 (Land of Books)
Bringing back this episode review series just in time for National Library Week (thanks to e-quips for the reminder), how apropos! This is one of the hardest episode…

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 13 — I drink and watch anime
And we’ve reached the end! Big thanks to Irina again for the open conversations and for being so on top of things on a weekly basis. I’d love…

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 12
It’s a Christmas episode! I genuinely thought this was going to be the last episode in the series until Irina pointed out otherwise last time, but with all…

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 11
Who is Shu again? Oh huh, he’s got a sister? Cute “filler” episode for the beloved and lesser known side characters to shine. Well, this is going to…

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 10
It’s more Yuki, as we had hoped for! But first, happy Pi Day, and happy daylight savings switch. I don’t know if most people really celebrate either, especially…

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 9 — I drink and watch anime
On kinky violence, making friends with past foes, and conversations in tight spaces. I gotta say, Miya’s reputation is taking quite the hit. He better make it work…

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 8
Another great episode of Horimiya, but first, the obvious question: Irina, what would you do the day before the world ends? I know I sure agree with Remi…

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 6
Watching an episode called “This Summer’s Going to be a Hot One” in the middle of a (finally) snowy winter is interesting. And happy Valentine’s, by the way!…

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 5
I actually tweeted right after this episode that Horimiya is in fact a traditional romance but only the cute parts. Apparently, that’s what I like! But before we…

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 4
Back for another episode of Horimiya with Irina. How are you doing, Irina? I’m doing great! Thanks for asking! I hope you and the readers are doing just…
![Featured image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 8 (Land of Wizards)](
![Background image for [Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 8 (Land of Wizards)](
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 8 (Land of Wizards)
An episode that takes a simple idea and explores it in a refreshing way. Probably not among the strongest of Kino’s episodes, but there’s a bit going for…

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 3
Check out Ep. 3 of my Horimiya collab with Irina, where we continue to fangirl over a genre neither of us used to care about, celebrate wholesome friendships,…

Horimiya with Iri-Moya: Episode 2
Episode 2 of Horimiya, reviewed by me and Irina from I Drink and Watch Anime! So happy to have her back here as a special guest~ Neither of…

Towering Genius: the Creation and Judgment of a Dessert Frankenstein
You might be a little baffled by this totally extra title, or perhaps you’re already so used to my content that you didn’t stop to wonder why I…
[Anime X-Change] Senki Zesshou Symphogear – A Review in 6 Songs
This December, I took part in Jon Spencer’s Anime X-Change event, where I recommended one anime to someone and received a recommendation from them in return. My partner,…
Moya’s Random Weekend at the Movies
Let’s face it, when I’m not posting episodic reviews, my blog is already a roulette of unpatterned content. But today, I have something deliberately, meticulously random for you…a…
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 7 (Coliseum Pt. 2)
This episode wrapped up a little more hastily than I would like it to, but it shed some interesting light on Kino’s personality and objectives. A story of…
Where are the Kalafina Members Now?
Kalafina was the only band that I’ve ever actively kept up with, and the main content on this blog used to be Kalafina translyrics. So, for the handful…
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 6 (Coliseum Pt. 1)
And we’re back to the regularly (un)scheduled Kino posts! I did miss this show. I don’t know if others would describe it as “cozy,” but that is indeed…
Controversed Showcase: 2020 November
Welcome to the end-of-the-month showcase of all the posts written for the Controversed writing workshop! Thank you to everyone who joined me in “Controversing” by creating your own…
[#Controversed] Week 4: Managing Criticism
If you have been following the Controversed project since the start of the month, thank you (!!), and congratulations for making it to the final week! For those…
[Controversed] Week 3: Critical Theories
Big warm welcome to those who made it to Week 3 – and those who are checking out the series for the first time (there might be something…
[Controversed] Week 2: Critical Voices
What is your blogging voice, and how do you challenge or stay true to it?
Announcing Controversed: A November Workshop
Elections, daylight saving hours, Uzaki-chan figurines! A million controversies pervade us through the internet, but being kind and civil bloggers with a limited tolerance for unproductive argument…
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 5 (Three Men Along the Rails)
Starting to notice that one of the main differences between Kino’s Journey and Mushishi is that whereas Mushishi observes the nature of life (both human and mushi ones),…
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 4 (Land of Adults)
Backstory time! This episode feels more poignant and aesthetically intense than the last few, in a way that I rather loved. Took me a while to figure out…
[Highlights] Kino’s Journey Ep. 3 (Land of Prophecies)
Back to our routine of episodic Kino. Just learned that Kino is a “she,” so I won’t be using “they/them” to describe her anymore. This episode features not…
Is it Time for a New Username?
This is a bit of a heavier post, but the topic is an important one that I hope to gain some insight on. There’s been some talk on…