This one's about last year.
Aug 3, 2019 • Subscribe
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Protected: The Backlog: a Third Year in Review
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The Backlog: A Year (or Two) in Review
This one's about the time we spent together.

The Backlog, Year 4: A Quarantine in Review
This one is about the incredibly long year of 2020-2021.
“Another Birthday Year 🥞
I am feeling very reflective this birthday 🎈 As you can tell I am very excited to have shelves once again, a birthday gift from my parents and…

Another Year, Another Problematic Crunchyroll Anime Awards
You know, I poke fun at the Crunchyroll anime awards a lot. I really do but, sometimes me picking fun at it is just me hiding thinly veiled…

Year In Review: 2020
With 2020 finally in the rear-view mirror, let’s take a look at some of the highlights in the world of anime, manga and video games. I really slacked…

Year in review 2021
As I sit at my desk typing up this long overdue post, I’m reflecting on all that has changed over these last 6 months. Normally this post would…

2023 Year in Review
Books Book that made me nod my head again and again and also left me deeply unsettled: Naomi Klein’s Doppelganger Best book about scary caves: The Luminous Dead…
2020 Year in Review
2020 is over and I can imagineI’m not the only one breathing a big sigh of relief. I’m sure just like many of you reading this, 2020 came…
Year in Review 2023
A new year, a new reflection on the past year’s events. These posts have become somewhat therapeutic over the past few years, helping me look back at the…
Year in Review: 2018
With 2018 behind us, let’s take a look back at some of the best things it had to offer.

2024 Year in Review
At this point I just can’t be bothered to rank things and I honestly don’t know if I could, at least with movies, so here are a bunch…

Year in Review 2022
Can you believe this will be the fifth time I get to write this post? Technically the blog is just over 6 years old at this point, but…
Year in Review: 2019
Can you believe another year has passed already? With 2019 behind us, let’s take a look back at some of the best things it had to offer.

The Anime Backlog - Gunbuster
We're checking out Gainax's 1988 hit for the very first time! Hideaki Anno made his big directorial debut and with it, history.

The Anime Backlog - Symphogear
After over 10 years, Lynzee tries out Symphogear but like a song played off-key, she can't quite connect with its incongruent elements.
The Manga Critic’s Year in Review: 2023
At the beginning of 2023, I vowed to post one review or essay per month, a goal I met for the first half of the year. Then work…

Another Year Older and Another Year…..I have no idea what to title this
So, it has been a while. I have been on a rather extended hiatus due to being busy with work and falling out of anime. Since my last…

In Another Language (2021) review
An enjoyable indie romance narrative that elegantly plays with the fact that lie and truth are fundamentality interwoven within a subject’s speech.

I cast an eye back over what I watched and read in 2021 (New and old).

2016 Anime Year in Review
Anime 2015 was a fairly decent year, but it came off the heels of a garbage year for anime. 2016 seems so much better now. I’d say 2016…
Ace Attorney, Hundred, Phoenix, Sailor Moon Crystal, Flying Witch
2019 Anime Year in Review
Previous: 2018 Anime Year in Review 2019 Winter in Review – Final Thoughts 2019 Spring in Review – Final Thoughts 2019 Summer in Review – Final Thoughts […

2021 Anime Year in Review
Hi everyone I’ve returned with my regular yearly round-up! For those who are new every year, I go through all the anime and manga I consumed and discuss…

Stínolez’s Year-in-review (2021)
It’s the beginning of a new year, and like everybody else I’m looking behind and wondering how I was able to survive 2021. We were all…
2019 Manga Year in Review
[ Last post: 2019 Manga Mid-Year in Review! ] [ Standard disclaimer: Spoilers! Lots of spoilers! ] Ranking is looser here than it is with my anime lists.…
2017 Anime Year in Review
2017 was like most years in anime: a lot of crap, some amusing but forgettable shows, some pretty good shows and a small number that seem like real…
Gabriel DropOut, Hozuki's Coolheadedness, Little Witch Academia, My Hero Academia, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju

2023 Gunpla Year In Review
This guide marks a major milestone for Gunpla 101: our TENTH year-in-review post in a row! Gunpla 101 has been around for an entire decade! John and I…
Ty’s Year in Review (2019)
2019 was another awesome year for the anime fandom. Sure, it saw its fair share of controversies – while everybody else was getting all worked up over Fire…
2018 Anime Year in Review
Overall this feels like one of the weaker years for anime in recent memory. Yes, I’m giving 3 “outstanding” ratings, but 2 of them are for series begun…
GeGeGe no Kitaro, Golden Kamuy, Karakuri Circus, March Comes in Like a Lion, My Hero Academia

Colleen's 2024 Year in Review
Take a trip down memory lane as I recount my 15 favorite things of 2024. I may have hit a manga reading slump this year, but that didn't…

2021 Gunpla Year in Review
This is our second Gunpla Year in Review that has taken place during a global pandemic—not a milestone I ever wanted us to reach! However, it’s been interesting…

2022 Gunpla Year in Review
It gets quicker to make this list every year, and that’s not necessarily a good thing. In 2022, by my count, we got 30 new Gunpla this year.…
Yet another year of Anime Valentines!
Yes, I’m back again this year with more cheesy puns for your Valentine needs. Save & print any card individually , or you can print them a...
Sailor Moon S, The Big O, Black Jack, Cowboy Bebop, My Neighbor Totoro
2020: Another Weak Year For Anime?
Visit the post for more.

The Anime Backlog - Macross Plus
With only hazy memories from a satellite TV airing in the '90s, Lynzee takes her first full foray into Macross.

The Anime Backlog - Princess Tutu
Lynzee takes on one of the esteemed magical girl classics to see if this is a real fairy tale or a shadowplay.

The Anime Backlog - Millenium Actress
This Satoshi Kon film is as timeless as its leading lady.

The Anime Backlog - Hellsing Ultimate
Lynzee slays the Nosferatu Arucard, but isn't sure if she enjoyed the experience.
The Anime Backlog - Alien 9
Lynzee dusts off an old DVD and discovers an OAV full of gory action sequences and 12-year-old girls frequently crying for their mommies.

The Anime Backlog - Robot Carnival
This is a perfect film.

2021 Anime Year in Review: #1 (and Anime of the Year Video)
To thine own self be true... Read more

Another STRONG YEAR Incoming For The One Piece Anime
Another STRONG YEAR Incoming For The One Piece Anime Episodes of the year poll - Henry's tweet - Become a member! - Discord - Twitch - Facebook Page -…

Burn that Backlog!
Inspired by this Mashable article.

2022 Year in Review - Part 1
Technically this is Episode 50 as well as the 1-year anniversary of Manga Musings. Hope 2023 is just as crazy and weird as 2022 was!Part 2 will be…

2022 Year in Review - Part 2
Part 2 of our 2022 year in review, in which we cover series that began in or near last year, as well as a commemoration of series we… :: (Show #603) Year in Review
Shownotes :: (show 603) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Show #603, Year in Review, recorded live December 24th, 2016.…

Happy New Year: 2022 in Review
Hey, thanks for stopping by Mono's Anime Rants. All that's left of the December Holidays is New Year's Eve. To commemorate the past year, I put together an…

2021 – An Anime Year in Review
Happy New Year! Or, at least, I hope that this new year has the potential to be happier than the last couple have been. As many… critiques as…

Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World Review — F
This is possibly the most awful anime I have ever watched. And I have watched a lot of awful anime.