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Deca-Dence 2 – Deca-Dence Online
Just about sums up my reaction to this episode, really.

Deca-Dence Anime Review
Animation: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Story/Plot: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ Theme song/s and animation: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Anime Review: Deca-Dence
Deca-Dence anime review

Deca-Dence is a 2020 original anime from Nut. That’s right, the Youjo Senki studio. I’ve only reviewed the one anime from them and it was decent. So, let’s…
Deca-Dence – Episode 1
Deca-Dence is proof-positive that sufficiently powerful execution trumps novelty.
Deca-Dence Episode 10
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Deca-Dence Episode 11
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Deca-Dence Episode 9
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Deca-Dence Episode 2
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Anime Taste Testing: Deca-Dence
The show Shingeki no Kyojin might have been if the titans were mostly giant bug-dinosaur-like creatures, if the tone was happily far less self-serious, and if the characters…
Anime Series Like Deca-Dence
Driven to the point of extinction by creatures known as the Gadoll, humanity now lives out of a large mobile fortress known as Deca-Dence. Inside, the residents are…
Black Bullet, Chrome Shelled Regios, Cop Craft, DECA-DENCE, Drifting Dragons
Anime Taste Testing: Deca-Dence
The show Shingeki no Kyojin might have been if the titans were mostly giant bug-dinosaur-like creatures, if the tone was happily far less self-serious, and if the characters…

Deca-Dence episode 1 – 5 anime review
Deca-Dence is an anime of dueling aesthetics: a gritty human world akin to Attack on Titan being bossed by a society of walking toys. Sounds weird? Well, that’s…
Deca-Dence 2020 Stakes are definitely getting higher – as they probably should, now that the season draws closer to its end. And while the new Gadoll threat brings…
No self-indulgent intro today :D Deca-Dence 2020 ‘Interesting’ is my first thought with episode two. And not in a sarcastic way, I am interested to see how things…
Deca-Dence 2020 Again, it’s early in the season for me to make any kinda claim, but this one feels like a real stand out episode. It felt like…
Another short write up for today. Deca-Dence 2020 Cliffhanger ending, nice! Other than that fun moment – which is textbook ‘weekly’ storytelling – it was nice to see…
Deca-Dence 2020 In an inversion for the season so far, it’s Kaburagi’s world where we spend most of our time with episode six. And it’s the grimier, ‘shittier’…
Deca-Dence 2020 Yay for a big finish! So, whether some things were easy to predict in the finale doesn’t matter so much to me, since they were fun,…

Deca-Dence (Dekadansu)
If you are super-keen to see what I thought about specific episodes of Deca-Dence I was writing weekly, back when the show aired, and those posts start over…
Deca-Dence 2020 Apologies – it seems I have little insight to offer, and not much in the way of predictions either, but I’m still enjoying the series more…
Deca-Dence 2020 Since I’m so far behind this week, I think this will be a far shorter post than usual when it comes to me and season shows!…
Deca-Dence 2020 Another short post – I’ve little to complain about, an episode to take stock and to process things is exactly what I was hoping for. And…
Deca-Dence – 04
These are not normal times. Read more
Just a short post on this episode for now. Deca-Dence 2020 Training time! I enjoyed plenty about episode three, but probably the combat training and slapstick there with…
Needlessly long intro incoming :D Firstly, I want to quickly note that I’m not great when it comes to episode reviews of seasonal shows; I can’t always keep…
Very short post this time around, might do the same with No Guns Life tonight, actually, while I’m swamped with other stuff. Deca-Dence 2020 Action aplenty and more…
Deca-Dence – 01
(igniton) "Ignition " The bar with Deca-Dence is, oddly, both very high and very low - it depends on how you look at it.
Deca-Dence Episode 9 Review
Deca-Dence episode 9 review
Deca-Dence Episode 1 Review
Deca-Dence episode 1 review
Deca-Dence Episode 3 Review
Deca-Dence episode 3 review
Deca-Dence Episode 11 Review
Deca-Dence episode 11 review
deca-Dence Episode 10 Review
Deca-Dence episode 10 Review
Deca-Dence Episode 12 Review
deca-dence episode 12 review

56: The Deca-Dence Episode
It's an actual anime episode! The Sickos warm up by reading some shit from the Fate wiki before diving into Deca-Dence, one of the best anime series in…
First Impressions – Deca-Dence
The bar with Deca-Dence is, oddly, both very high and very low - it depends on how you look at it. Read more
Deca-Dence – Ep. 6
This episode showcases Kaburagi’s newfound resolve after his time with Natsume.
Third Impressions – Deca-Dence
Big reveals alone can't carry a series. Read more
Deca-Dence Ep. 5
I’m of two minds regarding what happens to Kaburagi in this episode.
Deca-Dence – 03 [Steering]
Another week, another clean hit at bat. Deca-Dence is fast becoming the MVP of the summer season and for good reason. Every new episode connects multiple threads the…
Deca-Dence – 04 [Transmission]
After being disappointed with the colossal crap-pile that was episode 4 of GoHS, I really really needed Deca-Dence to come up with the goods to keep alive any…
Deca-Dence – Ep. 4
This is the first time Natsume’s character seems remotely interesting.
Deca-Dence – Ep. 2
But does it have micro-transactions?
Deca-Dence – Ep. 3
I know the three episode rule doesn’t always work but…