Obscure Japanese Film #164 Yasuko Fujita Takako (Yasuko Fujita) is a young woman who works on the ticket desk at her local train station...
Feb 5, 2025 • Subscribe
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Snow Country (雪国, Shiro Toyoda, 1957)
A self-absorbed, unappreciated painter is torn between an embittered geisha and her resentful yet pure sister in Toyoda’s adaptation of the classic Kawabata novel

Snow in Midsummer (五月雪, Chong Keat-Aun, 2023)
How should you deal with the traumatic past? In Chong Keat-Aun’s Snow in Midsummer (五月雪) it becomes clear that this past has not been dealt with and that…
Shroud of Snow / 雪の喪章 / Yuki no mosho (1967)
Obscure Japanese Film #105 Ayako Wakao The story begins in 1930 in Kanazawa, a city located on the west coast of Japan’s main island…

Early Spring (早春, Yasujiro Ozu, 1956)
A dejected office worker and his disappointed wife battle the emptiness of the “salaryman dream” in Ozu’s embittered marital drama

Youth (Spring) (青春, Wang Bing, 2023)
Wang Bing turns his camera on the mostly young workers in the textile factories of Zhili.

UPA Shorts, 1944-1950
In 1941, an animators’ strike at Disney emerged from discontent with Walt Disney’s business practices; although the company enjoyed the best pay and benefits in the American animation…
“Hunting in 1950” (1926)
There’s a lot of fun gags here to make an enjoyable but somewhat thin-plot-ed cartoon.

Hello everyone! Before I get on with today’s review, yesterday WordPress notified me that it was my blog’s 6th anniversary. Time sure flies by! It’s not much of…

Spring 2021 First Impressions – Those Snow White Notes
Streaming: Crunchyroll Episodes: 12 Source: Manga Story Summary: When Setsu’s grandfather and shamisen teacher passes away, Setsu loses his will to play the instrument. His feeling of emptine…

Scandal (醜聞, Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
The battle for the soul of the post-war society is fought in the body of a conflicted lawyer in Akira Kurosawa’s seasonal morality tale.

Rashomon (羅生門, Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
A series of witnesses give conflicting accounts of a death in the forest in Akira Kurosawa’s exploration of the limits of objective truth.

The Cruel Spring Has Come—Living in Spring by Snow Ground now in English
Snow Ground, in collaboration with ROUND ZERO, Inc. has released an English translation for their debut game Living in Spring on Steam!
Were being hit with snow in our area, and its coming down hard.

Spring In Between (はざまに生きる、春, Rika Katsu, 2023)
A struggling editor at a magazine gains a new perspective while falling in love with an autistic artist in Rika Katsu’s romantic drama.

Spring 2021 First Impressions – Joran The Princess of Snow and Blood
Streaming: Crunchyroll Episodes: TBA Source: Original Story Summary: In this alternate history, it is the 64th year of the Meiji era. The Tokugawa Shogunate controls resources and technology,…
Snow Again?!
I swear, this is getting ridiculous. Were so close to spring, yet Mother Nature decides to throw more snow at us! Im so done with winter.
The Makioka Sisters / 細雪 / Sasameyuki (‘Light Snowfall’, 1959)
Obscure Japanese Film #148 Junko Kano and Fujiko Yamamoto Junichiro Tanizaki’s novel Sasameyuki is widely recognised as a classic of Japa...

The Munekata Sisters (宗方姉妹, Yasujiro Ozu, 1950)
Two sisters with contrasting outlooks clash in their responses to failed marriage and potential romance in an unusually bitter Ozu melodrama

The Angry Street (怒りの街, Mikio Naruse, 1950)
A sociopathic student takes revenge on a changing society by seducing wealthy women in Mikio Naruse’s brooding noir.

Hot Snow – Ah, Snow Man as true Juniors
Back in 2018 when I was getting more into Johnny’s Entertainment, and specifically Snow Man – I discovered this movie existed. It was already a whopping seven years…

Hello and before I get into other things, happy Pride month!! I KNOW Yui knew their performance was gonna air in June so she had to dress the…
Yukidoke to Agapanthus, Volume 1 (雪解けとアガパンサス)
This is one of the few books I had picked up at Gamers while in Japan, because 1) I had not seen it before and 2) it came…

Snow Fairy Review
Snow Fairy by Tomo Serizawa is the latest slice-of-life Boy’s Love manga from Tokyopop showcasing what can happen when two unlikely men meet.
First Snow Review
Another day, another yuri Kinetic Novel to review, which is never a bad thing for a yuri fan who loves them. This time it is about two young…

Anime Snow Birds
The name “Snow Bird”, at least in the US, is used to describe people that fly south during the colder months of the year to avoid the harsh…

Snow White / スノーホワイト
Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the cleverest of them all? Snow White is a light, cute and unique book, and now that I’ve read the second…
Lots of Snow
Snow here, snow there, oh look! More snow. Lots of snow everywhere.

