An exiled spy is confronted by the cruel inequalities of the feudal era in Keiichi Ozawa’s ninja drama.
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TVアニメ「転生賢者の異世界ライフ」ノンクレジットOP |Non Stop Rabbit『無自覚の天才』
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Itsuki Tsuchigami【土上いつき】Sakuga MAD
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The Three Sisters of Tenmasou Inn (天間荘の三姉妹, Ryuhei Kitamura, 2022)
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Haunted Houses in Japan
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Taiso Samurai – 05 [Battling Samurai]
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Taiso Samurai – 03 [Dueling Samurai]
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Taiso Samurai – 7-8 [Training Camp Samurai/Intensive Samurai Training]
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Jang-Gae: The Foreigner (醬狗, Chang Chih-Wei, 2020)
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Taiso Samurai – 02 [Rock-Bottom Samurai]
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Lesbian Fuuzoku Anthology (レズ風俗アンソロジー)
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Real Haunted Places in Japan
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Haunted Junction’s Screwed-Up Morals
Written into a corner
Ep. 35: City Vol 1, by Keiichi Arawi
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CITY: The Lesser-Known Lovechild of Keiichi Arawi
The industrial revolution led to urbanization. Urbanization led to technological innovation. Technological innovation led to advanced weaponry. Advanced weaponry led to the invention of the atomic bomb. The…
Girls Love of the Dead, Kioku no Kakera, Volume 2 (ガールズラブ・オブ・ザ・デッド〈記憶のかけら〉)
In Girls Love of the Dead, Shi ga Futari wo Waka..tanai? we met Mitsuki, a young woman mourning the death of the girl she loves. In her attempt…
Seven Samurai
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Seven Samurai
This was the first episode of our Akira Kurosawa series with Chris (@antoniuspius) on it, so I...
Samurai Reincarnation
The late Kinji Fukasaku is most fondly remembered for his hold-no-bars yakuza flicks, characterised by their hard-as-nails anti-heroes and brutal action. However, in the late 1970s, the director…