By Shigeru Sagazaki and Tetsuhiro Nabeshima. Released in Japan as “Katainaka no Ossan, Kensei ni Naru: Tada no Inaka no Kenjutsu Shihan Datta noni, Taisei Shita Deshitachi ga Ore o Hōttekurenai Ken” by SQEX Novels. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Hikoki. What is the audience for this series? Honestly, it’s primarily “people who just like to read light novels”, followed by “people who are curious if the series will ever end with him choosing a girl or will it go poly’. That said, I wonder if there are actually any kendo practitioners who might be reading this, because a lot of this 4th volume seems to be written to those students, telling them not to forget the basics. Well, and also reminding muscleheads trying to teach... The post From Old Country Bumpkin to Master Swordsman: My Hotshot Disciples Are All Grown Up Now, and They Won’t Leave Me Alone, Vol. 4 first appeared on Manga Bookshelf.

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