Anime snow battles!
Just a little while ago the small city where I live got it’s first snow of the season. I live near the Pacific ocean, so it wasn’t a…
Too Much Snow!
Uuuuugh, were getting even MORE snow! Im so sick of snow! Make it stoooooop!

Leaving on the 15th Spring (旅立ちの島唄~十五の春~, Yasuhiro Yoshida, 2013)
“How many of them will come back?” a man on the shore ominously asks as he watches the young people of his island ship out to pursue their…

Nomad (烈火青春, Patrick Tam, 1982)
Aimless youth longs for exile in pre-Handover Hong Kong in Patrick Tam’s New Wave classic.

Wait and See (あ、春, Shinji Somai, 1998)
An emotionally distant salaryman faces instability in his professional and personal lives just as his estranged father resurfaces in Somai’s gentle family drama.

Welcome to the last review of the season! I wondered if I could do something special for the season finale like my cooking escapade for Heaven’s Design Team…
Snow White, Blood Red
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,

Yuki, The Snow Woman
In a village of Musashi Province, there lived two woodcutters: Mosaku and Minokichi. At the time of which I am speaking, Mosaku was an old man; and Minokichi,…

Manga Review: Millennium Snow!
I was recently reading more of the lovely blog posts on my favorites list, and I found a wonderful post from Jessica at Shoujo Henshin! (click the button…
I'm Sick of Snow!
Okay, Im just about done with all this snow. But nope, Mother Nature says she has more snow coming our way tomorrow! Uuuuuuugh!

Magic of evening snow
…Wouldn’t you say that evening lights on fresh snow look very mysterious? And that doesn’t mean that gloomy and uncertain mysteriousness of a dark old ruin. Bathed in…
A Portrait of Shunkin / 春琴抄 / Shunkinsho (1976)
Obscure Japanese Film #154 Momoe Yamaguchi Doshomachi, Osaka, early Meiji era (c.1870s). Okoto (Momoe Yamaguchi), the youngest daughter ...

Terrorizers (青春弒戀, Ho Wi Ding, 2021)
A collection of youngsters are drawn into a dangerous web of simmering violence in Ho Wi Ding’s Taipei-set drama.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MASARU OKADA: MAY 8, 1950 Movie & Television Stunt Coordinator Turns 67
大野剣友会代表の岡田勝先生、お誕生日おめでとう! The Ono Kenyukai's current honcho as Kamen Rider No. 2 circa 1971.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MASARU OKADA: MAY 8, 1950 Movie & Television Stunt Coordinator Turns 67
大野剣友会代表の岡田勝先生、お誕生日おめでとう! The Ono Kenyukai's current honcho as Kamen Rider No. 2 circa 1971.
![Featured image for Kaina and the Great Snow Sea – 2 [Princess of the Snow Sea]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230120/1674216016.51601.83818.jpg)
![Background image for Kaina and the Great Snow Sea – 2 [Princess of the Snow Sea]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230120/1674216016.51601.83818.jpg)
Kaina and the Great Snow Sea – 2 [Princess of the Snow Sea]
Welcome everyone, to my 2nd show of the season, Kaina and the Great Snow Sea! For the sake my sanity, and word count, I’m just going to call…
![Featured image for Kaina and the Great Snow Sea – 4 [Conflict at the Snow Sea]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230203/1675428011.52660.85028.jpg)
![Background image for Kaina and the Great Snow Sea – 4 [Conflict at the Snow Sea]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230203/1675428011.52660.85028.jpg)
Kaina and the Great Snow Sea – 4 [Conflict at the Snow Sea]
Welcome everyone, to another episode of Kaina and the Great Snow Sea! This week we finally reach civilization, as Kaina escapes the Valghians and gets pulled deeper and…
Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata
The book Snow Country offers cold prose and interactions appropriate to its name. The story follows Shimamura’s love affair with the hot spring geisha Komako and his developing…

Fanart Friday: Frieren’s Snow Globe
If only we had a spell to keep our loved ones and memories in a snowglobe so that we could shake it up whenever we want to see…
Yuki Hotaru (Snow Firefly) Sake
Well… I grade sake by its aroma. The stronger its aroma, the better. I also take its price into grading. If something is way too expensive, that’s going…
Millennium Snow (with Caitlin Moore)
Covers all of MILLENNIUM SNOW by Bisco Hatori In the 10 years between the publication of the second and third volume of “Millennium Snow,” Bisco Hatori went off and…