A shy young woman with a talent for Tsugaru shamisen grows in confidence after getting a job at a maid cafe in Satoko Yokohama’s warmhearted drama
Mar 12, 2021 • Subscribe
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The Problem With Satoko
It's finally time to address the squid in the room. PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/keksiweksi TWITTER: https://twitter.com/keksiweksi thanks for watching guys this costed me a lot of money
Common Japanese Mistake No.6 と思います
Learn Japanese with Me - https://bit.ly/4drmyU2
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Satoko and Nada — Manga Review
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Manga Mondays: Satoko and Nada
Visit the post for more.
Yuri Manga: Yuri to Koe to Kaze Matoi, Volume 1 (百合と声と風纏い)
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